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Sabrina Mommolin
p. 341-360

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Mots-clés :

bibliographie, TIC


bibliography, ICT
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Editor's notes

* Membres du Comité de lecture de NETCOM – Members of NETCOM Scientific committee.

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Développement durable – Sustainable development

BOHARI A. M., CHENG WEI H., FUAD N. (2016), “Constructing A Spatial Location Model For Understanding The Sustainability Of Telecenter”, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1761, N° 1, pp. 020029-020021-020029-020025.

BÜSCHER B., KOOT S., NELSON I. L. (2016), “Introduction. Nature 2.0: New media, online activism and the cyberpolitics of environmental conservation”, Geoforum, In Press, Corrected Proof.

CHEUNG W., HOUSTON D., SCHUBERT J. E., et al. (2016), “Integrating resident digital sketch maps with expert knowledge to assess spatial knowledge of flood risk: A case study of participatory mapping in Newport Beach, California”, Applied Geography, vol. 74, pp. 56-64.

TUZZOLINO P. (2016), « De la stratégie d’Orange à la mise en place de méthodes d’évaluation pour le secteur des technologies de l’information et de la communication », Annales des Mines - Responsabilité et environnement, vol. 82, N° 2, pp. 97-98.

Développement rural - Rural development

ASHMORE F. H., FARRINGTON J. H., SKERRATT S. (2016), “Community-led broadband in rural digital infrastructure development: Implications for resilience”, Journal of Rural Studies, In Press, Corrected Proof.

HODGE H., CARSON D., CARSON D., et al. (2016), “Using Internet technologies in rural communities to access services: The views of older people and service providers”, Journal of Rural Studies, In Press, Corrected Proof.

LEONG C., PAN S. L., NEWELL S., et al. (2016), “The emergence of self-organizing e-commerce ecosystems in remote villages of china: a tale of digital empowerment for rural development”, MIS Quarterly, vol. 40, N° 2, pp. 475-A478.

LIU C. (2016), “Sustainability of rural informatization programs in developing countries: A case study of China׳s Sichuan province”, Telecommunications Policy, vol. 40, N° 7, pp. 714-724.

MEIYAPPAN P., ROY P. S., SHARMA Y., et al. (2016), “Dynamics and determinants of land change in India: integrating satellite data with village socioeconomics”, Regional Environmental Change, pp. 1-14.

NANDI S., THOTA S., NAG A., et al. (2016), “Computing for rural empowerment: enabled by last-mile telecommunications”, IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 54, N° 6, pp. 102-109.

TÓTH K., KUČAS A. (2016), “Spatial information in European agricultural data management. Requirements and interoperability supported by a domain model”, Land Use Policy, vol. 57, pp. 64-79.

TOWNSEND L., WALLACE C., FAIRHURST G., et al. (2016), “Broadband and the creative industries in rural Scotland”, Journal of Rural Studies, In Press, Corrected Proof.

WILLIAMS F., PHILIP L., FARRINGTON J., et al. (2016), “‘Digital by Default’ and the ‘hard to reach’: Exploring solutions to digital exclusion in remote rural areas”, Local Economy, vol. 31, N° 7, pp. 757-777.

Fracture numérique – Digital divide
Aide au développement- ICT4dev

AVGEROU C., HAYES N., ROVERE R. (2016), “Growth in ICT uptake in developing countries: new users, new uses, new challenges”, Journal of Information Technology, vol. 31, pp. 329-333.

BISHT S. S., MISHRA V. (2016), “ICT-driven financial inclusion initiatives for urban poor in a developing economy: implications for public policy”, Behaviour & Information Technology, vol. 35, N° 10, pp. 817-832.

CHATBAR R. (2016), “ICT4D and Empowerment: Uneven Development in Rural South India”, In Globalisation and the Challenges of Development in Contemporary India, VENKATESWAR S., BANDYOPADHYAY S., Singapore: Springer, pp. 209-228.

FARON L. (2016), « Les e-préfectures restent inaccessibles », Plein droit, vol. 110, N° 3, pp. 11-15.

FIFE E., PEREIRA F. (2016), “The promise and reality: Assessing the gap between theory and practice in ICT4D”, Telecommunications Policy, vol. 40, N° 7, pp. 595-601.

MARISCAL AVILES J., BENITEZ LARGHI S., et al. (2016), “The informational life of the poor: A study of digital access in three Mexican towns”, Telecommunications Policy, vol. 40, N° 7, pp. 661-672.

NISHIJIMA M., IVANAUSKAS T. M., SARTI F. M. (2016), “Evolution and determinants of digital divide in Brazil (2005–2013)”, Telecommunications Policy, In Press, Corrected Proof.

OJO T. (2016), “Global agenda and ICT4D in Africa: Constraints of localizing ‘universal norm’”, Telecommunications Policy, vol. 40, N° 7, pp. 704-713.

QUAGLIO G. L., KARAPIPERIS T., PUTOTO G., et al. (2016), “Strengthening EU policies in support of ICT for development: Results from a survey of ICT experts”, Health Policy and Technology, vol. 5, N° 4, pp. 330-340.

RASHID A. T. (2016), “Digital Inclusion and Social Inequality”, Gender, Technology and Development, vol. 20, N° 3, pp. 306-332.

SADOK M., CHATTA R., BEDNAR P. (2016), “ICT for development in Tunisia: “Going the last mile””, Technology in Society, vol. 46, pp. 63-69.

SMART C., DONNER J., GRAHAM M. (2016), Connecting the world from the sky: Spatial discourses around Internet access in the developing world, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series.
DOI: 10.1145/2909609.2909659

Géographie économique - Economical geography

ABELIANSKY A. L., HILBERT M. (2016), Digital technology and international trade: Is it the quantity of subscriptions or the quality of data speed that matters?, Telecommunications Policy, In Press, Corrected Proof.

ABUALROB A. A., KANG J. (2016), “The barriers that hinder the adoption of e-commerce by small businesses”, Information Development, vol. 32, N° 5, pp. 1528-1544.

ALMEIDA G. d. O., ZOUAIN D. M. (2016), “E-government Impact on Business and Entrepreneurship in High-, Upper-middle- and Lower-income Countries from 2008 to 2014: A Linear Mixed Model Approach”, Global Business Review, vol. 17, N° 4, pp. 743-758.

ANDERSON C. (2016), Free ! Comment marche l’économie du gratuit, Paris : Flammarion, 368 p. ISBN : 978-2-08-139052-2

BALDWIN R. (2016), The Great Convergence: Information Technology and the New Globalization, The Belknap Press, 344 p. ISBN-13: 978-0674660489

BHATT S. (2016), How Digital Communication Technology Shapes Markets: Redefining Competition, Building Cooperation, Springer International Publishing, XV, 151 p. ISBN: 978-3-319-47249-2

BINSFELD N., WHALLEY J., PUGALIS L. (2016), Competing against yourself: State duopoly in the Luxembourg telecommunications industry, Telecommunications Policy, vol. 40, N° 8, pp. 791-803.

BRACK E. (2016), « La transformation digitale de l’intermédiation bancaire », Géoéconomie, vol. 81, N° 4, pp. 79-91.

BREIDBACH C. F., MAGLIO P. P. (2016), “Technology-enabled value co-creation: An empirical analysis of actors, resources, and practices”, Industrial Marketing Management, vol. 56, pp. 73-85.

COCKAYNE D. G. (2016), “Sharing and neoliberal discourse: The economic function of sharing in the digital on-demand economy”, Geoforum, vol. 77, pp. 73-82.

DONG L., WU H. (2016), Mobile Internet and regional development in China, Environment and Planning A, 3 p.

HONG J. P., BYUN J. E., KIM P. R. (2016), Structural changes and growth factors of the ICT industry in Korea: 1995–2009, Telecommunications Policy, vol. 40, pp. 502-513.

JORGENSON D. W., VU K. M. (2016), “The ICT revolution, world economic growth, and policy issues”, Telecommunications Policy, vol. 40, pp. 383-397.

LEE S. (2016), “Geography of cross-border portfolio investments and ICT diffusion”, International Review of Economics & Finance, vol. 45, pp. 540-552.

MACK E. A., MARIE-PIERRE L., REDICAN K. (2016), “Entrepreneurs’ use of internet and social media applications”, Telecommunications Policy, In Press, Corrected Proof.

MACK E. A., WENTZ E. (2016), “Industry variations in the broadband business nexus”, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, In Press, Corrected Proof.

MUKHERJEE D. (2016), “IT Services in the Indian Economy”, Journal of South Asian Development, vol. 11, N° 2, pp. 203-223.

PLECHERO M., CHAMINADE C. (2016), “The role of regional sectoral specialisation on the geography of innovation networks: A comparison between firms located in regions in developed and emerging economies”, International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development, vol. 8, N° 2, pp. 148-171.

REESON A., RUDD L. (2016), “ICT Activity, Innovation and Productivity: An Analysis of Data from Australian Businesses”, Economic Papers: A journal of applied economics and policy, vol. 35, N° 3, pp. 245-255.

SADIN É. (2016), La silicolonisation du monde : l’irrésistible expansion du libéralisme numérique, Paris : Éd. l’Échappée, 256 p.
ISBN : 978-23730901-6-1

VRONTIS D., THRASSOU A., AMIRKHANPOUR M. (2016), “B2C smart retailing: A consumer-focused value-based analysis of interactions and synergies”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, In Press, Corrected Proof.

YUN J. J., YANG J., PARK, K. (2016), “Open Innovation to Business Model”, Science, Technology and Society, vol. 21, N° 3, pp. 324-348.

Géographie des TIC – Geography of ICTs

AMOORE L. (2016), “Cloud geographies”, Progress in Human Geography, 21 p.

ANDRIS C. (2016), “Integrating social network data into GISystems”, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, vol. 30, N° 10, pp. 2009-2031.

ASH J., KITCHIN R., LESZCZYNSKI A. (2016), “Digital turn, digital geographies?”, Progress in Human Geography, 19 p.

BARTOLINI N., RAGHURAM P., REVILL G. (2016), “Provocations of the present: what culture for what geography?”, Social & Cultural Geography, vol. 17, N° 6, pp. 745-752.

DUPONT Q., TAKHTEYEV Y. (2016), “Ordering space: Alternative views of ICT and geography”, First Monday, vol. 21, N° 8.

FORD H., GRAHAM M. (2016), Provenance, power and place: Linked data and opaque digital geographies, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, vol. 34, N° 6, pp. 957-970.

*KELLERMAN A. (2016), Image spaces and the geography of Internet screen-space, GeoJournal, vol. 81, N° 4, pp. 503-517.

LE BECHEC M. (2016), « Le territoire comme un graphe. Pratiques, formes, éthique », Les Cahiers du numérique, vol. 12, N° 4, pp. 131-156.

LISITSKII D. V. (2016), “Cartography in the era of informatization: New problems and possibilities”, Geography and Natural Resources, vol. 37, N° 4, pp. 296-301.

LOREN-MÉNDEZ M., MATA-OLMO R., RUIZ R., et al. (2016), “An Interdisciplinary Methodology for the Characterization and Visualization of the Heritage of Roadway Corridors”, Geographical Review, vol. 106, N° 4, pp. 489-515.

PAGANO A., SANNA A. (2016), « La géopolitique de la connaissance », Outre-Terre, vol. 47, N° 2, pp. 199-206.

PLANE D. A. (2016), “Regional science in a physical/virtual more/less world”, The Annals of Regional Science, vol. 57, N° 2, pp. 437-455.

QIN H., RICE R. M., FUHRMANN S., et al. (2016), “Geocrowdsourcing and accessibility for dynamic environments”, GeoJournal, vol. 81, N° 5, pp. 699-716.

SPARKS H., COLLINS F. L., KEARNS R. (2016), “Reflecting on the risks and ethical dilemmas of digital research”, Geoforum, vol. 77, pp. 40-46.

STINSON J. (2016), “Re-creating Wilderness 2.0: Or getting back to work in a virtual nature”, Geoforum, In Press, Corrected Proof.

TORRE A. C. (2016), « La figure du réseau : dimensions spatiales et organisationnelles », Géographie, économie, société, vol. 18, N° 4, 144 p.

Gouvernance - Governance

ALIHODZIC S. (2016), “The mechanics of democracy promotion tools: bridging the knowledge-to-practice gap”, Development in Practice, vol. 26, N° 4, pp. 431-443.

ANIL A. (Ed.) (2016), Managing Big Data Integration in the Public Sector, Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 337 p. ISBN-13: 9781466696495

ANSORGE J. T. (2016), Identify and sort: how digital power changed world politics, London: Oxford University Press, 280 p. ISBN-13: 978-0190245559

ASONGU S. A., NWACHUKWU J. C. (2016), “The role of governance in mobile phones for inclusive human development in Sub-Saharan Africa”, Technovation, vol. 55–56, pp. 1-13.

BRETSCHNEIDER S., PARKER M. (2016), “Organization formalization, sector and social media: Does increased standardization of policy broaden and deepen social media use in organizations?”, Government Information Quarterly, vol. 33, N° 4, pp. 614-628.

DAS A., SINGH H., JOSEPH D. (2016), “A longitudinal study of e-government maturity”, Information & Management, In Press, Corrected Proof.

GAGLIARDONE I. (2016), The Politics of Technology in Africa: Communication, Development, and Nation-Building in Ethiopia, Cambridge University Press, 190 p. ISBN-13: 978-1107177857

HOLDEN K., VAN KLYTON A. (2016), “Exploring the tensions and incongruities of Internet governance in Africa”, Government Information Quarterly, vol. 33, N° 4, pp. 736-745.

INDERJEET SINGH S. (Ed.) (2016), Trends, Prospects, and Challenges in Asian E-Governance, Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 410 p. ISBN-13: 9781466695368

KERAMATI A., BEHMANESH I., NOORI H. (2016), “Assessing the impact of readiness factors on e-government outcomes”, Information Development, 20 p.

KNEUER M. (2016), “E-democracy: A new challenge for measuring democracy”, International Political Science Review, vol. 37, N° 5, pp. 666-678.

MAKOZA F., CHIGONA W. (2016), Cross-national policy learning on ICT policy implementation: case of Malawi, International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management, vol. 16, N° 3, pp. 236-253.

MOHAN A. K., PARTHASARATHY B. (2016), From hierarchy to heterarchy: The state and the Municipal Reforms Programme, Karnataka, India, Government Information Quarterly, vol. 33, N° 3, pp. 427-434.

PERDAŁ R. (2016), “Factors of Local E-Government Development in Poland: The Case of the Poznań Agglomeration”, Quaestiones Geographicae, vol. 35, N° 2, pp. 115-129.

WILLIAMS M. (2016), “Citizenship, Governance and Communication”, In Communicating, Networking: Interacting: The International Year of Global Understanding – IYGU, ROBERTSON M. E. (Ed.), Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 21-27.

ZAIGHAM M. (Ed.) (2016), Cloud Computing Technologies for Connected Government, Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 416 p. ISBN-13: 9781466686298

Infrastructures numériques – Digital infrastructures

CHUNGANG Y., JIANDONG L. (Eds.) (2016), Game Theory Framework Applied to Wireless Communication Networks, Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 502 p. ISBN-13: 9781466686427

CRAMER B. W. (2016), “Right way wrong way: The fading legal justifications for telecommunications infrastructure rights-of-way”, Telecommunications Policy, vol. 40, N° 10–11, pp. 996-1006.

DINTERMAN R., RENKOW M. (2016), “Evaluation of USDA’s Broadband Loan Program: Impacts on broadband provision”, Telecommunications Policy, In Press, Corrected Proof.

GIJÓN C., WHALLEY J., ANDERSON G. (2016), “Exploring the differences in broadband access speeds across Glasgow”, Telematics and Informatics, vol. 33, N° 4, pp. 1167-1178.

HAUCAP J., HEIMESHOFF U., LANGE M. R. J. (2016), “The impact of tariff diversity on broadband penetration—An empirical analysis”, Telecommunications Policy, vol. 40, N° 8, pp. 743-754.

KIM S., YIM Y., OH S., et al. (2016), Social wireless sensor network toward device-to-device interactive Internet of Things services, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, vol. 12, N° 9, 10 p.

PARK S., PARK S., BYUN J., et al. (2016), “Design of a mass-customization-based cost-effective Internet of Things sensor system in smart building spaces”, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, vol. 12, N° 8, 16 p.

PICKREN G. (2016), ‘The global assemblage of digital flow’, Progress in Human Geography, 19 p.

STRAUBE T. (2016), “Stacked spaces: Mapping digital infrastructures”, Big Data & Society, vol. 3, N° 2, 12 p.

UM T.-W., LEE G. M., CHOI J. K. (2016), “Strengthening trust in the future social-cyber-physical infrastructure: an ITU-T perspective”, IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 54, N° 9, pp. 36-42.

Innovations technologiques - Technological innovations

ACAS R., BARQUISSAU E., BOULVERT Y-M. (2016), Objets connectés : la nouvelle révolution numérique, Saint-Herblain : Éditions ENI, 190 p.
ISBN : 978-2-7460-0999-6

BELLON-MAUREL V., HUYGHE C. (2016), « L’innovation technologique dans l’agriculture », Géoéconomie, vol. 80, N° 3, pp. 159-180.

GARCÍA MANJÓN J. V., MOMPÓ R., REDOLI J. (2016), “Accelerating Innovation in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the ICT Services Sector”, SAGE Open, vol. 6, N° 3, 9 p.

JATON F., VINCK D. (Coord.) (2016), « Ce que les data font faire aux SHS (et vice-versa) », Revue d’anthropologie des connaissances, vol. 10, N° 4, 192 p.

LANVIN B., MIROUX A. (2016), « L’innovation dans les économies émergentes et en développement : politiques et enjeux », Géoéconomie, vol. 80, N° 3, pp. 127-144.

LAZZERETTI L., CAPONE F. (2016), “How proximity matters in innovation networks dynamics along the cluster evolution. A study of the high technology applied to cultural goods”, Journal of Business Research, vol. 69, N° 12, pp. 5855-5865.

SORDINO M.-C. (2016), Innovation numérique et droit pénal économique et financier enjeux et perspectives colloque du 14 décembre 2015, Montpellier, Montpellier : Presses de la Faculté de droit et de science politique de Montpellier, 102 p. ISBN : 979-10-91076-24-1

WAND-DANIELSSON V., WENTRUP R. (2016), « L’innovation par l’internationalisation : le cas de la Suède », Géoéconomie, vol. 80, N° 3, pp. 145-158.

WANG C. C., WU A. (2016), “Geographical FDI knowledge spillover and innovation of indigenous firms in China”, International Business Review, vol. 25, N° 4, pp. 895-906.

Réseaux sociaux – Social networks

CHEN X., ELMES G., YE X., et al. (2016), “Implementing a real-time Twitter-based system for resource dispatch in disaster management”, GeoJournal, vol. 81, N° 6, pp. 863-873.

CHO J. B., MANSURY Y. S., YE X. (2016), Churning, power laws, and inequality in a spatial agent-based model of social networks, The Annals of Regional Science, vol. 57, N° 2, pp. 275-307.

CHOI E., LEE K. C. (2016), Relationship between social network structure dynamics and innovation: Micro-level analyses of virtual cross-functional teams in a multinational B2B firm, Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 65, pp. 151-162.

DOUAY N., REYS A. (2016), « Twitter comme arène de débat public : le cas du Conseil de Paris et des controverses en aménagement », L’Information géographique, vol. 80, N° 4, pp. 76-95.

GABIELKOV M. (2016), Comment se propagent les informations sur Twitter ?, Nice : Université de Nice, École doctorale Sciences et technologies de l’information et de la communication (Sophia Antipolis, Alpes-Maritimes), Institut national de recherche en informatique et en automatique, Thèse de doctorat : Informatique, sous la direction de A. LEGOUT, 108 p.

KIM K.-S., KOJIMA I., OGAWA H. (2016), Discovery of local topics by using latent spatio-temporal relationships in geo-social media, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, vol. 30, N° 9, pp. 1899-1922.

LAMPINEN A. (2016), Why we need to examine multiple social network sites, Communication and the Public, vol. 1, N° 4, pp. 489-493.

LANGMIA K., TYREE T., TITA J.C., et al. (2016), Social Media: Culture and Identity, Lexington Books, 230 p. ISBN: 9781498548571

LENGYEL B., JAKOBI Á. (2016), “Online Social Networks, Location, and the Dual Effect of Distance from the Centre”, Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie (Journal of Economic & Social Geography), vol. 107, N° 3, pp. 298-315.

OLSSON T. (2016), “Social media and new forms for civic participation”, New Media & Society, vol. 18, N° 10, pp. 2242-2248.

OZDIKIS O., OĞUZTÜZÜN H., KARAGOZ P. (2016), Evidential estimation of event locations in microblogs using the Dempster–Shafer theory, Information Processing & Management, vol. 52, N° 6, pp. 1227-1246.

RAMOS-SERRANO M., FERNÁNDEZ GÓMEZ J. D., PINEDA A. (2016), ‘Follow the closing of the campaign on streaming’: The use of Twitter by Spanish political parties during the 2014 European elections, New Media & Society, 19 p.

ROBERT P. E., PROULX S. P. (2016), L’impensé numérique. Tome 1 : des années 1980 aux réseaux sociaux, Paris : Ed. des Archives contemporaines, 171 p. ISBN : 978-2-8130-0244-0

SCHROEDER R. (2016), “Rethinking digital media and political change”, Convergence, 16 p.

SEVERO D. O., SHIMIZU H. (2016), « Mouvements sociaux et Facebook : notes sur la technosophie », Sociétés, vol. 131, N° 1, pp. 107-118.

SHI L., WU L., CHI G., et al. (2016), “Geographical impacts on social networks from perspectives of space and place: an empirical study using mobile phone data”, Journal of Geographical Systems, vol. 18, N° 4, pp. 359-376.

VAN DUINEN R., FILATOVA T., JAGER W., et al. (2016), “Going beyond perfect rationality: drought risk, economic choices and the influence of social networks”, The Annals of Regional Science, vol. 57, N° 2, pp. 335-369.

Société de l’information – Information society

AGOSTINELLI S., KOULAYAN N. (Eds.) (2016), Les écosystèmes numériques intelligence collective, développement durable, interculturalité, transfert de connaissances, Paris : Transvalor - Presses des Mines, 370 p.
ISBN-13 : 978-2356714022

BEN HAMIDA K. (2016), « Cyborg vs Inforg : quel modèle d’évolution humaine dans la société de l’information ? », Sociétés, vol. 131, N° 1, pp. 87-95.

BLANK G., LUTZ C. (2016), “Benefits and harms from Internet use: A differentiated analysis of Great Britain”, New Media & Society, 23 p.

COSTELLO M., HAWDON J., RATLIFF T., et al. (2016), Who views online extremism? Individual attributes leading to exposure, Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 63, pp. 311-320.

FUKAO K., IKEUCHI K., KIM Y-G., et al. (2016), Why was Japan left behind in the ICT revolution?, Telecommunications Policy, vol. 40, pp. 432-449.

GIVSKOV C., DEUZE M. (2016), Researching new media and social diversity in later life, New Media & Society, 14 p.

HAKIKUR R. (Ed.) (2016), Human Development and Interaction in the Age of Ubiquitous Technology, Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 384 p.
ISBN-13: 9781522505563

KAUFMAN G. A. (2016), Liberté d’expression et protection des groupes vulnérables sur internet, Paris : l’Harmattan, 251 p.
ISBN : 978-2-343-09893-7

KYONG Y. (2016), “The migrant lives of the digital generation”, Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies, vol. 30, N° 4, pp. 369-380.

LARCHET J.-C. (2016), Malades des nouveaux médias, Paris : Les éditions du Cerf, 323 p. ISBN : 978-2-204-11486-8

LAVENUE J.-J. (Ed.) (2016), E-révolutions et révolutions : résistances et résiliences, Villeneuve d’Ascq : Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 328 p. ISBN : 978-2-7574-1362-3

LOJKINE J. (2016), La révolution informationnelle et les nouveaux mouvements sociaux, Lormont : le Bord de l’eau, 178 p.
ISBN : 9782356874627

MALECKI E. J. (2016), Real people, virtual places, and the spaces in between, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, In Press, Corrected Proof.

MATTHEWS P. (2016), Social media, community development and social capital, Community Development Journal, vol. 51, N° 3, pp. 419-435.

MELROSE R. J., BROMMELHOFF J. A., NARVAEZ, T., et al. (2016), The use of Information and Communication technology when completing instrumental activities of daily living, Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 63, pp. 471-479.

PASSARELLI B., STRAUBHAAR J., CUEVAS-CERVERO A. (Eds.) (2016), Handbook of Research on Comparative Approaches to the Digital Age Revolution in Europe and the Americas, Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 530 p.
ISBN-13: 9781466687400

PREECE J. (2016), “Citizen Science: New Research Challenges for Human–Computer Interaction”, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, vol. 32, N° 8, pp. 585-612.

QUAN-HAASE A., MARTIN K., SCHREURS K. (2016), “Interviews with digital seniors: ICT use in the context of everyday life”, Information, Communication & Society, vol. 19, N° 5, pp. 691-707.

REGO R., SPRENGER W., KIROV V., et al. (2016), The use of new ICTs in trade union protests – five European cases, Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, vol. 22, N° 3, pp. 315-329.

RUOTSALAINEN J., HEINONEN S., KARJALAINEN J., et al. (2016), Peer-to-peer work in the digital meaning society 2050, European Journal of Futures Research, vol. 4, N° 1, 10 p.

SCANLAN J. (2016), « Surf Life ou l’excès à l’ère du numérique‪ », Techniques & Culture, vol. 65-66, N° 1-2, pp. 494-501.‬‬

STENER C. (Ed.) (2016), Dictionnaire politique d’internet & du numérique : les cent enjeux stratégiques de la société numérique, Paris : Edition : BoD - Books on Demand, 547 p. ISBN-13 : 978-2322094660

TZEZANA R. (2016), Scenarios for crime and terrorist attacks using the internet of things, European Journal of Futures Research, vol. 4, N° 1, 18 p.

Télémédecine – E-health

ASHISH D. (Ed.) (2016), Reshaping Medical Practice and Care with Health Information Systems, Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 399 p.
ISBN-13: 9781466698703

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Bibliographical reference

Sabrina Mommolin, Repérages bibliographiquesNetcom, 30-3/4 | 2016, 341-360.

Electronic reference

Sabrina Mommolin, Repérages bibliographiquesNetcom [Online], 30-3/4 | 2016, Online since 22 March 2017, connection on 18 April 2024. URL:; DOI:

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About the author

Sabrina Mommolin

Documentaliste, IDEES Le Havre, UMR 6266 (Ex CIRTAI) – Université du Havre.

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