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1This collection of papers is the result of the first academic cooperation between the Poetics and Linguistics Association (PALA) and the Société de Stylistique Anglaise (SSA) that took place at the University of Lyon (Jean Moulin – Lyon 3) in September 2011. Surprisingly, these two associations had never collaborated despite common interests and aims. There are several historical reasons for that. French stylistics took the “pragmatic turn” much later than “Lancastrian Stylistics” and was mostly influenced by narratology and enunciative grammar. French stylisticians working in English Departments were de facto caught between these two traditions. However, the influence of British scholars such as Geoffrey Leech and Mick Short, with their world- famous Style in Fiction, published in 1981, has always been important but only too rarely institutionally acknowledged on this side of the Channel.

2The purpose of this international symposium was two-fold. Firstly, it seemed important to acknowledge the influence of Style in Fiction thirty years on as it is still a must-read for all stylisticians. Secondly, it was a good opportunity to strengthen the links between PALA and SSA members. This is precisely what eighteen scholars, coming from Britain, The Netherlands, Denmark, Spain and France did in Lyon. Michael Burke, the then PALA chair, shared the same views and showed great support. As PALA Ambassador, it seemed to me it was important to set the academic wheel in motion.

3In France, the University of Lyon (Jean Moulin – Lyon 3) seemed to be the ideal venue for such a symposium. Indeed, Professor Jean-Pierre Petit, who taught stylistics and English literature in the English Department for most of his career, had the foresight of choosing Style in Fiction as the standard textbook for final year students as early as 1981 and Style in Fiction is still on the syllabus today. Many PhDs in Stylistics have been completed in Lyon 3 and it can safely be argued that Style in Fiction has, more or less directly, something to do with this.

4The University of Jean Moulin – Lyon 3 has also established very close links with PALA members or Palans. Indeed, since 2008, twelve scholars have taught in Lyon 3 as part of our Discourse Analysis Conferences scheme.

5Clara Mallier (Université Michel de Montaigne, Bordeaux 3), an active SSA and PALA member, was instantly enthusiastic about the project and kindly accepted to co-organise this event with me. It was only natural to associate Dan McIntyre to the publication of this collection of papers as, along with Lesley Jeffries, he showed great support and enthusiasm when I first mentioned this symposium at the 2009 Middelburg PALA conference.

6Financially, this symposium was supported by the Poetics & Linguistics Association, the Société de Stylistique Anglaise as well as Pearson - Longman. Financial contribution also came from three research groups: CLIMAS – EA 4196 (Université Michel de Montaigne – Bordeaux 3), CEL – EA 1663 (Université Jean Moulin – Lyon 3) and CREA – EA 370 (Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense).

7I would like to thank Geoffrey Leech and Mick Short again for instantly accepting to attend the symposium and be the keynote speakers. It was a great honour and an immense pleasure to have them both with us in Lyon. We welcomed them as international scholars and, if I may say, we parted as friends.

8The board of the SSA decided that this special issue of ESA would be distributed to all PALA members. Please, feel free to join the SSA!

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Référence papier

Manuel Jobert, « Foreword »Études de stylistique anglaise, 4 | 2013, 9-10.

Référence électronique

Manuel Jobert, « Foreword »Études de stylistique anglaise [En ligne], 4 | 2013, mis en ligne le 19 février 2019, consulté le 19 avril 2024. URL : ; DOI :

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Manuel Jobert

Professeur de stylistique anglaise
Université Jean Moulin – Lyon 3, France
Président de la Société de Stylistique Anglaise
PALA Ambassador

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