New journals annoucements

854 results in 86 pages

Double jeu

Double jeuDouble jeu wishes to establish a dialogue between specialists of the performing arts, in the fields of theatre and cinema, regarding issues or hypotheses that they have in common. Affiliated to LASLAR (Lettres, Arts du Spectacle, Langues Romanes) and published by the Presses universitaires de ...

Culture & Musées. Muséologie et recherche sur la culture

Culture & Musées. Muséologie et recherche sur la cultureFounded in 2003, Culture & Musées is an international scientific journal and the successor to Publics & Musées (1992–2003), the first French-language museology journal. Its focus is original research on audiences, institutions, and the mediation of culture. The journal is distinguished by its ...

Tsafon. Revue d’études juives du Nord

Tsafon. Revue d’études juives du NordCreated in 1990, Tsafon is a Jewish studies journal focusing on the following topics: biblical and rabbinical texts, religion and interreligious relations, the history of the Jewish people from Antiquity to the present day, the history of the state of Israel, and contemporary Jewish and Israel...

Archéologie médiévale

Archéologie médiévaleCreated in 1971, Archéologie médiévale was the first journal to focus on this discipline. Each annual issue includes in-depth articles on recent aspects of French or intentional archaeological research and a round-up of news on excavations. This lists records of all excavations or research ope...

Revue des études slaves

Revue des études slavesFounded in 1921, the Revue des études slaves is a reference in French Slavistics. Published by the Institut d’études slaves and Eur’ORBEM, it focuses on the philology, history and literary criticism/history of Slavic countries and cultures, while welcoming interdisciplinary approaches. Alterna...

L’Âge d'or. Images du monde ibérique et ibéroaméricain

L’Âge d'or. Images du monde ibérique et ibéroaméricainL’ Âge d’or. Images du monde ibérique et ibéroaméricain is a digitally native journal founded in 2008 and published by the LISAA laboratory. Initially focused on Hispanic iconography in the fields of cinema and painting, this annual publication took a new direction in 2012 and now considers th...

Agôn. Revue des arts de la scène Agôn. Revue des arts de la scène

Agôn. Revue des arts de la scèneProduced by the association of the same name, Agôn is a digital open access journal dedicated to the performing arts, offering a forum for convergence and the exchange of ideas. Run by researcher-practitioners, its editorial policy combines theory and practice, experience of the stage and the ...

Revista de Estudios Sociales

Revista de Estudios SocialesThe Revista de Estudios Sociales is a quarterly journal published by the Universidad de los Andes. Created in 1998, this important scholarly publication in Latin America aims to publish research, analysis and opinion on social issues. It also seeks to expand the field of knowledge on subjects ...

Artefact. Techniques, histoire et sciences humaines

Artefact. Techniques, histoire et sciences humainesCreated in 2013, Artefact. Techniques, histoire et sciences humaines is dedicated to the study of technique and the materiality of its practices in human societies. Adopting a historical, archaeological and anthropological approach, the journal places the technical at the heart of its investig...