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Polis. Latin American journal, is a publication of open access published every four months in April, August and December, each year. It is arbitrated and index-linked at national and international level. Its name comes from a tradition of classical thought for which the city, and in this case society, is the horizon of our action as university. Its themes seek to contribute to the expression of public interest, and approaches of general and generic interest, that surpass the limitations and inflexibilities of the private or corporate views which, being respectable as expression of social diversity, they can’t, nevertheless, intend to monopolize the vision and analysis on themes that concern many or all of us.

Latest issue
62 | 2022
Política social, solidaridad y renta mínima ciudadana en tiempos del coronavirus

Casi nadie puede desconocer actualmente el fuerte impacto que tiene la pandemia sobre aquellos sectores más vulnerables de la población. Confinamiento de la población, disminución del consumo, cierre de miles de pequeñas empresas, locales de esparcimiento, restaurant, peluquerías y salones de belleza, gimnasios, comercio local y un largo etcétera. Ello ha tenido consecuencias directas sobre las actividades de servicios, emprendimiento familiar y el empleo.


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