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AccueilAbstracta IranicaVolume 274. Histoire, Période Musulmane4.2. Histoire du XVe au XIXe siècle4.2.1. Safavides et QâjârsKumi Kawata. « The Political Clim...

4. Histoire, Période Musulmane
4.2. Histoire du XVe au XIXe siècle
4.2.1. Safavides et Qâjârs

Kumi Kawata. « The Political Climate in Nineteenth Century Iran; The Early Political Career of Ḥosein Qolī Khān-e Māfī ». Bulletin of the Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan, 45-1(2002), pp. 172-190 [in Japanese].

Akihiko Yamaguchi

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Ma‘sumeh Ettehādiyeh
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Texte intégral

1This paper describes in detail how a man of modest origin could raise himself to a prominent position in the Qajar political milieu. The early career of Ḥosein Qolī Ḫān-e Māfī (1832/3-1908) is discussed here. Analyzing his memoirs, Ḫâterât va Asnâd-e Ḥosein Qolī Ḫān Neẓâm al-Salṭaneh-ye Māfī, edited by Ma‘ṣumeh Etteḥādiyeh et al., 2nd ed., Teheran, 1362/1983-4, the author argues that, serving Solṭān Morād Mīrzā Ḥesām al-Salṭaneh (1818-1883), Ḥosein Qolī Ḫān did not only become quite experienced in administrative works, but also learned to act with great tact among men of power.

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Référence électronique

Akihiko Yamaguchi, « Kumi Kawata. « The Political Climate in Nineteenth Century Iran; The Early Political Career of Ḥosein Qolī Khān-e Māfī ». Bulletin of the Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan, 45-1(2002), pp. 172-190 [in Japanese]. »Abstracta Iranica [En ligne], Volume 27 | 2006, document 178, mis en ligne le 02 janvier 2007, consulté le 18 avril 2024. URL : ; DOI :

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