New journals annoucements

852 results in 86 pages

Esclavages & Post-esclavages. Slaveries & Post-Slaveries

Esclavages & Post-esclavages. Slaveries & Post-SlaveriesThe focus of Esclavages & Post-esclavages, a multidisciplinary and multilingual journal created in 2019, is issues linked to situations of slavery and post-slavery in the world, from antiquity to the present day. It offers readers a thematic dossier, miscellaneous articles and book reviews. It...

Revue du droit des religions

Revue du droit des religionsCreated in 2016, Revue du droit des religions is dedicated to issues linked to the legal framing of religions and the individual manifestations of the religious in our contemporary societies. Drawing upon French public/private law and international legal systems, this biannual publication expl...

Dynamiques environnementales

Dynamiques environnementalesAt the crossroads of the earth sciences and the humanities and social sciences, Dynamiques environnementales considers environmental topics and human/environment interactions. This biannual journal publishes basic and applied research, syntheses and educational dossiers that enable a better un...

Les Cahiers de la mémoire contemporaine

Les Cahiers de la mémoire contemporaineCreated in 1999, Les Cahiers de la mémoire contemporaine are dedicated to the history and sociology of Jewish people in Belgium over the last two centuries. The topics covered are migratory movements, religious life, relations with Israel, the post-war reconstruction of Jewish life, etc. The t...

Commonwealth Essays and Studies

Commonwealth Essays and StudiesCreated in 1975, Commonwealth Essays and Studies analyses – through articles, interviews and book reviews – literary works hailing from or relating to the Commonwealth. Its anchoring in the French language enables the journal to broach a critique of postcolonial anglophone literature and to th...

Cahiers de la recherche sur les droits fondamentaux

Cahiers de la recherche sur les droits fondamentauxSince 2002, Cahiers de la recherche sur les droits fondamentaux has published an annual thematic volume on human rights and the ways the law is changing, seeking to constantly stay abreast of current affairs. Open to disciplines other than public law (history, political science, economics, med...

In Situ. Au regard des sciences sociales

In Situ. Au regard des sciences socialesCreated in 2019, In Situ. Au regard des sciences sociales aims to illustrate how the humanities and social sciences as a diverse whole cover the issue of heritage. Its thinking enriches studies carried out since 2001 by the journal of heritage professionals, In Situ. Revue des patrimoines. Ref...