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10ème Colloque Européen de Géographie Théorique et Quantitative, Rostock, Allemagne, 6-11 septembre 1997

10th Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography
6-11th September 1997

Texte intégral

1After Strasbourg, 1978, Cambridge, 1980, Augsburg, 1982, Veldhoven, 1985, Bardonechia, 1987, Chantilly, 1989, Stockholm, 1991, Budapest, 1993, Spa, 1995, the 10th Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography was held in Rostock, Germany, from 6 to 11th September 1997. The local organizer was Otti Margraf, from Leipzig University. We can hardly convey an idea of the atmosphere which illuminated our pilgrimage to Von Thünen’s farm in Tellow, a central place for geographers! But you will find below some of the 61 papers which were presented, by 80 participants coming from 17 different countries. A book of proceedings also is under preparation, by O. Margraf and J. Albrecht. The 11th Colloquium will take place in Durham, September 1999, and will be organized by S. Fotheringham.

2Après Strasbourg, 1978, Cambridge, 1980, Augsburg, 1982, Veldhoven, 1985, Bardonechia, 1987, Chantilly, 1989, Stockholm, 1991, Budapest, 1993, Spa, 1995, le 10e Colloque de Géographie Théorique et Quantitative s’est tenu à Rostock, en Allemagne, du 6 au 11 septembre 1997. L’organisateur local était Otti Margraf, de l’Université de Leipzig. Il est difficile de rendre sensible l’atmosphère du pèlerinage qui fut accompli dans la ferme de Von Thünen à Tellow, un lieu très central pour tous les géographes! Mais vous trouverez ci-dessous un certain nombre des 61 communications présentées par les 80 participants issus de 17 pays différents. Des actes du colloque sont en cours de préparation, par O. Margraf et J. Albrecht. Le 11e colloque aura lieu à Durham en septembre 1999, et sera organisé par S. Fotheringham.


3[69] Some methods for the determination and the evaluation of non-fragmented and minimal disturbed landscapes areas.
Olaf KAPPLER (10/12/98; 16 p.)

4[66] A Fuzzy Set Approach to Using Linguistic Hedges in Geographical Information System.
Allan BRIMICOMBE (08/12/98; 9 p.)

5[63] Is there an ‘I’ in GDIS? The problem of representation in geodemographic and lifestyles systems.
Rich HARRIS (18/11/98; 22 p.)

6[61] Space-time Contraction and the Dynamics of Urban Systems.
Anne BRETAGNOLLE, Denise PUMAIN, Céline ROZENBLAT (10/07/98; 12 p.)

7[52] Soil pollution in an urban area: a GIS approach.
Daniel DELAHAYE, Pierrich FOLLIGNE, Yves GUERMOND, Jean-Pierre VAPAILLE, Renaud ZAMBEAUX (19/03/98; 9 p.)

8[40] Landscape evaluation of heterogeneous areas using fuzzy sets
Ralf-Uwe SYRBE (05/02/98; 13 p.)

9[39] Modelling interactions between biophysical and social systems: the example of dynamics of vegetation in Causse Mejan (France)
M. COHEN, F. ALEXANDRE, N. MATHIEU (29/01/98; 8 p.)

10[35] Predicting Wine Quality from Terrain. Characteristics by Regression Trees.
Reiner SCHWARZ (07/11/97; 10 p.)

11[31] Durability of settlement systems: a long term perspective
Lena SANDERS (02/10/97; 10 p.)

1211 Septembre 1997

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« 10th Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography
6-11th September 1997 », Cybergeo: European Journal of Geography [En ligne], Dossiers, mis en ligne le 11 septembre 1997, consulté le 18 avril 2024. URL : ; DOI :

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