New journals annoucements

854 results in 86 pages


GéolinguistiqueGéolinguistique considers linguistic variability in space and language in all its approaches, across the world and without excluding dialects and languages in the oral tradition. It covers questions of lexicon, phonetics, morphosyntax, prosody, toponymy and semantic motivation. Published each ...

Études de stylistique anglaise

Études de stylistique anglaiseÉtudes de stylistique anglaise, formerly the Bulletin de la Société de stylistique anglaise (1979-2010), is characterised by its disciplinary openness, as it covers a diverse range of topics linked to English stylistics (pragmatics, narratology, discourse analysis, cognitivist stylistics, etc....

Recherches germaniques

Recherches germaniquesFounded in 1971, Recherches germaniques is dedicated to literature, cultural history and the history of ideas in German-speaking countries (Germany, Austria, Switzerland). The journal also considers colonial issues and German Orientalism. Articles, which may be in French, German or English, co...

Revue d’histoire des sciences humaines

Revue d’histoire des sciences humainesCreated in 1999, the Revue d’histoire des sciences humaines promotes a cross-cutting and transdisciplinary approach to the history of the human sciences. This publication, which produces two issues a year, thus seeks to highlight the variety of national configurations as well as the processes ...


GalliaCreated in 1943 by the CNRS, Gallia is the leading French archaeology journal. It publishes summative articles on discoveries and major research on ancient France. Its chronological field spans protohistory, from the first Iron Age, Antiquity and Late Antiquity, to the Merovingian kingdoms. It...

Cidades. Comunidades e territórios

Cidades. Comunidades e territóriosCidades. Comunidades e territórios est une revue portugaise d’études urbaines, fondée en 2000 et éditée par Dinâmia’CET-IUL. Depuis la pluralité des perspectives théoriques et des approches disciplinaires concernant l’analyse de la ville, cette publication semestrielle cherche à approfondir le...

Les Cahiers philosophiques de Strasbourg

Les Cahiers philosophiques de StrasbourgCreated in 1994, Les cahiers philosophiques de Strasbourg are dedicated to philosophical thought, with a strong focus on the history of German philosophy, its relation to ancient philosophy and its influence on contemporary philosophy, as well as on the arts and humanities and social sciences....