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Projets de rencontres 2005-2006

Résidence du Corpus Troporum

Centre d’études médiévales, Auxerre, 19-23 octobre 2005
Gunilla Iversen

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Mots-clés :

trope, poésie liturgique
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1Les membres du Corpus Troporum, animé depuis des années par Gunilla Iversen (Stockholm), sont invités en résidence au Centre d’études médiévales d’Auxerre. Ce court séjour est destiné à mettre au point la publication du projet Sapientia- eloquentia. Il a été demandé au groupe d’organiser une journée sur les séquences et tropes de dédicace d’église (dimanche 23 octobre 2005).

Presentation of the research project Corpus Troporum

2The research project Corpus Troporum (formerly “Projektet Troper”) has been working since 1970 providing text editions of tropes to the chants of the medieval mass 900-1200. The project, for a long time supported by the Swedish Research Council, and has mainly been carried on by Ritva Jacobsson, Gunilla Björkvall and Gunilla Iversen.

3During the coming years the following volumes are planned to be published : Bodil Asketorp’s edition of tropes to the dedication, Ritva Jacobsson’s edition of the tropes to the Saints and Gunilla Björkvall’s edition of the offertory prosulae. Gunilla Iversen will hopefully be able to continue the work on the edition of the tropes to Gloria in excelsis and their interpretation.

4Within the project a large number of articles has been published, several research meetings and a series of ESF (European Science Foundation) conferences have been arranged by the Corpus Troporum project. The Corpus Troporum archive of books, articles and micro-films is now housed in two parts of the newly combined Department of French, Italian and Classical Languages, Stockholm University, and will hopefully remain as a resource for us and for our colleagues from all over the world.


5CORPUS TROPORUM I. Tropes du propre de la messe 1. Cycle de Noël, éd. R. JONSSON et alii, Stockholm, 1975 (Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis, Studia Latina Stockholmiensia [= SLS] 21).

6CORPUS TROPORUM II. Prosules de la messe 1. Tropes de l’Alleluia, éd. O. MARCUSSON, Stockholm, 1976 SLS 22).

7CORPUS TROPORUM III. Tropes du propre de la messe 2. Cycle de Pâques, édition critique des textes par G. Björkvall, G. Iversen, R. Jonsson, Stockholm, 1982 (SLS 25).

8CORPUS TROPORUM IV. Tropes de l’Agnus Dei, édition critique suivie d’une étude analytique par G. Iversen, Stockholm, 1980 (SLS 26).

9CORPUS TROPORUM V. Les deux tropaires d’Apt mss. 17 et 18, inventaire analytique des mss. et édition des textes uniques par G. Björkvall, Stockholm, 1986 (SLS 32).

10CORPUS TROPORUM VI. Prosules de la messe 2. Les prosules limousines de Wolfenbüttel, édition critique des prosules d’Alleluia du ms.Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek Cod. Guelf. 79 Gud. Lat. par E. Odelman, Stockholm, 1986 (SLS 31).

11CORPUS TROPORUM VII. Tropes de l’ordinaire de la messe. Tropes du Sanctus. Introduction et édition critique par G. Iversen, SLS 34. Stockholm, 1990 (SLS 34).

12CORPUS TROPORUM IX. The Tropes for the Feasts of the Blessed Virgin, éd. A.-K. Johansson, Stockholm, 1998.

Collected studies

13Research on Tropes. Proceedings of a Symposium Organized by the Royal Academy of Literature, History, and Antiquities and the Corpus Troporum (June 1-3, 1981, Kungl. Vitterhets, Historie och Antikvitets Akademien. Konferenser 8), ed. G. Iversen, Stockholm, 1983.

14Liturgische Tropen. Referate zweier Colloquien des “Corpus Troporum” in München (l983) und Canterbury (1984). Münchener Beiträge zur Mediävistik und Renaissance-Forschung, hrsg. Von G. Silagi, München, 1985.

15Pax et Sapientia. Studies in Text and Music of Liturgical Tropes and Sequences. Corpus Troporum, Stockholm, 1986 (SLS 29).

16La tradizione dei tropi liturgici. Atti dei convegni sui tropi liturgici (Parigi, 1985- Perugia, 1987) organizzati del Corpus Troporum sull’auspicio della ESF, Centro italiano di studi sull’alto medioevo di Spoleto, ed. E. Menesto, C. Leonardi, Firenze, 1990.

17Recherches nouvelles sur les tropes liturgiques. Recueil d’études réunies par W. Arlt, G. Björkval, Stockholm, 1993 (SLS 36).

Editions in preparation

18Tropes for the Dedication of a Church. Edition of text and music by B. Asketorp.

19Tropes des fêtes des saints et de la croix, éd. R. Jacobsson.

20Prosules de l’offertoire, éd. G. Björkvall.

21Tropes du Gloria in excelsis, éd. G. Iversen.

Sapientia – eloquentia. Studies on the Function of liturgical Poetry in monastic and scholastic Cultures in Medieval Europe

22The Sapientia-project is based at the Department of Classical Languages at Stockholm University since 2001. The work is carried out by scholars from Stockholm University and Södertörn University College in close collaboration with scholars from the École Pratique des Hautes Études (Sorbonne) in Paris, Cambridge University and British Library, Medieval Institute at Leeds University, and Copenhagen University. The project is related to already existing international and Nordic research networks : Cantus Planus ; FIDEM (Fédération Internationale d'Instituts d'Études Médiévales) ; the Ritual-project at the Center for Kultur og Kristendom, in projects financed by NorFA (Nordic Academy for Advanced Study), and Norsis.

The Aim of the Project

23The intention of the project is to explore and shed further light changes in functions and forms in poetry, particularly in liturgical poetry, from the ninth through the twelfth centuries, and in medieval interpretations of this poetry. It aims to examine changes in the relationship between poetry and music in theory and practice that begin to take place in the transition from a monastic culture to a new, scholastic culture in twelfth century Europe.

24In a series of editions and comparative studies, the members of the project examine, present and analyse medieval liturgical ‘functional poetry’ belonging to a monastic and pre-scholastic culture, and of medieval commentaries and glosses to these poetic genres. Furthermore, medieval understanding of musical theory and its relation to musical practice is being examined.

Members of the Sapientia-project

25A. Andrée, Fil.lic., Doctoral student, Institutionen för klassiska språk, SU, Sweden.

26N. Bell, Dr., Curator, Music Collections, The British Library, London, UK.

27M.S. Cavalcante Schuback, Docent, Ass. Prof., Filosofiska institutionen, Södertörns Högskola (Södertörn University College), Sweden.

28M.-N. Colette, Prof., Directeur d’Etudes, École Pratique des Hautes Études (IVe Section), Paris, France.

29W. Flynn, Dr., Reader, Center for Medieval Studies, University of Leeds, UK.

30G. Iversen, Prof., Project leader, Institutionen för klassiska språk, SU, Sweden.

31E. Kihlman, Fil.lic., Doctoral student, Institutionen för klassiska språk, SU, Sweden.

32N.-H. Petersen, Prof., Leader of the Center for the Study of the Cultural Heritage of Medieval Rituals, Det teologiske Fakultet, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

Major publications in preparation within the Sapientia-project

33A. Andrée, Gilbertus Universalis: Glossa Ordinaria in Lamentationes Ieremie Prophete. Prothemata et Liber primus. A Critical Edition with an Introduction and a Translation, Studia Latina Stockholmiensia, SU (Doctoral dissertation).

34E. Kihlman, Medieval Sequence Commentaries. Introduction and Edition of Commentaries and Prologues, Studia Latina Stockholmiensia, SU (Doctoral dissertation, forthcoming).

35Sapientia-eloquentia. Meaning and Function in Latin Poetry in the Middle Ages.

36A joint volume with the final studies by all the members of the project to be published by Brepols.

37La Parole chantée, a joint volume still in progress, prepared by M.-N. Colette, G. Iversen to be published in the series Témoins de notre historie, éd. P. Bourgain (Brepols).

38A Compact Disc with examples of the text and music from the works studied in the project is planned to be made. The recording will make this poetry available for a larger audience.

Sequences and tropes for the Dedication of a Church

39Departing, basically, from material treated in the Sapientia volume we will discuss some examples of tropes and sequences for the Dedication of a Church in manuscripts related to places such as Compiègne, Limoges and Moissac, with participation of Marie-Noël Colette and Gunilla Iversen, and eventually Bodil Asketorp who is preparing an edition of the tropes.

40Dramatic representational forms used in the performance of the dedication will be discussed by prof. Nils-Holger Petersen.

41Interventions by other scholars in the Sapientia-group, and our French colleagues.

42(Among liturgical poetry to be treated are the tropes Divinus succendat amor, Concinat en plectrum, Gloria Flos laudis, and the sequences: Rex celice, Letetur et concrepet, Quam dilecta, Rex Salomon)

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Electronic reference

Gunilla Iversen, Résidence du Corpus Troporum”Bulletin du centre d’études médiévales d’Auxerre | BUCEMA [Online], 9 | 2005, Online since 03 November 2006, connection on 19 April 2024. URL:; DOI:

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About the author

Gunilla Iversen

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