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The governance of female drug users

The governance of female drug users

Women's experiences of drug policy
Natasha du Rose, The governance of female drug users. Women's experiences of drug policy, Bristol, Policy Press, 2015, 356 p., ISBN : 9781847426727.
Notice publiée le 30 mars 2016

Présentation de l'éditeur

This book is the first to examine how female drug user's identities, and hence their experiences, are shaped by drug policies. It analyses how the subjectivities ascribed to women users within drug policy sustain them in their problematic use and reinforce their social exclusion. Challenging popular misconceptions of female users, the book calls for the formulation of drug policies to be based on gender equity and social justice. It will appeal to academics in the social sciences, practitioners and policy makers.

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Natasha du Rose

Natasha Du Rose is a lecturer in criminology and sociology at the University of Roehampton, UK. She has extensive research experience in drug use and policy and has also conducted research on restorative justice and self-injury. Before receiving her PhD at the University of Bath in 2006, Natasha worked in women's therapy and crisis centres for seven years, co-ordinating and training helpline volunteers and training professionals on women's mental health.

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