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In this paper we present the contents and entire transcript of the will of the noblewoman Stelidija of Duino drawn up in 1380 in Rijeka, and which today is kept in the Historical Archives of the Province of Gorizia in Gorizia. The will contains valuable data which contribute to the knowledge of the historical, judicial, cultural and religious aspects of the still insufficiently known and researched period of the Duino lords and mediaeval Rijeka.

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Texte intégral

  • 1 This paper is co-financed by the University of Rijeka - project SREBAK 
  • 2 Compare Swida 1890, p. 62-63; Turus 1913, p. 350.

1The will of Stelidija of Duino is stored in the Historical Archives of the Province of Gorizia (L'Archivio Storico della Provincia di Gorizia) in Gorizia, in the Pergamene collection.1 It is written on 27.3 x 19.2 cm sized parchment. It is well-preserved and the writing of the will is neat and legible, although in some parts the ink has faded. A regesta of this will has been published on two occasions. Francesco Swida published it for the first time in 1890, and the second time it was published by Emilio Turus in 1913. Both authors described the document as the will of the noblewoman Stelidia, the widow of Hugo of Duino and presented an indication of the time and place of the creation of the will, the names of universal heirs, witnesses and the name of the notary who composed the will.2

  • 3 See Kos 1923, p. 91-134; Pichler 1882, p. 156. In the literature there are various forms of the na (...)
  • 4 Kos initially states the existence of the document composed on 11th June 1380 from which it is evi (...)
  • 5 Štih 1992, p. 316.

2Slovenian historian Franc Kos wrote about the will in 1923 in a study about the history of the Duino lords, attempting to disprove an earlier thesis of Rodolf Pichler about Stela or Stelichia, and/or Stilihija according to Kos.3 Namely, on the basis of various archival sources, known to Pichler, from the genealogy of the Duino family, Stela or Stelichia was the second wife of Hugo II of Duino and the mother of Rudolf II. Kos rejected Pichler’s thesis on the basis of the mentioned will which Stilihija or Stela had composed in 1380. However according to facts that he presented about the will it is not certain if he was familiar with the complete text of the document or just with Swida’s regesta.4 He concluded that Stilihija had been the second wife of Hugo III of Duino and the mother of Rudolf II. In recent times archive material which mentions Stilihija of Duino has also been presented by the prominent Slovenian mediaevalist Peter Štih, investigating the relationships and history of the Gorizia counts and the Duinos. Like Kos, Štih also concludes that Stilihija was the wife of Hugo III of Duino and the mother of Rudolf III, however amongst the documents her will is not mentioned.5

3Our aim is to present the complete contents and transcript of the text of the will which contribute significantly to the knowledge of the historical, judicial, cultural and religious aspects of the still insufficiently known and researched period of the Duinos and mediaeval Rijeka.

  • 6 Ladić 2012, p. 89.

4The protocol of the will begins with the words hec est copia testamenti infrascripti from which we find out that this is a copy of the will. We know from preserved Dalmatian inventories of goods that copies of wills were kept in houses with other important private documents which tell us that copies were drawn up for a certain amount of money, upon the request of the testator and members of their families.6 In the absence of reliable sources we assume that the same practice was also operative in Rijeka.

  • 7 The presence of seven witnesses during the recording of the will in Rijeka also corresponds with t (...)

5Stelidija’s will was made on 11th June 1380, in her home in Rijeka, in the presence of seven witnesses – the Captain of Prem Ivan Çeconer, the Captain of Rijeka Panelino, the Captain of Kastav Posije, Nikola son of the late Nikola, the judge Matulo Vidović, Pavao from Carinthia and a merchant Aldrigeto from Rijeka.7 We have no other sources or information about the witnesses. In this context it is also interesting that we don’t come across the names of three mentioned captains of Prem, Rijeka and Kastav in historical literature.

  • 8 In the absence of reliable sources former researchers presented various presumptions about the fou (...)

6At the time of making the will Stelidija emphasises how she is of sound mind and intellect (sana mente et intelectu), but of weakened body which is expressed with the words licet corpore languens. This is the usual statement of a late mediaeval wills. Also in accordance with notaries technicality is the statement about the fear of an unexpected and intestate death as the reason to make a will. Stelidija leaves legacies pro anima sua, for her soul in possessions (land, vineyards) to the Church of St Mary and the Monastery and Church of St Augustine in Rijeka.8

  • 9 About the use and meaning of the word vilicus in the Middle Ages see the example: Andrić 2013, p.  (...)
  • 10 Klana is a settlement north-west of Rijeka in Primorje-Gorski Kotar County and today the centre of (...)

7In her first provision of the will Stelidija bequeaths the land through Stjepan from Klana, the administrator of her estate, to the Church of St Mary’s for the value of 100 small Venetian librae to purchase a book for the needs of the church. This provision stipulates that if any of her heirs paid the mentioned one hundred small librae to the Church of St Mary for the procurement of the book, they can keep the mentioned land. Therefore, Stelidija allocated the land (terra) to the church, which is clearly defined and stated by the name of the administrator of her estate (vilicus).9 In this way the name of Stjepan from Klana remained recorded in the document.10

  • 11 Anno 1405. die 15. mensis Novembris – obiit Domina Betta, Soror Divinarii, et sepulta fuit in Cape (...)
  • 12 Kobler 1896, vol. 1, p. 132.
  • 13 Kobler 1896, vol. 1, p. 131. Kobler is probably thinking of the will of the priest Lovro Golubić ((...)

8Stelidija subsequently bequeaths and orders that someone from her heirs uses the inherited goods to renovate the altarpiece and everything necessary in her Chapel of St George in Rijeka. Regarding the existence of the chapel we only have the notes presented by Pichler and Giovanni Kobler. Both authors quote the work Austria sacra by Andreas Fidler (known also as pater Marian or Marian Fidler). Fidler states how around 1600 a notary Hortensius Rastellus de Guardia of Rijeka transcribed and authenticated a document from a book of the Rijeka chapter. The document was noted by a notary canon Marko, according to which a sister of the Duinos Betta died on the 15th November 1405. She was buried in the Chapel of St George near the altar and she donated her possessions in Veprinac to the chapter.11 Although Pichler’s and Kobler’s interest was focused on uncovering the identity of the mentioned Betta or Elizabeta and her legacy with the Rijeka chapter, writing about the tombs that were located in the Church of St Mary, Kobler states that her tomb had to exist in the church and that the mass was still celebrated in her memory. He also states that the members of the chapter paid their respects to her in the lower part of the church behind the last pew on the left, probably the site of the former tomb.12 Just a few lines before, Kobler describes how a notary’s entry from 1537 says that the tomb for the clergy in the Church of St Mary was in the Chapel of St George.13 Although to Kobler both claims do not tie up, it is clear that he believed that the mentioned chapel was located in the Church of St Mary.

  • 14 We equate the noted toponym Susach with Sušak, a place within the mediaeval manorial estate of Got (...)

9Furthermore Stelidija bequeaths to the monastery of St Augustine the land through Tomaž de Susach14, the administrator of her estate, for eight marks of small Venetian soldi to purchase a chalice pro anima sua and obligates her heirs to pay the necessary costs. As the mentioned legacy to the Church of St Mary, Stelidija’s heirs were able to keep the mentioned land with the payment of the mentioned costs.

  • 15 The previously defined meaning of the word cescendelo is taken from known Dalmatian examples. See (...)
  • 16 Among the oldest altars in the church Torcoletti mentions an altar from the 15th century, the alta (...)

10Stelidija then orders that one of her heirs has to build an altar dedicated to St Michael in the Church of St Augustine from her assets. For the mentioned altar her heirs were obliged to permanently keep it alight with three candles or lamps15 during their lives, for which Stelidija left the land through the administrator of her estate, Gerda from Klana. After their deaths the mentioned land would go to the monastery for the same purpose. The authors who wrote about the oldest altars in the church don’t mention the existence of the altar of St Michael.16

  • 17 On the basis of available information it is not confirmed to which location the toponym Bolboçe re (...)

11Stelidija also left to the Church of St Mary the vineyard which was held by Smolina from Pag, located on Bolboçe17, under the condition that his heirs could buy up the same vineyard or one in another place for nine marks of Venetian soldi.

  • 18 The noted toponym of Moscenice refers to the present settlement of Moscenice on the east coast of (...)
  • 19 See Štih 1992, p. 316.
  • 20 Compare Pichler 1882, p. 156, 225, 226; Kobler 1896, vol. 1, p. 79, 82, 278; vol. 2, p. 23; vol. 3 (...)

12Stelidija left all her worldly goods also including the vineyards in the regions of Mošćenice and Viçic18, in memory of her late husband Hugo de Duyno, to her universal heirs domine Anne and domine Bethe, whom she addressed as her sisters and daughters (sororibus et filabus suis). In the mentioned study of the history of the Duino lords Kos states how Stelidija’s mentioned husband Hugo de Duyno is certainly Hugo III of Duino, which is also confirmed by the latest archival research of the remaining documents which mention Stelidija.19 Likewise, in the regestas of the will and in Kos’s study, it states how the mentioned Anna and Betha are Stelidija’s sisters which, according to the way in which she addresses them in the will, cannot be confirmed with certainty. In the literature we come across various information which is linked with the names of Anna and Betha of Duino.20 We believe there are not enough elements in order that this information can be verified with complete certainty and at this point we cannot speak about the real identity of the mentioned heiresses.

  • 21 See Kos 1923, p. 109, 110 (note 2).

13The executioner of the will and custodian of the heiresses according to wishes of the testatrix is Hugonis de Doyno addressed as nepotis suis carissimi. Kos believed that this was Stelidija’s nephew Hugo VII.21

14In the final text of the will it states that this expression is the unaltered and last wish of the testatrix and that it is in accordance with the existing law. The assurance of its execution is also sealed with an anathema (sub maledictione altissimi Dei omnipotentis).

  • 22 With a review of the archival materials of the State Archives of Rijeka and the archival Pergamene (...)

15The will was composed by Konstantin Açonis from Kopar a city notary and chancellor in Rijeka. Konstantin was imperiali auctoritate notarius et cancelarius which would mean that he possessed the right to edit documents on the basis of special authorisations from the Roman-German emperor. We have no other information about the notary and chancellor Konstantin Açonis from Kopar.22

Fig 1 – The feudal estates of the Duino lords (Google Earth).

Fig 1 – The feudal estates of the Duino lords (Google Earth).


11th June 1380 – in Rijeka. A copy of the will of the noblewoman Stelidija of Duino.

  • 23 Like this in the text, it is certainly a misreading of the abbreviation corumpere

16Hec est copia testamenti infrascripti, cuius tenor per omnia sequitur et est talis : In Christi nomine amen. Anno a nativitate eiusdem millesimo trecentesimo octuagesimo, indictione tercia, in terra Fluminis Sancti V[i]ti in domo habitationis infrascripte testatricis die undecimo mensis iunii, presentibus nobile milite domino Iohanne Çeconer capitano Premi, Panelino capitano terre Fluminis, Possio capitano Castue, Nicolao quondam Nicole, Matulo Vidovich iudice, Paulo de Carintia, Aldrigeto mercatore in Flumine, testibus ad hec vocatis, habitis et rogatis et aliis quam pluribus. Ibique nobilissima donna donna Stelidia de Doyno sua sana mente et intelectu, licet corpore languens, timens repentine mortis eventum et nollens ab intestata decedere dispositionem suorum bonorum hoc modo facere procuravit : primo dimisit ecclesie Sancte Marie de Flumine terram Stephani de Clana, vilici sui, pro libris centum denariorum venetorum parvorum pro quibus ematur librum unum necessarium ecclesie predicte Sancte Marie, hac condicione, quod quandocumque per infrascriptos eius heredes solvebitur predicte ecclesie Sancte Marie predictas libras centum parvorum, tunc terram predictam sibi restituere teneantur. Item dimisit et iudicavit quod per infrascriptos eius heredes reaptantur de facultatibus suis anconie et alia necessaria cappelle sue Sancti Georgii de Flumine pro anima sua. Item dimisit monasterio Sancti Augustini de Flumine terram Thomaz vilici sui de Susach, pro marchis octo solidorum venetorum parvorum, pro quibus ematur calicem unum pro anima sua, quam tenere et guadere debeat cum iuribus suis, quousque per infrascriptos eius heredes sibi persolvebitur predictas marchas octo soldorum venetorum pro anima sua. Item dimisit et ordinavit quod per infrascriptos eius heredes hedificatur de bonis suis in ecclesia Sancti Augustini de Flumine altare unum ad honorem Sancti Michaelis, quem altare inluminari teneatur per infrascriptos eius heredes, candellas tres sive cescendelos continue, pro quo lumine dimisit heredibus suis infrascriptis terram Gerde de Clana, vilici sui, quousque infrascriptas eius heredes visserint in hoc [mu]ndo et post eorum obitum terram predictam devenire debeat monasterio Sancti Augustini de Flumine, de qua terra inluminare teneatur continue candelas tres sive cescendelos ad dictum altare pro anima sua. Item dimisit ecclesie Sancte Marie de F[lumin]e vineam olim Smoline de Pago positam in Bolboçe hac condicione, quandocumque heredes ipsius quondam Smoline de Pago vel aliquis loco sui redimere volet ipsam vineam pro marchis novem solidorum venetorum, quod tunc vineam predictam sibi restituere teneatur, quas vero marchas novem solidorum venetorum devenire debeant ecclesie Sancte Marie antedicte de Flumine pro anima sua. Reliqua sua bona mobilia et immobilia, vacua et plena, viva et mortua, cuiuscumque condicionis existant, que habet in universo mundo, que hic iudicata non sunt, videlicet terras mansatas et non mansatas cum omnibus iuribus et iurisdicionibus suis sibi pertinentibus vel expectantibus tam donatario nomine quam legatario sibi datis uel dimissis ab olim pie memorie magnifici et potentis militis domini Hugonis de Duyno, olim mariti sui, nec non vineas positas in partibus Mosce[nice] et Viçich cum omnibus iuribus et pertinenciis suis et omnia alia iura sibi expectantia aparentibus sive qualicumque modo, causa et forma et omnia et singula bona, que tenuerat et possederat hucusque cum omnibus iuribus et pertinenciis suis dimisit et iudicavit domine Anne et domine Bethe sororibus et filiabus suis, quas suas universales heredes instituit et creavit equali porcione comitens animam suam in dictum et in dictas eius heredes, quas comisit in protectionem et custodiam egregii et magnifici militis domini Hugonis de Doyno nepotis sui carissimi et in hoc afirmavit suum ultimum testamentum et eius ultimam voluntatem, quem valere voluit iure testamenti et si iure testamenti valere non posset, valeat saltim iure codicilorum vel cuiuscumque alterius generis instrumentorum, ut firmus perduret, ita quod non liceat alicui suo propinquo vel extraneo dictum testamentum in aliquo quorumpere23 vel molestare sub maledictione altissimi Dei omnipotentis et in hoc afirmavit suum ultimum testamentum. Ego Constantinus Açonis de Iustinopoli imperiali auctoritate notarius et cancelarius iuratus in terra Fluminis hiis omnibus interfui et rogatus scripsi, supscripsi et roboravi.

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ASPG Pergamene = Archivio Storico della Provincia di Goriza (further : ASPG), Pergamene, n° 169 marca 180

HR-DARI-823, Antonio de Renno = State Archives in Rijeka, holding HR-DARI-823, Public notaries of Rijeka (1436 / 1829) (further : HR-DARI-823), Antonio de Renno from Modena (1436-1461), f. 318.

HR-DARI-823 Domenico Ravizza = State Archives in Rijeka, holding HR-DARI-823, Domenico Ravizza (1524-1536), f. 183r.

Andrić 2013 = S. Andrić, Imenica vas u staroj slavonskoj toponimiji, in Croatica : časopis za hrvatski jezik i kulturu, vol. 37, no. 57, 2013.

Fidler 1783 = A. Fidler, Austria sacra : Österreichische Hierarchie und Monasteriologie. Geschichte der ganzen österreichischen, weltlichen und klösterlichen Klerisey beyderley Geschlechts, vol. 5, Vienna, 1783.

Herkov – Petranović – Gigante 2001 = Z. Herkov, A. Petranović and S. Gigante, Statutum terrae Fluminis anno MDXXX : Statute of the City of Rijeka from 1530 : Satuti concessi al comune di Fiume da Ferdinando I nel MDXXX, Rijeka, 2001.

Kobler 1896 = G. Kobler, Memorie per la storia della liburnica città di Fiume, vol. 1-3, Stabilimento Tipo-litografico Fiumnao di E. Mohovich, Fiume, 1896.

Kos 1923 = F. Kos, Iz zgodovine Devinskih gospodov, Razprave Znanstvenega društva za humanistične vede v Ljubljani, vol. I., Ljubljana, 1923.

Kos 1955-1956 = M. Kos, Jedan urbar iz vremena oko 1400. o imanjima Devinskih i Walseeovaca na Kvarneru, in Vjesnik Državnog arhiva u Rijeci, vol. III, 1955-1956.

Kostrenčić – Gortan – Herkov 1969-1978 = M. Kostrenčić, V. Gortan, Z. Herkov, Lexicon Latinitatis medii aevi Iugoslaviae, Rječnik srednjovjekovnog latiniteta Jugoslavije, vol. I., Zagreb, 1969-1978.

Ladić 2012 = Z. Ladić, Last Will : Passport to Heaven. Urban Last Wills from Late Medieval Dalmatia with Special Attention to the Legacies pro remedio animae and ad pias causas, Srednja Europa, Zagreb, 2012.

Margetić 2011 = L. Margetić, Gotnik i Klana, in Zbornik Društva za povjesnicu Klana, vol. 8, 2011.

Matejčić 2013 = R. Matejčić, Kako čitati grad. Rijeka jučer, danas, Naklada Kvarner, Rijeka, 2013.

Pichler 1882 = R. Pichler, Il castello di Duino : memorie, Trento, 1882.

Poglajen 1930 = G. Poglajen, Memorie cronologiche relative alle chiese e al Capitolo di Fiume, in Rivista Fiume, anno VIII, 1930.

Swida 1890 = F. Swida, Regesto de documenti conservati al Museo, in Archeografo Triestino, vol. XVI, 1890.

Štih 1992 = P. Štih, Goriški grofje in devinski gospodje, in Zgodovinski časopis, no. 46, 1992.

Torcoletti 1932 = L. M. Torcoletti, Il Duomo vecchio di Fiume : discorso tenuto il 14 settembre 1932 per il restauro della chiesa, Stabilimento Tipografico de La Vedetta d'Italia Fiume, 1932.

Torcoletti 1944 = L. M. Torcoletti, La chiesa e il convento degli agostiniani di Fiume, Stabilimento Tipografico de La Vedetta d'Italia, Fiume, 1944.

Turus 1913 = E. Turus, Museo provincale di Gorizia. Regesto delle Pergamene, in Forum Ivlii, III, no. 6, 1913.

Zjačić 1955-1956 = M. Zjačić, Knjiga riječkog kancelara i notara Antuna de Renno de Mutina, in Vjesnik Državnog arhiva u Rijeci, Rijeka, vol. III, 1955-195

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1 This paper is co-financed by the University of Rijeka - project SREBAK 

We would kindly like to thank Marialuisa Bottazzi Ph.D, Prof. Paolo Cammarosano, Prof. Milenko Lončar and Prof. Emil Hilje for the advice and help during the writing of this paper and the transcription of the will, plus the archivists and employees of the Historical Archives of the Province of Gorizia in Gorizia and the State Archives in Rijeka for the expressed helpfulness.

Archivio Storico della Provincia di Goriza, Pergamene, n° 169 marca 180.

2 Compare Swida 1890, p. 62-63; Turus 1913, p. 350.

3 See Kos 1923, p. 91-134; Pichler 1882, p. 156. In the literature there are various forms of the name - Stelichia, Stela, Stilihija - depending on the method in which the authors transcribed the name from the documents following the egdotic rules of the national languages. In the paper we present them in the form in which they appear by each individual author. Nonetheless, bearing in mind all the mentioned forms of the name, we will make use of the egdotic rules of the Croatian language and transcribe the names in the will in the Croatian variant.

4 Kos initially states the existence of the document composed on 11th June 1380 from which it is evident that Stilihija was the wife of Hugo of Duino and that she had a nephew of the same name. He subsequently presents how Stilihija lived to an old age because on 11th January 1380 she ordered the writing of her will. Her main heirs were her sisters Ana and Berta, and the executioner of the will was her nephew Hugo. In both cases he used Swida’s regesta as his source. See Kos 1923, p. 109-110.

5 Štih 1992, p. 316.

6 Ladić 2012, p. 89.

7 The presence of seven witnesses during the recording of the will in Rijeka also corresponds with the provisions of the first reliable legal source of the Rijeka statute from 1530. Herkov – Petranović – Gigante 2001, p. 187 (book II, 33).

8 In the absence of reliable sources former researchers presented various presumptions about the foundation, reconstructions and shape of the Church of St Mary (today the Parish Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin) and the Church and Monastery of the Augustinians (today the Dominican Monastery and the Church of St Jerome) in Rijeka, in the Middle Ages. In the literature we come across how in the 14th century the Church of St Mary was the seat of the archdeaconry and chapter under the jurisdiction of the bishop of Pula. In this context we find interesting a statement made by Kobler according to which there was once a book of the Rijeka collegiate chapter from which, on 15th September 1525, the Rijeka notary Ivan Frankić (Giovanni Franchini) translated into Latin and verified one document. The document was in Croatian (presumably written in Glagolitic). According to this document two Rijeka priests, Vito and Prodan, who were obligated to Hugo of Duino and Rijeka’s collegiate chapter, wrote a list of ancient traditions and undertakings of Rijeka’s collegiate chapter and church on 10th March 1371. The majority of authors, thus, accept the thesis that the church and the Augustinian monastery, were founded in 1315 by Hugo of Duino. A shortlist of literature on the theme includes: Kobler 1896, vol. 1-3; Torcolleti 1944; Idem 1932; Poglajen 1930; Matejčić 2013.

9 About the use and meaning of the word vilicus in the Middle Ages see the example: Andrić 2013, p. 82.

10 Klana is a settlement north-west of Rijeka in Primorje-Gorski Kotar County and today the centre of the same-named municipality (see fig. 1). About the period of the Duino rule in Klana see Margetić 2011, p. 429-440.

11 Anno 1405. die 15. mensis Novembris – obiit Domina Betta, Soror Divinarii, et sepulta fuit in Capella S. Georgii Fluminis juxta altare; et ego Clericus Marcus, qui haec scripsi, Notarius; quae Domina dotavit Capitulum, capella sanctae Mariae in Veprinaz cum suis bonis liberis ect., Fidler 1783, vol. 5, p. 55; Picher 1882, p. 225; Kobler 1896, vol. 1, p. 79, 82, 278; vol. 2, p. 22-23; vol. 3, p. 242.

12 Kobler 1896, vol. 1, p. 132.

13 Kobler 1896, vol. 1, p. 131. Kobler is probably thinking of the will of the priest Lovro Golubić (Laurentius Golubich) in which the testator determines the place of his burial, …voluit sepeliri in capella S. Georgii in sepultura presbiterii. See the State Archives in Rijeka, holding HR-DARI-823, Public notaries of Rijeka (1436 / 1829) (further: HR-DARI-823), Domenico Ravizza (1524-1536), f. 183r.

14 We equate the noted toponym Susach with Sušak, a place within the mediaeval manorial estate of Gotnik that L. Margetić mentions in the article Gotnik i Klana. See Margetić 2011, p. 436. The settlement of Sušak still exists today in the area of the municipality of Ilirska Bistrica in the Republic of Slovenia.

15 The previously defined meaning of the word cescendelo is taken from known Dalmatian examples. See Kostrenčić – Gortan – Herkov 1969-1978, vol. I. p. 209, s. v. cesendellus, cesendelus, cexendelus.

16 Among the oldest altars in the church Torcoletti mentions an altar from the 15th century, the altar of St Bartholomew and the altar of the Three Holy Kings, which were known to him only from written sources. See Torcoletti 1944, p. 22. Cf. Kobler 1896, vol. 1, p. 100.

17 On the basis of available information it is not confirmed to which location the toponym Bolboçe refers.

18 The noted toponym of Moscenice refers to the present settlement of Moscenice on the east coast of Istria in Primorje-Gorski Kotar County (see Fig. 1). The vineyards in the location of Viçich are mentioned several times in the notary book of Antonio de Renno from Modena, notary and chancellor in Rijeka in 15th century. According to his notary inscription from 1st of February 1438 toponim Viçich refers to area of Veprinac…in district Valprinacii in loco dicto Viçich…See HR-DARI-823, Antonio de Renno from Modena (1436-1461), f. 691; a transcript of this part of the original was published in Zjačić 1959, p. 402. 

19 See Štih 1992, p. 316.

20 Compare Pichler 1882, p. 156, 225, 226; Kobler 1896, vol. 1, p. 79, 82, 278; vol. 2, p. 23; vol. 3, p. 242; Poglajen 1930, p. 106; Torcoletti 1944, p. 26; Kos 1955-1956, p. 6-7.

21 See Kos 1923, p. 109, 110 (note 2).

22 With a review of the archival materials of the State Archives of Rijeka and the archival Pergamene holdings in the Historical Archives of the Province of Gorizia in Gorizia we found no other documents composed by the notary Konstantin Açonis from Kopar.

23 Like this in the text, it is certainly a misreading of the abbreviation corumpere

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Titre Fig 1 – The feudal estates of the Duino lords (Google Earth).
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Référence électronique

Petra Predoević Zadković, « The Will of the Noblewoman Stelidija of Duino »Mélanges de l’École française de Rome - Moyen Âge [En ligne], 128-2 | 2016, mis en ligne le 22 février 2017, consulté le 19 avril 2024. URL : ; DOI :

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Petra Predoević Zadković

University of Rijeka - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka

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