New journals annoucements

852 results in 86 pages

Chroniques du travail

Chroniques du travailSince 2011, Institut régional du travail (Aix-Marseille Université) has been publishing the journal Chroniques du travail, which brings together the results of research in the social sciences of work. The work of not only researchers but also public and corporate players and trade union activi...


ArchipéliesUniversité des Antilles and CRILLASH have been publishing Archipélies since 2010. Twice a year, studies in literature, languages, arts and history highlight the paths, aesthetics, assertions and movements that are changing the territories, in relation to their socio-historical heritage, and co...

Revue française des méthodes visuelles

Revue française des méthodes visuellesFounded in 2017 and published by the non-profit organization Recherche en vue(s) since 2022, Revue française des méthodes visuelles is an annual international transdisciplinary journal. The Miscellanea, Interview, Perspectives, and Alternatives sections feature research focused on the producti...

Filigrane. Musique, Sons, Esthétique, Société

Filigrane. Musique, Sons, Esthétique, SociétéFounded in 2005, Filigrane is a musicology journal dedicated to the critical exploration of music, sound art, and artistic creation. The annual journal is a space for interdisciplinary dialog, publishing research articles, critical commentary, interviews, and artists’ texts. Filigrane bridges ...

Transbordeur. Photographie histoire société

Transbordeur. Photographie histoire sociétéFounded in 2017, Transbordeur is a French journal on the history of photography, published by Association Transbordeur and Éditions Macula. The journal’s mission is to highlight the role of photography in society and analyze how it has fundamentally changed our relationship with the world, fro...

Lalies. Langue & Littérature

Lalies. Langue & LittératureCreated in 1980, Lalies is closely linked to CLELIA – Linguistique et Littérature, an organization that holds conferences with informational and continuing education sessions on linguistics and literature in the areas of general linguistics, comparative Indo-European grammar, theory, and liter...


LittéralesFounded in 1987 and published by the Presses universitaires de Paris Nanterre, Littérales is an annual journal dedicated to the study of the materiality of texts and to the history of literary forms and their relationship to the history of ideas, and of the history of ideas and their relations...

Sources. Matériaux & terrains en études africaines

Sources. Matériaux & terrains en études africainesSources. Matériaux & terrains en études africaines was founded in 2020. It is published twice a year by INFRA-Nairobi. An interdisciplinary humanities and social sciences journal, it focuses on African and Afro-diasporic studies in literature and archaeology, highlighting research materials an...