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Bibliographie des travaux en anglais sur la littérature de jeunesse française

A Bibliography of English Works on French Children's Literature
Isabelle Nières-Chevrel and Penny Brown

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1Penny Brown est professeur de littérature comparée dans le département des « French Studies » de l’Université de Manchester. Elle vient de faire paraître aux éditions Routledge (New York and London) A Critical History of French Children’s Literature, en deux volumes (tome 1: 1600-1830, 2007; tome 2: From 1830 to the present day, 2008). Nous lui avons demandé si elle accepterait de donner à notre revue la liste des travaux en langue anglaise qu’elle a rassemblés à cette occasion et qui portent sur l’éducation et la littérature de jeunesse en France. Voici cette liste, nous l’en remercions.

Charles Perrault et la mode des contes de fées

2Barchilon, Jacques, Perrault’s Tales of Mother Goose. The Dedication Manuscript of 1695 reproduced in collotype facsimile with Introduction and Critical Text (New York : Pierpont Morgan Library, 1956).

3Barchilon, Jacques, ’Uses of the fairy tale in the eighteenth century’, Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century, 24 (Oxford : Voltaire Foundation,1963).

4Barchilon, Jacques and Peter Flinders, Charles Perrault (Boston : Twayne, 1981).

5Fhelander, Dorothy R., ’Mother Goose and her goslings : the France of Louis XIV as seen through the fairy tale’, Journal of Modern History, 54, no.3 (September 1982), pp. 467-96.

6Hannon, Patricia, Fabulous Identities. Women’s Fairy Tales in Seventeenth-Century France (Amsterdam ; Atlanta : Rodopi, 1998).

7Warner, Marina, From the Beast to the Blonde. On Fairy Tales and their Tellers (London : Chatto and Windus, 1994).

8Zipes, Jack, Fairy Tales and the Art of Subversion : the Classical Genre for Children and the Process of Civilization (London : Heinemann, 1979).

9Zipes, Jack, The Trials and Tribulations of Little Red Riding Hood : Versions of the Tale in its Socio-Cultural Context (London : Heinemann, 1983).

10Zipes, Jack, When Dreams Come True : Classical Fairy Tales and their Tradition (New York, London : Routledge, 1999).

Les pionniers

11Barnard, H.C., Fénelon on Education (Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1966).

12Barnard, H.C., The Little Schools of Port-Royal (Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1913).

13Barnard, H.C., Madame de Maintenon and Saint-Cyr (London : Blackwell, 1934).

14Birkett, Jennifer, ’Madame de Genlis : the New Men and the Old Eve’, French Studies, XLII (April, 1988), pp. 150-64.

15Bloch, Jean, Rousseauism and education in eighteenth-century France, Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century, 325 (Oxford : Voltaire Foundation, 1995).

16Bonnel, Roland and Catherine Rubinger, Femmes savantes et femmes d’esprit : Women Intellectuals in the French Eighteenth Century (New York : Peter Lang, 1994).

17Brown, Penny, ‘La Femme enseignante: Mme de Genlis and the moral and didactic tale in France’, Bulletin of the John Rylands University, Library of Manchester, vol. 76, number 3 (1994), pp. 23-42.

18Brown, Penny, ’"Candidates for my friendship", or How Madame de Genlis and Mary Wollstonecraft sought to Regulate the Affections and Form the Mind to Truth and Goodness’, New Comparison, 20 (Autumn 1995), pp. 46-60.

19Brown, Penny, ’Rational fairies and the pursuit of virtue: didactic strategies in early French children’s literature’, Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century (Oxford: Voltaire Foundation), 2000:05, pp. 341-53.

20Brown, Penny, ’Rehearsing the Future : Madame de Maintenon’s Proverbes dramatiques for the demoiselles of Saint-Cyr’, Seventeenth-Century French Studies, vol. 6 (2004), pp. 209-218.

21Brown, Penny, ‘Improvising virtue: performative morality in Moissy’s theatre d’éducation’, French Studies. vol. LX, number 3 (July 2006), pp. 230-334.

22Brown, Penny, ‘Capturing (and captivating) childhood: the role of illustrations in eighteenth-century children’s books in Britain and France’, in Journal of Eighteenth-Century Studies, 31.3 (2008), 419-449.

23Calder, Andrew, The Fables of La Fontaine. Wisdom Brought Down to Earth (Geneva : Droz, 2000).

24Clancy, Patricia, ’Mme Le Prince de Beaumont : founder of children’s literature in France’, Australian Journal of French Studies, 16 (1979), pp. 28-87.

25Clancy, Patricia, ’A French Writer and Educator in England’, Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century, 201 (Oxford : Voltaire Foundation, 1982), pp. 195-208.

26Davis, James Herbert Jnr, The Happy Island. Images of Childhood in Eighteenth-Century French Théâtre d’Education, American University Studies, series XIV Education, vol 10 (Berne, New York : Peter Lang,1987).

27Dow, Gillian, ‘Anti-allegorical writing in Mme de Genlis’s conte, ‘Alphonse et Dalinde’, Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century, 7.3 (2003), pp. 461-66.

28Dow, Gillian, ‘The British Reception of Mme de Genlis’s Writing for Children: Plays and Tales of Instruction and Delight’, British Journal of Eighteenth-Century Studies, 29: 3 (2006), 367-382.

29Dunkley, John, ’Class relationships and social norms in Berquin’s L’Ami des enfants’, Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century, 305 (Oxford : Voltaire Foundation, 1992), pp. 1718-20.

30Dunkley, John, ‘Added value: from Berquin to Johnson: John Bewick’s illustrations to The Looking-Glass for the Mind’ in The Enterprise of the Enlightenment, ed. T. Pratt and D. McCallam (Berne: Peter Lang, 2004), 293-312.

31Dunkley, John, ’From Innocence to Experience : Berquin’s L’Ami des enfans and L’Ami des adolescents’, Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century, 2005 :01 (Oxford : Voltaire Foundation, 2005), pp. 53-77.

32Hammond, Nicholas, Fragmentary Voices. Memory and Education at Port-Royal (Tübingen : Gunter Naar Verlag Tübingen, 2004).

33Hunter, Nicholas, ’Visualising Female Education in Fénelon’s Traité de l’éducation des filles’, Text(e)/Image, Durham French Colloquies, 7, Durham Modern Language Series (Durham : University of Durham,1999).

34Kirby, W.M., The Educational Ideas and Activities of Mme la comtesse de Genlis (Paris : Presses universitaires de Paris, 1926).

35Leith, James, ’Introduction : Unity and Diversity in Education in the Eighteenth Century’, Facets of Education in the Eighteenth Century, Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century, 167 (Oxford : Voltaire Foundation, 1977), pp. 13-27.

36Steegmuller, Francis, A Woman, a Man, and Two Kingdoms. The Story of Mme d’Epinay and the Abbé Galiani (London : Secker and Warburg, 1992).

37Trinkle, Dennis, ’Noël-Antoine Pluche’s Le Spectacle de la Nature : an encyclopaedic best-seller’, Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century, 358 (Oxford : Voltaire Foundation, 1998), pp. 93-134.

38Weinraub, Ruth Plaut, Eagle in a Gauze Cage : Louise d’Epinay, femme de lettres, American Studies in the Eighteenth Century (1993).

39Wilkins, K. S., ’Children’s Literature in the Eighteenth Century’, Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century 76 (Oxford : Voltaire Foundation, 1979), pp. 429-44.

La période révolutionnaire

40Andries, Lisa, ’Almanacs : revolutionizing a traditional genre’, in Revolution in Print. The Press in France 1775-1800, ed. by Robert Darnton and Daniel Roche (Berkeley : University of California Press, 1989), pp. 203-22.

41Barnard, H.C., Education and the French Revolution (Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1969).

42Brown, Penny, ’Children of the Revolution : the Making of Young Citizens’, Modern and Contemporary France vol. 14, no. 2 (May, 2006), pp. 205-220.

43Hunt, Lynn, The Family Romance of the French Revolution (London : Routledge, London, 1992).

44Leith, James, ’Ephemera : Education through Images’ in Robert Darnton and Daniel Roche (eds), Revolution in Print. The Press in France 1775-1800 (Berkeley : University of California Press, 1989), pp. 270-89.

Le XIXe siècle

45Aberger, P., ’The Portrayal of Blacks in Jules Verne’s Voyages extraordinaires’, French Review, 53 (December 1979), pp. 199-206.

46Anderson, R. D., Education in France 1848-1870 (Oxford : Clarendon, 1975)

47Brown, Penny, ‘Images of Instruction and Delight: illustrations in 19th century French children’s literature’, Bulletin of the John Rylands University, Library of Manchester, vol. 81, number 3 (1999), pp. 385-415.

48Brown, Penny, ’Gustave Doré’s magical realism : the Nouveaux contes de fées of the Comtesse de Ségur’, Modern Language Review, 95, part 4 (2001), pp. 964-977.

49Brown, Penny, ‘New heroes (and villains) for old ? Conflicts in 19th century French children’s literature’, Bulletin of the John Rylands University, Library of Manchester (2003), pp. 141-159.

50Brown, Penny, ‘Reinventing the Maid : Images of Joan of Arc in French and Children’s Literature’ in The Presence of the Past in Children’s Literature, ed. by Ann Lawson Lucas (Westport, Connecticut and London : Praeger, 2003), pp. 41-52.

51Durand, Marion and Diana Wormuth, ‘One Hundred Years of Illustrations in French children’s books’, Yale French Studies, vol. 43 (1969), pp. 85-96.

52Evans, Arthur B., ’Jules Verne and the French Literary Canon’, in Jules Verne : Narratives of Modernity, ed. by J. Smyth (Liverpool : Liverpool University Press, 2000), pp. 111-39.

53Evans, I.O., Jules Verne and his Work (London : Arco, 1965).

54Finch, Alison, Women’s Writing in Nineteenth-Century France (Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2000).

55Herz, Micheline, ‘The Angelism of Mme de Ségur’, Yale French Studies, 27 (1961), pp. 12-21.

56Heywood, Colin, Childhood in Nineteenth-Century France. Work, health and education amongst the ’classes populaires’ (Cambridge : Cambridge University press, 1988).

57Kanipe, Esther, ‘Hetzel and the bibliothèque d’éducation et de récréation’, Yale French Studies, vol. 43, (1969), pp. 73-84.

58Lloyd, Rosemary, The Land of Lost Content, Children and Childhood in Nineteenth-Century France (Oxford : Clarendon, 1992).

59Martin, Andrew, The Mask of the Prophet. The Extraordinary Fictions of Jules Verne (Oxford : Clarendon, 1990).

60Nières-Chevrel, Isabelle, ‘In and Out of History : Jeanne d’Arc by Maurice Boutet de Monvel’ in The Presence of the Past in Children’s Literature, ed. by Ann Lawson Lucas (Westport, Connecticut and London : Praeger, 2003), pp. 33-39.

61Phillips, Richard, Maping Men and Empire. A Geography of Adventure (London and New York : Routledge, 1997).

62Powell, Kirsten, Fables in Frames : La Fontaine and Visual Culture in Nineteenth-Century France (New York : Peter Lang, 1997).

63Steel, David, ‘Hector Malot, Sans famille and the sense of adventure’, New Comparison, 20 (Autumn, 1995), pp. 75-95.

64Strachan, John, ‘Romance, Religion and the Republic : Bruno’s Le Tour de la France par deux enfants’, French History, 18, no.1 (2004), pp. 96-118.

65Strumingher, Laura S., What are Little Girls and Boys Made of ? Primary Education in Rural France 1830-1880 (Albany : State University of New York, 1983).

66Strumingher, Laura S., ’Square Pegs in Round Holes : Rural Parents and Primary Schools, France 1830-1880’, in Popular Traditions and Learned Culture, ed. by Marc Bertrand, Stanford French and Italian Studies, 35 (Saratoga : Anma Libri, 1985).

67Taves, B. and Michaluk, S., The Jules Verne Encyclopedia (London: Scarecrow Press, 1999).

68Unwin, Timothy, Jules Verne. Journeys in Writing (Liverpool : Liverpool University Press, 2005).

69Vaclavik, Kiera, ’Jules Verne, écrivain... de jeunesse : the Case of Voyage au centre de la terre’, Australian Journal of French Studies vol XLII, 3 (2005), pp. 276-283.

70Vaclavik, Kiera, ‘George Sand and Jules Verne : a missing link’, French Studies Bulletin, 90 (Spring 2004), pp. 8-10.

71Winandy, André and Rita Winandy, ‘The Twilight Zone : imagination and reality in Jules Verne’s Strange Journeys’, Yale French Studies, vol. 43 (1969), pp. 97-110.

72Vaclavik, Kiera, ‘Un petit costume de mineur : class and gender cross-dressing in a reworking of Germinal for young readers’, Romance Studies 21 (2003), pp. 115-126.

73Vaclavik, Kiera, ‘Death for beginners : nineteenth-century katabatic narratives for young readers’, in Birth and Death in the Nineteenth Century, eds N. Harkness, L. Downing, S.Stephens, and T. Unwin (Amsterdam : Rodopi, 2007), pp. 127-138.

74Zweig, Paul, The Adventurer. The Fate of Adventure in the Western World (Princeton : Princeton University Press, 1974).

Le XXe siècle

75Forsdick, Charles, ‘Exoticising the Domestique : Bécassine, Brittany and the Beauty of the Dead’ in The Francophone Bande Dessinée ed. by Charles Forsdick, Lawrence Grove and Libby Mcquillan (eds.), (Amsterdam : Rodopi, 2005), pp. 23-37.

76Forsdick, Charles, Lawrence Grove and Libby Mcquillan (eds.) The Francophone Bande Dessinée (Amsterdam : Rodopi, 2005).

77Gascoigne, David, Michel Tournier (Oxford and Washington : Berg, 1996).

78Halls, W.D., The Youth of Vichy France (Oxford : Clarendon, 1981).

79Judah, Tim, ‘Tintin in the Dock’, The Guardian, Weekend supplement (January 30, 1999), pp. 8-18.

80Marie, Laurent, ‘Le Grêlé 7/13, a (Communist) children’s guide to the Resistance’, in The Francophone Bande Dessinée, ed. by Charles Forsdick, Lawrence Grove and Libby Mcquillan (Amsterdam : Rodopi, 2005), pp. 74-82.

81Masters, Brian, A Student’s Guide to Saint-Exupéry (London : Heinemann, 1972).

82Proud, Judith, Children and Propaganda. Il était une fois... : Fiction and Fairy Tale in Vichy France (Oxford : Intellect, 1995).

83Screech, Matthew, Masters of the Ninth Art. Bandes dessinées and Franco-Belgian Identity (Liverpool : Liverpool University Press, 2005).

84Sussex, R.T., Henri Bosco, Poet-Novelist (Christchurch : University of Canterbury Press, 1966).

85Thompson, Harry, Tintin, Hergé and his Creation (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1991).

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Electronic reference

Isabelle Nières-Chevrel and Penny Brown, “Bibliographie des travaux en anglais sur la littérature de jeunesse française”Strenæ [Online], 1 | 2010, Online since 14 June 2010, connection on 16 April 2024. URL:; DOI:

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About the authors

Isabelle Nières-Chevrel

Université de Rennes 2

By this author

Penny Brown

Université de Manchester

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