New journals annoucements

854 results in 86 pages

Les Cahiers de la recherche architecturale, urbaine et paysagère

Les Cahiers de la recherche architecturale, urbaine et paysagèreSpecialised in architecture, urban planning and landscape architecture, the Cahiers initially emerged out of architecture school labs in the 1970s. They are aimed at research communities concerned with international spatial transformations, whatever their scale. Enjoying an international scien...

Les Annales de droit

Les Annales de droitFounded in 2007, the Annales de droit analyses contemporary shifts in legal practice from an international perspective. Articles cover private law and public law as well as the history of law and political science. Generalist in outlook, the journal considers legal phenomena as a whole and is ...

Cahiers d'Études Germaniques

Cahiers d'Études GermaniquesFounded in 1972, Cahiers d’Études Germaniques is a biannual journal focused on German-speaking countries. A pluridisciplinary journal, it produces themed issues containing articles in French and German, covering a wide range of disciplines such as art, history, linguistics, literature and gend...

Revue d’Allemagne et des pays de langue allemande

Revue d’Allemagne et des pays de langue allemandeFounded in 1969, the Revue d’Allemagne et des pays de langue allemande studies the societies of the European German-speaking regions and German minorities from the seventeenth century to the modern day. It publishes articles in French and German covering a variety of disciplines: history, art ...

Gallia Préhistoire

Gallia PréhistoireCreated by the CNRS and published by CNRS Éditions, for over half a century Gallia Préhistoire has been publishing synthesis articles on the discoveries and most innovative research in archaeology in France, as well as in European countries. In terms of chronology, it covers the period stretch...

Alter. Revue de phénoménologie

Alter. Revue de phénoménologieSince its creation in 1993, the phenomenology journal Alter has established itself as a reference work in phenomenological research, particularly French. It seeks to welcome phenomenological practices in all their diversity. Its annual, themed issues gather together original contributions that...

Annales islamologiques

Annales islamologiquesAn authority in its field, Annales islamologiques is an international and pluridisciplinary journal on Egypt and the Arab–Muslim world from the seventh century to the present day: history, history of art, archaeology, conservation and restoration, linguistics, literature, law, religion, histor...