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Ongoing Research/Recherche en cours

Correspondence & Co-Word Analysis of Ten Years of BMS Articles (1993-2003)

Karl M. van Meter, Philippe Cibois et Mathilde de Saint Léger
p. 48-65


Analyse des correspondances et analyse par mots clefs de dix ans d'articles du BMS (1993-2003): Avec le programme Trideux d'analyse factorielle des correspondances et le programme Calliope d'analyse de co-occurrence de mots clefs, nous traitons la base données constituée de tous les mots clefs décrivant les articles de recherche et les rapports "recherche en cours" publiés par le BMS de décembre 1993 à octobre 2003. Nous présentons les résultats de ces analyses, suivis de la liste complète des tables des matières, l'index des auteurs et celui des titres des articles et des rapports.

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Texte intégral


1In issue number 41 (December 1993) of the BMS, we published a full list of the tables of contents of issues 1 to 40, along with an alphabetic index of all authors and research centers present in those issues, and an alphabetic index of all research articles published during that period. In our previous issue, n. 80 (October 2003), we promised to do the same for issues 41 to 80. At the end of this article, you will find the list of tables of contents, the author/centre index and the article-title index.

2The Editorial Board of the BMS also decided that an analysis of that material was in order; after all, we are supposedly specialists in the original application of methods of analysis in sociological research, so there is no reason not to apply such methods to our own work. Therefore, using the English-language abstracts for each of the research and ongoing research articles published in the BMS from issue number 41 to issue 80 (October 2003), we constructed a data file with each entry (article) identified by the series of key words which appeared with the article in the BMS. That data file was then analyzed using a correspondence analysis method and co-word analysis method.

Correspondence Analysis of Ten Years of BMS

3Philippe Cibois, one of the founders of the BMS, used his TriDeux factorial correspondence analysis program (Cibois, 1984 & 1995) to produce the following diagram of the research and ongoing research articles published by the BMS over the past ten years. The first or horizontal axis extends from the left, with Chi-square, Interviewing, Sampling, etc., to the right where we find Validity, Comparative, Collection, etc. This seems to be a "methods" axis going from more formal methods to more abstract methodological considerations.

4The second or vertical axis moves up from Text, Language, Poverty, Well-Being, etc., to Careers, Time, Profession, Errors, etc. It appears to go from more social considerations and approaches toward more professional considerations.

5Not surprisingly, we find Sociology in the center with a closely packed collection of specific methods of analysis grouped around it. Although there are outliers, the collection of key words is organized in a relatively concentric manner around the origin of the graph with density increasing toward the center.

6With this general overview, we decided to look more closely at particular associations or classes of key words to see if we could clarify the dense concentration around the origin of the factorial diagram. For that purpose, we used the same data to analyze the similarity of co-occurrence of key words in the abstracts of BMS articles from 1993 to 2003.

Figure 1: TriDeux factorial correspondence analysis of the research and ongoing research articles published by the BMS over the past ten years

7(under preparation/en préparation)

Co-Word Analysis of Ten Years of BMS

8Mathilde de Saint Léger (1997) developed a new Windows-based program of text analysis (Calliope) based on Leximappe-Lexinet, a method of classification using co-occurrence of key words as a measure of similitude, a method which has been presented previously in the BMS (Van Meter, Turner & Bizard, 1995; Van Meter & Turner, 1997). As with Leximappe-Lexinet, the two-dimensional strategic diagram produced by Calliope has a horizontal axis of "centrality" (strength of external ties) and a vertical axis of "density" (strength of internal ties). This divides the diagram into four quadrants with the first quadrant (central and dense) often referred to as "mainstream science", the second quadrant (dense but not central) as "ivory tower" science, the third quadrant (non-dense, non-central) as "chaos" or "unstructured science", and the fourth quadrant (central but not dense) as "bandwagon science".

Figure 2: The strategic diagram of the research and ongoing research articles published by the BMS over the past ten years

Figure 2: The strategic diagram of the research and ongoing research articles published by the BMS over the past ten years

9Rather characteristically for a social science journal published in France and publishing in French (besides English), the terms Social Science and France figure in quadrant one below and both are central (see the external ties in the strategic diagrams on the left) and dense (see the strength of the internal ties in the diagrams on the right). Note that the strength of these ties is relative to an initial threshold of 50. Below 50, ties are drawn as dashed lines and not as continuous lines of varying thickness (proportional to strength).

10The Social Science class shows the importance of the ISA Research Committee on Logic and Methodology (RC33) and its October 2000 conference in Cologne (BMS, 2000; Van Meter, 2003). Not only was the Cologne conference reviewed extensively in the BMS, it was also the source of several articles published in the BMS. This central sociological methodology class, which appears to be thematic, is complemented by a more geographic but international class centered around the term France and including Germany, Great Britain and The Netherlands, all countries where RC33 is well-represented and producing sociological methodology articles published in the BMS. It is interesting to note that a specific type of sociological methodology is also associated with these four countries: social network analysis. Indeed, these four countries are active in that field and several have hosted one of the international "Sunbelt" social network conferences.

Figure 3: The cluster France

Figure 3: The cluster France

Figure 4: The cluster Social Science

Figure 4: The cluster Social Science

11On the border between the first and the fourth quadrant, we find CAPI (Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing) with ties to, and situated between, the Sensitive Question class and the Measurement Error class. Its internal ties map out most of the domain of modern questionnaire interviewing.

Figure 5: The cluster CAPI (Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing)

Figure 5: The cluster CAPI (Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing)

12Qualitative Data Analysis and Measurement Error are clearly in the fourth quadrant and, therefore, have weaker external ties. Although they do have certain strong internal ties (particularly relative to their weak external ties), compared to CAPI, France and Social Science, they are not strong classes.

Figure 6: The cluster Qualitative Data Analysis

Figure 6: The cluster Qualitative Data Analysis

Figure 7: The cluster Measurement Error

Figure 7: The cluster Measurement Error

13The Sociology class has weak internal ties with Internet and stronger internal ties with Evaluation. Sociology's internal ties are weak with Social Science and with France. It clearly merits its position of dense but not central.

14Social Mobility is in the third non-dense, non-central quadrant. Its internal ties are with Context Effect and Multilevel Analysis, and, more weakly, with Sociological Methodology. Its weak external ties are with France and Qualitative Data Analysis.

15Structural Equation Model (SEM) shares the third quadrant with Social Mobility but has no ties with it. SEM has a weak external tie with measurement error and medium-strength internal ties with Lisrel, Cluster Analysis and Comparison Method.

16In the second Ivory Tower quadrant (dense but not central), Contingency Table has no external ties but strong internal ties with Data Analysis and Measure of Information.

17Similarly, Validity has no external ties (a rather delicate remark to this subject matter) and only internal ties with construct validity (very strong ties) and much weaker ties with survey methodology.

18Again in the second quadrant, Linear Model has no external ties but very strong internal ties which form a solid triangle with Logit Model and Categorical Dependent Variable.

19Tabular Analysis, which has no external ties, forms a solid (strong internal ties) group with Linear Regression and Logistic Regression and Qualitative Data.

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Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique (2000), Special Issue - RC33 Cologne 2000 Social Science Methodology Conference, n. 68.

Mathilde de Saint Léger (1997), Modélisation de la dynamique des flux d'informations: Vers un suivi des connaissainces, CNAM, thèse de doctorat, décembre.

Philippe Cibois (1984), Méthodes post-factorielles pour le dépouillement d'enquête, Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique, n. 1, October, pp. 41-8.

Philippe Cibois (1995), Tri-Deux version 2.2, Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique, n. 46, March, pp. 119-124.

Karl M; van Meter (2003), Second RC33 Cologne 2000 Social Science Methodology Conference Report, Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique, n. 78, pp. 31-58.

Karl A. van Meter, William A.Turner & Jean-Baptiste Bizard (1995), Cognitive Mapping of AIDS Research 1980-1990 - Strategic Diagrams, Evolution of the Discipline and Data Base Navigation, Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique, n. 46, March, pp. 30-44.

Karl M; van Meter & William A.Turner (1997), Representation and Confrontation of Three Types of Longitudinal Network Data from the Same Data Base of Sociological AIDS Research, Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique, n. 56, September, pp. 32-49.

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BMS Tables of Contents (1993-2003)

BMS  Author Index (1993-2003)

Ackermann (W) N. 65
Aluja-Banet (T) N. 72
Amar (R) N. 65, 75, 77
Aris (E) N. 66, 74
Aris (H) N. 74

Barnett (GA) N. 44
Beckenbach (A) N. 48
Beekman (ATF) N. 51
Besser (H) N. 54
Best (H) N. 42
Bilodeau (A) N. 67
Bizard (JB) N. 46
Blais (A) N. 62
Bless (H) N. 48
Blöss (T) N. 69
Boeije (H) N. 75
Bonnet (E) N. 66
Borgers (N) N. 66
Bouvard (L) N. 75
Brien (JS) N. 61
Brugidou (M) N. 64, 70
Bulcock (J) N. 53
Bulmer (M) N. 50

Campanelli (P) N. 42, 55
Carton (A) N. 67
Cautres (B) N. 70
Chartron (G) N. 61
Chateauraynaud (F) N. 79
Cherfouth (A) N. 46
Cibois (P) N. 44, 64, 67, 69
Clavet (M) N. 61
Cochoy (F) N. 66
Cohen (EH) N. 75, 77
Corti (L) N. 73
Couppié (T) N. 49
Cummins (R) N. 71

Dalud-Vincent (M) N. 76
De Heer (W) N. 48, 64
De Leeuw (ED) N. 41, 44, 48, 58, 62, 64, 66, 79
Deeg (DJH) N. 51
Demazière (D) N. 49
Dendani (M) N. 43
Dex (S) N. 49, 52
Diaz de Rada (V) N. 69
Dickes (P) N. 50
Didier (E) N. 69
Doreian (P) N. 61
Droitcour (JA) N. 75
Dubus (A) N. 65
Duquenne (V) N. 46
Durand (C) N. 59, 62, 76
Duster (T) N. 54
Dutch Scientific Statistical Agency (WSA) N. 71

Erickson (BH) N. 60
ESRC Research Centre on Micro-Social Change N. 44
European Science Foundation N. 46

Fayet-Scribe (S) N. 61
Ferligoj (A) N. 78
Ferrand (A) N. 43
Ferriss (AL) N. 71, 72
Fielding (NG) N. 57

GAMMAnet N. 42
Gazeau (JF) N. 77
Gerber (ER) N. 55
Gerhardt (U) N. 45
Giami (A) N. 47
Gilbert (F) N. 45
Gilbert (GN) N. 47, 56
Giraud (C) N. 52
Goyder (J) N. 58
Grossetti (M) N. 69

Hagenaars (J) N. 66
Hagerty (MR) N. 71
Hajnal (I) N. 50, 58
Hak (T) N. 62
Halfpenny (P) N. 57
Halpin (B) N. 60
Hamel (J) N. 52, 67
Hamilton-Smith (N) N. 60
Hampton (KN) N. 62
Haythornthwaite (C) N. 50
Hlebec (V) N. 78
Hopkins (M) N. 60
Hout (M) N. 54
Hox (JJ) N. 46, 48, 51, 58, 66, 79

International Institute of Sociology (IIS) N. 41
International Social Science Council N. 47
Interuniversity Center for Social Science Theory and Methodology (ICS) N. 80

Jang (HY) N. 44
Jansen (H) N. 62
Jansson (I) N. 59
Jeannin (P) N. 78
Jenny (J) N. 54
Juan (S) N. 47

Kaplan (G) N. 46
Klein (H) N. 70
Klovdahl (AS) N. 43, 48
Kop (JL) N. 50
Korpès (JL) N. 47
Krause (J) N. 72
Krebs (V) N. 79

Lamnek (S) N. 41
Land (K) N. 71
Laporte (A) N. 63
Larson (EM) N. 75
LASMAS - Institute du Longitudinal N. 48
Laurie (H) N. 52
Lavigne (C) N. 47
Le Guen (M) N. 49, 73, 77
Le Quéau (P) N. 64
Le Roux (B) N. 65
Le Roux (D) N. 65
Lee (RM) N. 57
Lemay (M) N. 76
Lensvelt-Mulders (G) N. 75
Levy (S) N. 65
Leydesdorff (L) N. 71
Loosveldt (G) N. 48, 50, 56, 58, 63

Maas (CJM) N. 48, 51
Marin (A) N. 64
Marpsat (M) N. 71
Matthews (Z) N. 57
Meir (EI) N. 77
Michalos (AC) N. 71
Michel (F) N. 44
Mounier (L) N. 43
Müller (C) N. 64

Nathan (G) N. 73
Nieuwbeerta (P) N. 51
Nordholt (ES) N. 52
Nosanchuk (TA) N. 60
Noyer (JM) N. 61

Ohly (R) N. 42

Pawson (R) N. 47
Peterson (M) N. 71
Petry (F) N. 61
Piazza (T) N. 54
Pickery (J) N. 63
Popping (R) N. 70
Pottier (ML) N. 80

Reber (B) N. 79
Reuband (KH) N. 80
Reysset (P) N. 70
Riggs (FW) N. 71
Robert (P) N. 80
Rodriguez (JA) N. 45
Rothgeb (JM) N. 77
Rouanet (H) N. 65

Saganenko (G) N. 59
Scelles (R) N. 47, 57
Schechter (S) N. 55
Schwager (KW) N. 43
Schwarz (N) N. 48
Segal (H) N. 77
Seifert (TL) N. 53
Sharpe (A) N. 71
Sirgy (J) N. 71
Smit (JH) N. 51
Snijders (T) N. 73
Snijkers (G) N. 55, 79
Spreen (M) N. 59
Stofer (R) N. 76
Stokman (FN) N. 49

Tardos (R) N. 53
Tchibozo (G) N. 74
Thio (S) N. 72
Thomas (R) N. 42, 59
Tournois (J) N. 50
Troitzsch (KG) N. 56
Tucker (C) N. 55
Turner (WA) N. 46, 56

Ubbiali (G) N. 60

Van de Bunt (GG) N. 56
Van den Avenne (C) N. 70
Van den Berg (H) N. 53
Van den Eeden (P) N. 51
Van der Zouwen (J) N. 48, 64
Van Meter (KM) N. 41, 42, 46, 56, 61, 63, 68, 78, 79
Velleman (R) N. 57
Vidal (J) N. 65
Vogel (J) N. 71
Vorst (H) N. 48

Waege (H) N. 54
Wale (CJ) N. 51
Walsh (JP) N. 45
Wellens (TR) N. 55
Wellman (B) N. 50, 64
Wiggins (RD) N. 51
Willis (GB) N. 55
Wittek (R) N. 63
Wolf (C) N. 54
Wooffitt (R) N. 43
Yamashita (RC) N. 54

Zauberman (R) N. 80
Zetka (JRJr) N. 45


BMS  Article-Title Index (1993-2003)

(The) Allow-Forbid Asymmetry in Question Wording - A New Look at an Old Problem N. 80
(L')Analyse de Données Tabulaires avec les Modèles Linéaires et Loglinéaires N. 74
(L')analyse de situations à l'épreuve des scénarios - L'exemple des actions qualité dans l'organisation N. 66
Analyse latticielle d'un réseau de proximité N. 46
Analyse multiniveaux N. 73
(The) Analysis of Poverty Spells N. 52
Application de la théorie de réponse aux items à l'analyse d'échelles d'attitude N. 59
Application of Lexicometry in a Sociological Perspective N. 43
Applications of Computer Software in the Sociological Analysis of Qualitative Data N. 57
Applying Sociology - Conversation Analysis in the Study of Humane-(Simulated) Computer Interaction N. 43
Apports de logiciels d'Analyse de Données Textuelles dans les procédures d'analyse de contenu d'entretiens semi-directifs de recherche - Alceste et Hyperbase N. 57
Are University Departments Research Organisations? A Paradox of Academic Life N. 50

(La) boîte à moustache pour sensibiliser à la statistique N. 73
Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique (BMS) 10 year indexes N. 41

(The) Challenge of (Longitudinal) Intra-Organizational Social Network Research (in the Netherlands) N. 56
Children as Respondents in Survey Research - Cognitive Development and Response Quality N. 66
Claffification, Cross-Classification Analysis and Generalized Blockmodeling N. 61
Closed Structures, Open Structures, Stable Structures Explaining Structural Form and Temporal Stability of Informal Social Networks in Organizations N. 63
Cognitive Mapping of AIDS Research 1980-1990 - Strategic Diagrams, Evolution of the Discipline and Data Base Navigation N. 46
Comment analyser les données chronologiques pour plan partitionné en sciences sociales N. 61
Comment parler des tests statistiques aux étudiants français de sociologie? Réponse à Philippe Cibois N. 69
Comparaison de l'analyse structurale et de l'analyse scientométrique dans l'étude de la production scientifique N. 76
Remarques sur la comparaison entre modèles linéaire et logit N. 66
Comparative Analysis Using Large Scale National Data Sources of Women's Employment N. 52
(The) Compatibility of Structural Equation Modelling and Cluster Analysis - An Example N. 53
Computer-Assisted Data Collection, Data Quality and Costs -  A Taxonomy and Annotated Bibliography N. 44
Computer-Assisted Interviewing - The Design and Application of Survey Software to the Wired Suburb Project N. 62
Computer-Assisted Qualitative Interviewing - A Method for Cognitive Pretesting of Computerized Questionnaires N. 55
Computer-Assisted Questioning - The New Survey Methods in the Perception of the Respondents N. 48
Contact and Stereotyping in a Voluntary Association N. 60
Contextual Effects of Class Mobility on Voting Behaviour in 16 Western Countries - 1956-1990 N. 51
Course Syllabus - Empirical Knowledge in Sociology - Studying of the Research Principles and Approaches, Cognitive Opportunities of the Methods, Specificity of Obtained Results N. 59
Covariance Structure Modeling in Windows - A Multitrait-Multimethod Analysis Using Amos, Eqs, and Lisrel N. 46
Cultural Differences in Organizational Communication - A Semantic Network Analysis N. 44
Curriculum vitae et connaissance préalable des personnes - leur intérêt pour la conduite des entretiens biographiques N. 66

De la sociologie de la science aux revues de sociologie N. 78
(La) demande de logement - l'exemple de Saint-Priest (Rhône) N. 45
(Le) demi revenu médian, martingale du seuil de pauvreté? N. 77
Detecting Aberrant Response Patterns in Multi-Item Scales - Some Nonparametric Indices and a Computer Program N. 58
(The) Domains of the Quality of Life N. 72
Dutch Scientific Statistical Agency (WSA) N. 71

(A propos de l')échantillon. De l'utilité de quelques mises au point N. 67
(The) Effect of Interviewer Attitude on Survey Cooperation N. 76
(The) Effects of Interviewer and Respondent Characteristics on Answer Behaviour in Survey Research - A Multilevel Approach N. 51
(Les) enquêtes de victimation et la connaissance de la délinquance N. 80
ESRC Research Centre on Micro-Social Change N. 44
European Science Foundation N. 46
(An) Evaluation of a Typology of Respondents with a Multilevel Multinomial Logit Model N. 63
Evaluation of Cognitive Interviewing Techniques - Do the Results Generalize to the Field? N. 55
(An) Evaluation of Some Clustering Methods for Mixed Mode Variable Data Sets N. 58
(Un) exemple d'articulation de méthodes d'analyse qualitatives et quantitatives sur des entretiens semi-directifs - les représentations du handicap N. 47
External Variables as Points in Smallest Space Analysis - A Theoretical, Mathematical and Computer-Based Contribution N. 75

Facteurs socio-culturels et présentation de soi dans différents contextes d'enquête - Analyse d'un exemple de discordance N. 63
Faire comprendre le Khideux. A propos de l'Introduction aux méthodes statistiques en sociologie de Thierry Blöss et Michel Grossetti N. 69
Feminist Methodology - Is It Fact or Fiction? N. 46
Frame Analysis of Open Interviews on Interethnic Relations N. 53
From Paradigms to Eclecticism - Thematic Profiles of German Language Core Sociology Journals 1984-1991 N. 42

GAMMAnet - A Facilitating Network N. 42
(The) Geometric Analysis of Questionnaires - The Lesson of Bourdieu's La Distinction N. 65

Honest by Chance - A Qualitative Interview Study to Clarify Respondents' (Non-)Compliance with Computer-Assisted Randomized Response N. 75
How Do Successful and Less Successful Interviewers Differ in Tactics for Combating Survey Nonresponse? N. 62
How to Use SPSS to Study Ego-Centered Networks N. 64
ILO Unemployment and Registered Unemployment - A Case Study N. 59

(Les) Incohérences dans le Renseignement du Temps pour le Secteur Linge-Couture-Tricot de l'Enquête "Modes de Vie" N. 52
(An) Innovative Technique for Asking Sensitive Questions - The Three-Card Method N. 75
Intensité de liaison et masse d'information des tableaux de contingence - deux problèmes de mesure en analyse des données N. 44
Interaction Characteristics in Question-Wording Experiments N. 56
International Conference on Methodology and Statistics, Ljubljana, 15-18 September 2002 N. 78
International Institute of Sociology (IIS) N. 41
International Social Science Council N. 47
(Some Remarks on the) Interpretation and Possible Uses of the "Social Capital" Concept with Special Regard to the Hungarian Case N. 53
Interuniversity Center for Social Science Theory and Methodology (ICS), The New Dutch ICS 2003-2008 Research Program N. 80
(An) Interviewer Network - Constructing A Procedure to Evaluate Interviewers N. 67
Introduction - Multilevel Analysis N. 51
Introduction aux méthodes statistiques en sociologie de Blöss & Grossetti et leur enseignement en France N. 69
(An) Intuitive Introduction to Blockmodeling with Examples N. 61
Is Current Validation Valid? Some Intriguing Problems with Traditional Validation Designs For General (Value-) Surveys N. 54
Is it Fitting to Use the Telephone Directory as a Frame Population in Surveys? An Analysis of the Case in Spain N. 69
(The) ISCO-88 International Standard Classification of Occupations in Cross-National Survey Research N. 54

(Compte-rendu de la) Journée d'études du CIDSP - Les nouvelles méthodes d'analyse des entretiens - Analyse assitée par ordinateur et capitalisation des entretiens non-directifs de recherche N. 70

Landmark Papers in Survey Statistics N. 73
LASMAS - Institute du Longitudinal N. 48
Le dire et le dit dans les entretiens - Eléments pour le traitement de la complexité du langage N. 70
Levels of Protection - Confidentiality in Network Research N. 48
Liaison et information dans les tableaux de contingence -  commentaire de l'article de Frédéric Michel N. 44

Marlowe, Prospéro et la technologie littériaire N. 79
Measuring Collective Identities of Canadians - A Nested Concentricity Model N. 58
Mental Construal Processes and the Emergence of Context Effects in Attitude Measurement N. 48
Mesurer la Sensibilité aux Consitions Initiales dans les Processus Individuels de Première Insertion Professionnelle - Proposition de Procédure et Application N. 74
(Une) méthode d'analyse des séquences N. 65
(Les) méthodes de sélection des premiers sondages américains N. 69
Méthodes et pratiques formalisées d'analyse de contenu et de discours dans la recherche sociologique française contemporaine. Etat des lieux et essai de classification N. 54
Methodological Issues in Survey Research - A Historical Review N. 64
Methodological Issues Surrounding the Application of Cognitive Psychology in Survey Research N. 55
Méthodologie de la démarche de recherche en sociologie - Didactique du projet de recherche N. 47
Modal Auxiliaries in Text Analysis N. 70
Mode Effects in Survey Research - A Comparison of Mail, Telephone, and Face to Face Surveys N. 41
Modèle linéaire contre modèle logistique en régression sur données qualitatives N. 64
Modèles d'equations structurales et sens de la causalité dans les études longitudinales - une application au bien-être subjectif N. 50
Modeling Conflict and Exchange in Collective Decision Making N. 49
Modelling Intergenerational Transmission in Longitudinal Birth Cohorts Using Multilevel Methods N. 51

"New Age" Travellers, Urban Slum Dwellers, Aborigines and Drug Users - Experiences of Collecting Sensitive Data from Marginalised Communities N. 57
New Technologies in Sociological Research - BMS' On-Line Expericnce, ISA's Email Questionnaire and the Computer-Literacy Gap N. 63
Nonresponse in Surveys - Determining the Research Agenda for the Future N. 79
Nonresponse to Mail Surveys in a Lower-Class Urban Area. A Two-Stage Exploration of Access Failure and Refusal N. 62

Observation et modèle linéaire ou logistique - Réponse à Aris et Hagenaars N. 67
Overview of Text Analysis Software N. 70

Panel Comparability and the PACO Data Base N. 53
Perspectives on Pretesting - "Cognition" in the Cognitive Interview? N. 55
(Une) petite pré-enquête - The Challenge of Social Network Research in France N. 43
Practical Issues in Collecting Life-Time Work Histories in Surveys N. 42
Primacy of Multilevel Analysis with Respect to Hierarchically Organized Data N. 51
Problems in Comparative and Triangulated Homelessnes Research N. 71
(The) Profile of the Difficult-to-Interview Respondent N. 48
Proxy Networks - Analyzing One Network to Reveal Another N. 79
(A) Qualitative Protocol for Studying Technological Change in the Labor Process N. 45

Quality and Quantity, Agency and Structure, Mechanism and Context, Dons and Cons N. 47
Quality of Life Indexes for National Policy - Review and Agenda for Research N. 71
(The) Quality of the Quantity - Information Technology and the Evaluation of Data N. 54
Quel parti va gagner les élections? Avantages et faiblesses d'une question numérique N. 67
Questionnaire Development, Evaluation, and Testing Methods (QDET) Conference - Good Discussions, Debates, and Dining in Charleston N. 77

(Les) "rafales", une méthode pour identifier les différents épisodes récit - Contribution au traitement et interprétation des entretiens nonctifs de recherche N. 64
RC33 Cologne 2000 Social Science Methodology Conference - Invited Speakers' Abstracts N. 68
RC33 Fall 2002 Newsletter, Past-President's Report, 1998-2002 Report to the ISA, Brisbane Session Reports N. 76
RC33 Fall 2003 Newsletter, Reports and News, RC33 2004 Amsterdam Conference, CARME 2003, Information Coordinator's Reports N. 80
RC33 Newsletter  President's Report, Secretary's Report, Abstracts of RC33 World Congress Presentations N. 42
RC33 Newsletter  President's Report, Secretary's Report, Past President's Report, Essex '96 N. 48
RC33 Newsletter  President's Report, Secretary's Report, Past President's Report, ISA Congress Report N. 44
RC33 Newsletter  President, Secretary, & Past President Reports N. 46
RC33 Newsletter - President's Report, Secretary's Report, Information Coordinator's Report, Conference Organizer's Report N. 68
RC33 Newsletter Fall 1999 N. 64
RC33 Newsletter N. 52, 60
RC33 Newsletter, President's Report, Secretary's Report, Information Coordinator's Report N. 70
RC33 Newsletter, President's Report, Secretary's Report, Information Coordinator's Report, Vice-President Conferences' Report N. 72
RC33 Newsletter, President's, Secretary's & Past President's Reports N. 54
RC33 Research Committee "Logic and Methodology" (RC33) Spring Newsletter & Brisbane Sociological Methodology Program N. 74
RC33 Research Committee Logic & Methodology Newsletter N. 62
RC33 Spring 2000 Newsletter N. 66
RC33 Spring 2003 Newsletter, Reports and Membership Lists N. 78
Recent Trends in Validity Theories of Measurement N. 43
(The) Relation between Quantitative and Qualitative Social Research N. 57
(The) Reliability of Recall Data - A Literature Review N. 49
Representation and Confrontation of Three Types of Longitudinal Network Data from the Same Data Base on Sociological AIDS Research N. 56
Researching the Market for Sociologists and Sociologists' Careers - Overview and Initial Results N. 41
Réso comme outil de structuration des catégories socioprofessionnelles N. 76
Response Developments and the Fieldwork Strategy N. 48
Robust Strategies for Application of Cluster Analyses N. 58
Russian Sociology - A Short Russian Presentation N. 45

Scientometrics and Science Studies N. 71
Se souvenir de son passé professionnel - Appel à la mémoire dans les enquêtes rétrospectives et construction social des données N. 49
Second RC33 Cologne 2000 Social Science Methodology Conference Report N. 78
Séminaire LASMAS-IDL des 7 et 8 janvier 2002 - Les expériences nationales d'études de cohortes et leur apport aux sciences sociales N. 75
Sensitive Topics - Sensitive Questions - Overview of the Sociological Research Literature N. 68
(The) Sensitivity of Hierarchical Clustering Solutions to Irrelevant Variables N. 50
Social Science Microsimulation N. 56
(The) Social Structure of Sociology in Spain N. 45
Sociological Methodology N. 42
Sociology as a Profession in Europe N. 41
Solaris, l'expérience d'une revue scientifique sur Internet N. 61
Statistique, Imagerie et Sciences Cognitives N. 49
Stratégie discursive de professionnels de la représentation N. 60
Survey Data Fusion N. 72
Survey Nonresponse, Measurement Error, and Data Quality - An Introduction N. 48
Survey Participation as Reasoned Action N. 48
Symposium on Celebrating Sociology - Pioneers of British Qualitative Research N. 73

Tableaux croisés et diagrammes en mosaïque, Pour visualiser les probabilités marginales et conditionnelles N. 77
Tension, Adventure, and Risk (TAR) and the Classification of Occupations - A Multidimensional Analysis N. 77
Testing Survey Questions - New Directions in Cognitive Interviewing N. 55
Theory‑driven Interviewing - From Theory into Practice N. 60
Thoughts on the Clarification of Sociological Concepts N. 71
(Sur le) Tournant Méthodologique de Pierre Bourdieu et le Développement de la Méthodologie Qualitative en Sociologie N. 52

Unified BHPS work-life histories - Combining multiple sources into a user-friendly format N. 60
(The) Use of Local Networks in a Study of Heroin Users - Assessing Average Local Networks N. 59
(The) Use of Multidimensional Partial-Order Scalogram Analysis with Base Coordinates (MPOSAC) in Portraying a Partially-Ordered Typology of City Wards by Social-Medical Criteria N. 65
(The) Use of Weberian Ideal-Type Methodology in Qualitative Data Interpretation - An Outline for Ideal-Type Analysis N. 45
Using computer simulation to study social phenomena N. 47
Using SAS to Convert Ego-Centred Networks to Whole Networks N. 50

Verbatim - une expérience de capitalisation d'entretiens qualitatifs N. 65

Why Did the Polls Go Wrong in the 1998 Quebec Election? The Answer from Post-Election Polls N. 62
WWW -- Search Engines, An Alternative to the Social Science Database? N. 72

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Table des illustrations

Titre Figure 2: The strategic diagram of the research and ongoing research articles published by the BMS over the past ten years
Fichier image/jpeg, 24k
Titre Figure 3: The cluster France
Fichier image/jpeg, 48k
Titre Figure 4: The cluster Social Science
Fichier image/jpeg, 44k
Titre Figure 5: The cluster CAPI (Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing)
Fichier image/jpeg, 48k
Titre Figure 6: The cluster Qualitative Data Analysis
Fichier image/jpeg, 40k
Titre Figure 7: The cluster Measurement Error
Fichier image/jpeg, 42k
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Pour citer cet article

Référence papier

Karl M. van Meter, Philippe Cibois et Mathilde de Saint Léger, « Correspondence & Co-Word Analysis of Ten Years of BMS Articles (1993-2003) »Bulletin de méthodologie sociologique, 81 | 2004, 48-65.

Référence électronique

Karl M. van Meter, Philippe Cibois et Mathilde de Saint Léger, « Correspondence & Co-Word Analysis of Ten Years of BMS Articles (1993-2003) »Bulletin de méthodologie sociologique [En ligne], 81 | 2004, mis en ligne le 09 juillet 2008, consulté le 18 avril 2024. URL :

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Karl M. van Meter


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Philippe Cibois

Printemps-Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin,

Mathilde de Saint Léger


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