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73 | décembre 2016
Ce que l’école enseigne à tous

What school teaches everyone
Lo que la escuela enseña a todos
Edited by Roger-François Gauthier

Do all countries share the objective of providing common schooling to all pupils, and to what ends?
Starting out from this question, Issue 73 of the Revue internationale d’éducation de Sèvres examines the content of mandatory schooling in a dozen countries. Is the content conceived as common to all pupils? Is there a social consensus on this subject? Does what is called “common” have the same meaning from one country to the next? Which content is prioritized?
The authors analyze the context in their country (Algeria, France, Liberia, Quebec, Romania, Scotland/England, Spain, Vietnam), and show that in each country these issues possess strong political significance.
In these different societies, there are certainly many political reasons to wish for common schooling, whether in terms of citizenship, the creation of a common culture, or the fight against inequalities.
Yet the consensus on these policies and their aims does not seem self-evident in any of the countries studied, whether in terms of the extent of the common curriculum to be defined, or the content to be prioritized. Furthermore, the development of different forms of an education market or quasi-market has joined with ideological oppositions to compromise the very notion of common schooling, which as an objective remains permanently under pressure in many education systems.

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