New journals annoucements

854 results in 86 pages


RursuSpicaeCreated when Rursus and Spicae merged in 2017, RursuSpicae is dedicated to conveying the texts and knowledge of Antiquity right through to the end of the Middle Ages. This extends to not only Greek and Latin texts, but also the Hebraic, Syriac and Arabic texts that nourished medieval and early...

Philosophie antique. Problèmes, Renaissances, Usages

Philosophie antique. Problèmes, Renaissances, UsagesSince its creation in 2001, Philosophie antique has been the only journal published in France that is entirely dedicated to Antiquity as a whole. It brings together research on all schools and periods of ancient philosophy and on all forms of its reception up to the present day. Each year, the...

Palethnologie. Archéologie et Sciences humaines

Palethnologie. Archéologie et Sciences humainesPalethnologie is the first bilingual (French and English) digital-only journal of archaeology. Its purpose is to promote a sociocultural approach to the communities of the past (palaeoenvironment, archaeozoology, analysis of archaeological artefacts, etc.), above and beyond the material dimens...


TangenceCreated in 1992, Tangence is a Quebec-based journal of literary studies that focuses on the links that literature may have with other disciplines: the arts, philosophy, humanities, the exact sciences. Distinguished by its varied thematic dossiers focused on distinct periods, it often offers a ...

Archivio antropologico mediterraneo

Archivio antropologico mediterraneoThe Italian journal Archivio antropologico mediterraneo is a biannual periodical of cultural anthropology. Created in 1998 in print format, it has been a digital-only journal since 2009. Attentive to the dynamics and processes of the contemporary world, it aims to be a point of reference for I...

Revue des sciences sociales

Revue des sciences socialesFounded in 1972 by Julien Freund, la Revue des sciences sociales, originally Revue des sciences sociales de la France de l’Est, is a pluridisciplinary generalist journal of sociology, ethnology and demography, with contributions from historians, legal practitioners, psychologists and philosoph...


MultilingualesMultilinguales is an annually published journal that prioritizes a multidisciplinary approach in fields such as linguistics, sociolinguistics, ethnolinguistics, psycholinguistics, interpretation and traductology, among others. Published by the Faculty of Arts and Languages at the Université Ab...