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Jean-Christophe Peyssard

Égypte/Monde arabe

09/07/2008, Kurzinfo überarbeitet am 18/12/2010

Égypte/Monde arabe (EMA) est une revue de sciences sociales publiée au Caire par le Cedej (Centre d'études et de documentation économiques, juridiques et sociales). Le site de la revue vous donne libre accès à la totalité du texte intégral de sa collection depuis son premier numéro de 1990. La politique d'édition électronique d'Égypte/Monde arabe fixe un délai de restriction d'une année entre l'édition papier et la publication en libre accès de ses nouveaux numéros sur le Web.

Égypte/Monde arabe affiche sa volonté de s’adresser aussi bien à un public de chercheurs qu'à un public de non spécialistes à la recherche de « clés de lecture pour comprendre les tensions et les mutations qui travaillent le monde arabe et musulman contemporain et, notamment, l’Égypte ». Chaque numéro de la revue est thématique : L’Égypte dans le siècle, 1901-2000 ; L’expédition de Bonaparte vue d’Égypte ; Les architectures constitutionnelles des régimes politiques arabes...

Le site possède un moteur de recherche et deux index (auteurs, mots-clefs).

Égypte/Monde arabe adhère à, portail de revues scientifique en sciences humaines et sociales.

Letzte Artikel

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  • > A Memory Debate: The Controversial Case of the Lesseps Statue in Port Said

    This article presents the life trajectory of the statue of Ferdinand de Lesseps in Port Said, as well as the controversies surrounding its possible return to the city. It attempts to shed light on how collective memory shapes the course of present events. The article does not elaborate on the life of Lesseps himself (and whether or not he deserved to have a statue erected in his honor at the entrance of the Canal), but shows, through the debates and controversies over the statue, the discrepa...

  • > Sur les traces d’Enayat Zayyat (extrait, p. 99-111)

    Il n’y a pas de place Astra sur les cartes de Dokki, et encore moins de rue Abdel-Fattah-Zeini. Une fois de plus, je prie Nadia Lutfi de se souvenir du nom. « Chez Enayat, c’était chez moi. Sur la place où il y a le magasin des Laiteries Astra. Vous n’avez qu’à demander, c’est bien simple, ce sont les meilleurs produits laitiers d’Égypte. »

    Bon, les Laiteries Astra vendaient peut-être les meilleurs produits laitiers d’Égypte jusqu’à la dernière fois où Nadia est allée chez Enayat, le jo...

  • > Searching for a Past: French Colonial Memory of Ismailia in the early 20th Century

    Memory of life in Ismailia as depicted in the newsletter of former French speaking expatriates, the Journal de Timsah, relating to the large saline rich interior body of water on which Ismailia looks upon, and connecting Ismailia and Egypt to the imagery of a crocodile. The newsletter, used to update former/exiled French speaking expatriates (and Egyptians in France, who also appear on the membership list), provided photographs, essays and, in several issues, recipes to remind the readers of ...

  • > Fragment(s) of Memor(ies): The Enduring Question of Space and Storytelling

    For decades, the twin issues of remembering and memorialising space on one hand, and forgetting and neglecting on the other hand, have been intertwined with attempts at carving spaces for memory. While many initiatives and actions have grappled with these questions, this special issue asks: What animates these endeavours? What does the act of remembering promise? How does forgetting operate as an ever-present looming threat? How are the stories of the past told? Where? By whom? Within which c...

  • > A Political Geography of Cairo’s Eastern Suburban Spaces

    Egypt’s suburban areas have been undergoing multiple developments since the coming to power of current Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. In 2014, the president announced the project of the New Administrative Capital (NAC), which includes the moving of the administrative offices from downtown Cairo to the newly found suburban space. The symbolic importance around the creation of the NAC is in its constant attachment with the rise of the “new republic” in the president’s speeches. Howeve...

  • > Lamenting Old Nubia Through Music: Between Past and Present, Egypt and the Diaspora

    This paper focuses on the relationship between memory, music and space in the Nubian displaced villages, near Kom Ombo. The construction of the Aswan High Dam (1964) and the displacement of 113 000 Nubians has left them facing trauma of loss and sorrow. A new genre in Nubian music called aghânî al-tahgîr or songs of displacement is a result of the hardships of displacement, in which Nubians lament the loss of their homes. These songs form a living archive and contribute in telling a history t...

  • > The Three Decisions of Umm Bîjû: Walking in Suez and Seeing the Ghosts of 1967 War

    Umm Bîjû was among the few people who decided not to leave Suez after the 1967 war when almost 70% of the inhabitants had to leave the city because of the war. During my fieldwork in November 2018, she decided to walk me around her neighborhood in Suez, al-Kassâra. This article follows three decisions of Umm Bîjû. First, the decision of taking me on a tour comes as part of her interest in maintaining a personal archive of the period of the war and displacement in Suez and points to the centra...

  • > The Violence of Memory and Movement: Reading Cairo from its Ring Road

    This paper explores the memory of construction and destruction on the Greater Cairo Ring Road, a 106-km road encircling Cairo and its periphery. Taking two novels, East of the Ring Road and Fleeing the Ring Road, as my interlocutors, I ask: how do the Ring Road’s literary narratives complement a macro-political economy analysis of urban development, infrastructure, and (im)mobility in Cairo? I argue that the novels reconstruct trajectories of urban development by centering often marginalized ...

  • > The Afterlives of Cairenes: the Making of New Social Geographies from Elsewhere than Bulaq Abule’lla

    Some major events change people’s lives, while everyday events constitute their living times. In this paper, I look at the afterlives of Maspero Triangle and Ramlet Bulaq where the residents were dispossessed through forced and negotiated evictions (Khalil 2019, 102), unfulfilled promises, and discursive violence. I argue how varied forms of violence, along with the conflicts around real estate, created a status of being as afterlives for the people’s everyday details in the aftermath of leav...

  • > Biancani Francesca, Sex Work in Colonial Egypt: Women, Modernity and the Global Economy

    The absence of licensed brothels in today’s Cairo is haunted by the stories presented in Francesca Biancani’s monograph. Through an extensive archival work supported by an anthropological eye, she investigates a currently invisible phenomenon that was once a subject of many legal debates and disputes among different political, economic, social, and religious forces- colonial, foreign, and national ones alike. Using pictures, songs, and novels that describe these times as well, the book highli...



Jean-Christophe Peyssard, « Égypte/Monde arabe », Aldébaran, Revues, bulletins et lettres d'information, [Online], Online erschienen am: 09 Juli 2008 10h07. URL : Besucht am 18 April 2024.

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