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About the journal

XVII-XVIII is an internationally peer-reviewed annual journal, founded in 1975 by Société d’études anglo-américaines des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. It publishes research articles in English or in French addressing literature, history, the arts, intellectual and cultural history, and the history of ideas in the British Isles and the Empire from the end of the Renaissance to the beginnings of Romanticism, and in America from the colonial period to 1815. Its distinctive approach is to consider this time-span and space as a whole.

Individual issues focus on a given topic and also comprise a Varia section and book reviews :

  • Each issue explores a salient aspect of culture in the English-speaking world over the 17th and 18th centuries. It is examined from complementary points of view developed in some ten articles and an introduction, confronting methods from several epistemological fields. The Society’s annual conference serves as a forum to discuss the topic before articles are sent in and edited.

  • The Varia section widens the scope with several articles on diverse questions. Proposals can be sent to rseaa[at] Please see "Permanent call for papers".

  • Reviews give an insight into current research. If you wish to propose a title for the Review section, please contact the editor. A list of ‘Books received’ is published regularly.


Issues 1 to 68 (1975-2011) are accessible in open access on Persée.

Special issues focus on new perspectives on a founding event in the period or honour the memory of a member of the Société whose work is of particular importance. Three special issues have been published to date: two of them as tributes to deceased colleagues (HS1 and HS3) and one as a volume of essays, Spreading the Written Word in the English-Speaking World (HS2). If you have a project, contact the editorial committee at rseaa[at]

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