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Autres enseignements et recherches
III. Équipes accueillies au Collège de France
Institut de physique

Photonique quantique / Quantum photonics

Institut de physique
Alexei Ourjoumtsev
p. 655

Texte intégral


Responsable : Alexei Ourjoumtsev

Équipe : Alexei Ourjoumtsev, Kilian Müller, Nicolas Vitrant, Senka Ćuk, Merlin Enault-Dautheribes


1Our team focuses on experimental research in quantum optics. In particular, we are developing new techniques allowing one optical photon to change the quantum state of another in a controlled and deterministic way. In the experimental platform currently under construction, photons will be injected in a gas of cold atoms and converted into collective atomic excitations, involving specific quantum states with strong mutual interactions. The photons will then be retrieved in well-controlled states keeping a trace of these interactions. This system will be used to test the limits of fundamental no-go theorems in quantum logic, measure physical quantities inaccessible to standard detectors, and deterministically engineer entangled light beams for Heisenberg-limited sensing. Ultimately, it will give access to a yet unexplored regime where intracavity photons form a strongly correlated quantum fluid, with spatial and temporal dynamics ideally suited to perform real-time, single-particle-resolved simulations of non-trivial effects appearing in condensed-matter systems.

2The performance of this system may be improved with a set of new experimental techniques. We are currently developing an ultra-compact optical system allowing us to trap, manipulate and image a small atomic cloud with a resolution of ~1µm. In collaboration with the Optical Imaging team of Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, we are transposing wavefront-correction methods developed for biomedical imaging to replace “traditional” centimeter-scale high-resolution optics, too bulk to fit in our apparatus, with a high-numerical-aperture multimode optical fiber with a ~200µm diameter. The current setup allows us to load a small cold atomic cloud in an optical dipole trap located ~1mm from the fiber tip, and to characterize the propagation of the light in the fiber by scanning an aberration-compensated 1µm laser probe near its distal in-vacuum end. We are now building an optical conveyor belt to transport the atoms closer to the fiber in order to reach the desired optical resolution.


3Grankin A., Brion E., Boddeda R., Ćuk S., Usmani I., Ourjoumtsev A. et Grangier P., « Inelastic photon scattering via the intracavity Rydberg blockade », Physical Review Letters, vol. 117, n° 25, 2016, p. 253602, DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevLett.117.253602 [arXiv: 1604.06385].

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Référence papier

Alexei Ourjoumtsev, « Photonique quantique / Quantum photonics »L’annuaire du Collège de France, 117 | 2019, 655.

Référence électronique

Alexei Ourjoumtsev, « Photonique quantique / Quantum photonics »L’annuaire du Collège de France [En ligne], 117 | 2019, mis en ligne le 04 juin 2020, consulté le 16 avril 2024. URL : ; DOI :

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