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Anaïs Salamon

The Afghanistan Analyst

13/12/2012, Kurzinfo überarbeitet am 13/12/2012

The Afghanistan Analyst is a collective blog initially launched in 2006 by Christian Bleuer, who graduated from the Australian National University’s Centre for Arab and Islamic Studies in 2012 (PhD). He and his collaborators collect, publish and bring together a great number of pertinent and valuable resources on Afghanistan. The blog aims to be a research portal for scholars, students and journalists.

The visitor will find amongst other things: a list of blogs from and about Afghanistan, a list of Pashto Language resources, some extensive bibliographies on Afghanistan, and on Afghan Law, as well as lists of Research Centers and Non-Governmental Organizations.

Most resources are in English, and some in German and French.

The blog is in English.




Anaïs Salamon, « The Afghanistan Analyst », Aldébaran, Blogs et listes de diffusion, [Online], Online erschienen am: 13 Dezember 2012 18h13. URL : Besucht am 16 April 2024.

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