New journals annoucements

854 results in 86 pages

Via. Tourism Review

Via. Tourism ReviewVia. Tourism Review is a digitally native plurilingual journal that approaches tourism as an intercultural object. Each article is translated into two to four languages. The languages of publication are: French, English, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and Catalan. This biannual publicati...

Variants. The Journal of the European Society for Textual Scholarship

Variants. The Journal of the European Society for Textual ScholarshipCreated in 2002, Variants publishes articles in English on the theory and practice of textual studies: scholarly and critical editions, philology, codicology and palaeography, genetic criticism, history of the book, and so on. Publishing one issue annually, it is also interested in digital pub...

Revista Historia y Justicia

Revista Historia y JusticiaThe Revista Historia y justicia is dedicated to exploring the scientific fields of history and justice in Chilli and other Spanish-speaking countries, from the colonial period to the present day. It offers a pluridisciplinary approach and a broad conception of the notion of justice, from norms...

Archéopages. Archéologie et société

Archéopages. Archéologie et sociétéArchéopages showcases the place of archaeology in the expansion of knowledge in the human sciences. Created in 2000, this quarterly journal was overhauled in 2007 in order to reach out to the archaeological community as a whole and to all researchers who contribute to the understanding of huma...

Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest

Revue d’études comparatives Est-OuestCreated in 1970 by the CNRS, the Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest (RECEO) publishes research work related to the European and Eurasian geographical field. Published by NecPlus and supported by the CERCEC, this quarterly journal focuses on the analysis of the political, legal, economic and...