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Repérages bibliographiques

Recent publications
Sabrina Mommolin
p. 341-346

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Mots-clés :

bibliographie, TIC


bibliography, ICT
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*Membres du Comité de lecture de NETCOM – Members of NETCOM Scientific committee

Texte intégral


AYANSO A., CHATTERJEE D., CHO D. I. (2011), “E-Government readiness index: A methodology and analysis”, Government Information Quarterly, vol. 28, n° 4, pp. 522-532.

CHEN Y.-C., CHU P.-Y. (2011), Electronic Governance and Cross-Boundary Collaboration: Innovations and Advancing Tools, Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 422 p. ISBN: 9781609607548

CONCHA G., ASTUDILLO H., PORRÚA M. (et al.) (2011), “E-Government procurement observatory, maturity model and early measurements”, Government Information Quarterly, 8 p., In Press, Corrected Proof.

JEANINE F. (2011), “Collaborative knowledge construction in digital environments: Politics, policy, and communities”, Government Information Quarterly, vol.28, n°3, pp. 409-415.

MANOHARAN A., HOLZER, M. (ed.) (2011), E-Governance and Civic Engagement: Factors and Determinants of E-Democracy, Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 647 p. ISBN: 9781613500835.

SHAREEF M. A., ARCHER N., DUTTA S. (ed.) (2011), E-Government Service Maturity and Development: Cultural, Organizational and Technological Perspectives, Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 281 p. ISBN: 9781609608484.

SOBACI M. Z. (ed.) (2011), E-Parliament and ICT-Based Legislation: Concept, Experiences and Lessons, Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 371 p. ISBN 10: 1613503296.

Politiques publiques – Public policies

PAPADOPOULOS T., KANELLIS P. (ed.) (2011), Public Sector Reform Using Information Technologies : Transforming Policy into Practice. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 496 p. ISBN 10: 1609608399.

SUJIN C. (2011), Facilities to service based competition, not service to facilities based, for broadband penetration: A comparative study between the United States and South Korea”, Telecommunications Policy, vol. 35, n° 9-10, pp. 804-817.

Fracture numérique – Digital divide

ASHRAF M., MALIK B. T. (2011), “Gonokendra model: a response to ‘information poverty’ in rural areas of Bangladesh”, Information Technology for Development, vol. 17, n° 2, pp. 153-161.

BROUWER R., BRITO L. (2011), “Cellular phones in Mozambique: Who has them and who doesn’t?”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 13 p., In Press, Corrected Proof.

CHHABRA S. (ed.) (2012), ICTs for Advancing Rural Communities and Human Development : Addressing the Digital Divide. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 327 p. ISBN: 9781466600478.

MARTIN H. (2011), “Digital gender divide or technologically empowered women in developing countries? A typical case of lies, damned lies, and statistics”, Women’s Studies International Forum, vol. 34, n° 6, pp. 479-489.

MARTIN H. (2011), “The end justifies the definition: The manifold outlooks on the digital divide and their practical usefulness for policy-making”, Telecommunications Policy, vol. 35, n° 8, pp. 715-736.

VAN DER WEIDE T., PANDE R. (éd.) (2012), Globalization, Technology Diffusion and Gender Disparity : Social Impacts of ICTs. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 433 p. ISBN 10: 1466600209.

Transport / mobilité – Transport / Mobility

*KELLERMAN A. (2011), “Mobility or mobilities: Terrestrial, virtual and aerial categories or entities?”, Journal of Transport Geography, vol. 19, n° 4, pp.729-737.

ROY P., MARTÍNEZ A. J., MISCIONE G. (et al.) (2011), “Using Social Network Analysis to profile people based on their e-communication and travel balance”, Journal of Transport Geography, 12 p. In Press, Corrected Proof.

YUAN Y., RAUBAL M., LIU Y. (2011), “Correlating mobile phone usage and travel behavior – A case study of Harbin, China”, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 13 p. In Press, Corrected Proof.

Innovations technologiques – Technological innovations

BARTOLACCI M., POWELL S.R. (ed.) (2011), Interdisciplinary and Multidimensional Perspectives in Telecommunications and Networking: Emerging Findings. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 318 p., ISBN: 9781609605056.

CIARAMITARO B. (ed.) (2011), Mobile Technology Consumption: Opportunities and Challenges. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 256 p., ISBN: 9781613501504.

CURRÁS E., LLORET N. (ed.) (2011), Systems Science and Collaborative Information Systems : Theories, Practices and New Research. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 319 p., ISBN: 9781613502013.

ESSEGBEY G. O., FREMPONG G. K. (2011), “Creating space for innovation—The case of mobile telephony in MSEs in Ghana”, Technovation, vol. 31, n° 12, pp. 679-688.

FINK M., LANG R., HARMS R. (2011), “Local responses to global technological change — Contrasting restructuring practices in two rural communities in Austria”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 10 p., In Press, Corrected Proof.

GÓMEZ-TORRES L. M., BELTRÁN F. (2011), “Analysis of an integrated plan for expanding broadband access in Colombia”, Telecommunications Policy, vol. 35, n° 9-10, pp. 871-882.

GRAHAM M. (2011), “Time machines and virtual portals”, Progress in Development Studies, vol. 11, n° 3, pp. 211-227.

KOCK N. (ed.) (2011), Advancing Collaborative Knowledge Environments: New Trends in E-Collaboration. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 319 p., ISBN: 9781613504598.

LUMSDEN J. (ed.) (2011), Human-Computer Interaction and Innovation in Handheld, Mobile and Wearable Technologies. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 406 p., ISBN: 9781609604998.

MESQUITA A. (ed.) (2011), Human Interaction with Technology for Working, Communicating, and Learning : Advancements. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 422 p., ISBN: 9781613504659.

SAHA D., SRIDHAR V. (ed.) (2011), Next Generation Data Communications Technologies : Emerging Trends. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 537 p., ISBN: 9781613504772.

SARMIENTO A.S., LOPEZ E.M. (ed.) (2011), Multimedia Services and Streaming for Mobile Devices: Challenges and Innovations. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 350 p. ISBN: 9781613501443.

TAN F.B. (ed.) (2011a), International Comparisons of Information Communication Technologies : Advancing Applications. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 483 p., ISBN: 9781613504802.

Societé de l’informationInformation society

CAKIR A., ORDONEZ DE PABLOS P. (ed.) (2011), Social Development and High Technology Industries : Strategies and Applications. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 428 p. ISBN: 9781613501924.

CHHABRA S., RAHMAN H. (ed.) (2011), Human Development and Global Advancements through Information Communication Technologies: New Initiatives, Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 386 p., ISBN: 9781609604974.

COAKES E. (ed.) (2011), Knowledge Development and Social Change through Technology: Emerging Studies, Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 344 p., ISBN: 9781609605070.

GUPTA R., JAIN K. (2011), “Diffusion of mobile telephony in India: An empirical study”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 7 p., In Press, Corrected Proof.

SAFAR M., MAHDI K. (ed.) (2011), Social Networking and Community Behavior Modeling: Qualitative and Quantitative Measures, Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 401 p., ISBN: 9781613504444.

*VIDAL P. (2011), « L’aide au développement dans le domaine des TIC : entre logiques techno-marchandes et charity-business », In: NONJON A., L’Afrique des nouvelles convoitises, pp. 89-97, ISBN-10: 2729866167.

WANKEL C., MALLECK S. (ed.) (2011), Ethical Models and Applications of Globalization: Cultural, Socio-Political and Economic Perspectives, Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 313 p., ISBN: 9781613503324.

WEBER D. M., KAUFFMAN R. J. (2011), “What drives global ICT adoption? Analysis and research directions”, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, vol. 10, n° 6, pp.683-701.

Villes et TICICT and cities

BULU M. (ed.) (2011), City Competitiveness and Improving Urban Subsystems: Technologies and Applications. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 322 p., ISBN: 9781613501740.

ERCOSKUN O.Y. (ed.) (2011), Green and Ecological Technologies for Urban Planning : Creating Smart Cities. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 402 p., ISBN: 9781613504536.

KANG C., MA X., TONG D., et al. (2011), “Intra-urban human mobility patterns: An urban morphology perspective”, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, In Press, Accepted Manuscript.

ODENDAAL N. (2011), “Splintering urbanism or split agendas? Examining the spatial distribution of technology access in relation to ICT policy in Durban”, South Africa Urban studies, vol. 48, n° 11, pp. 2375-2397.

SILVA C.N. (ed.) (2012), Online Research Methods in Urban and Planning Studies: Design and Outcomes. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 399 p., ISBN: 9781466600744.

*VIDAL P., ROUGE L. (2011). Les espaces périurbains habités par le numérique ? Le cas de la Normandie. Lyon : CERTU, 54 p., ISBN: 978-2-11-099575-9.

Géographie économique – Economical geography

AGUILERA A., LETHIAIS V. (2011), « Transmission des connaissances dans les relations de coopération inter-entreprises : TIC versus face à face », Revue d’économie régionale et urbaine, n° 2, pp. 269-293.

BATHELT H., TURI P. (2011), “Local, global and virtual buzz: The importance of face-to-face contact in economic interaction and possibilities to go beyond”, Geoforum, vol. 42, n° 5, pp. 520-529.

BLAŽEK J., ŽIŽALOVÁ P., RUMPEL P. (et al.) (2011), “Where Does the Knowledge for Knowledge-intensive Industries Come From? The Case of Biotech in Prague and ICT in Ostrava”, European Planning Studies, vol. 19, n° 7, pp. 1277-1303.

DENNIS WEI Y. H., LIEFNER I., MIAO C-H. (2011), “Network configurations and R&D activities of the ICT industry in Suzhou municipality, China”, Geoforum, vol. 42, n° 4, pp. 484-495.

GALLIANO D., OROZCO L. (2011), « Les déterminants industriels et spatiaux du processus d’adoption de technologies : Le cas des systèmes de traçabilité dans les firmes industrielles françaises », Géographie, économie, société, vol. 13, n° 2, pp. 135-163.

HONG J., FU S. (2011), “Information and communication technologies and the geographical concentration of manufacturing industries: evidence from China”, Urban studies, vol. 48, n° 11, pp. 2339-2354.

REUBER A. R., FISCHER E. (2011), “International entrepreneurship in internet-enabled markets”, Journal of Business Venturing, vol.26, n°6, pp.660-679.

TAN F.B. (ed.) (2011), International Enterprises and Global Information Technologies: Advancing Management Practices, Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 410 p., ISBN: 9781609606053.

Géographie des TIC – ICT and geography

DUMOVA T., FIORDO R. (ed.) (2011), Blogging in the Global Society : Cultural, Political and Geographical Aspects, Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 285 p. ISBN: 9781609607449.

ROCHE S., MERICSKAY B. (2011), « Cartographie 2.0 : le grand public, producteur de contenus et de savoirs géographiques avec le web 2.0 », Cybergeo: European Journal of Geography, n° 552,​24710

TERLOUW K., DENKERS R. (2011), “The geography of regional websites: Regional representation and regional structure”, Geoforum, vol. 42, n° 5, pp. 578-591.

TUSSYADIAH I. P., ZACH F. J. (2011), “The role of geo-based technology in place experiences”, Annals of Tourism Research, 21 p., In Press, Corrected Proof.

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Référence papier

Sabrina Mommolin, « Repérages bibliographiques »Netcom, 25-3/4 | 2011, 341-346.

Référence électronique

Sabrina Mommolin, « Repérages bibliographiques »Netcom [En ligne], 25-3/4 | 2011, mis en ligne le 11 avril 2013, consulté le 16 avril 2024. URL : ; DOI :

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Sabrina Mommolin

Documentaliste, CIRTAI (Centre interdisciplinaire de recherches sur les mobilités), UMR IDEES 6228 – Université du Havre,

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