New journals annoucements

849 results in 85 pages


PRISMIPRISMI is a journal from the Université de Lorraine published in French, English, and Italian by Chemins de tr@verse. In 2020, the interdisciplinary publication introduced a new series focusing on Italian literature, comparative Italianism, history, and current Italian culture from the Middle ...


CataloniaCreated in 2008, Catalonia is an interdisciplinary journal published twice annually by Sorbonne University’s Laboratoire CRIMIC. It focuses on Catalan language, literature, art, and any historical period of interest to Catalan studies, from the Middle Ages to today. Geographical areas covered ...

Appartenances & Altérités

Appartenances & AltéritésAppartenances & Altérités is a journal founded in 2021 and published by the Migrations et Société research unit (URMIS). It is a continuation of Cahiers de l'Urmis in that it studies migrations and interethnic relationships, but it is aimed at a wider audience, especially internationally, and ...

Phenomenology and Mind

Phenomenology  and  MindFounded in 2011 at the Université Vita-Salute San Raffaele in Milan and published by Rosenberg & Sellier, Phenomenology and Mind successfully combines phenomenology and analytic philosophy of the mind, taking a philosophical look at personhood and moral agency. It is published twice a year, wi...

Cahiers François Viète

Cahiers François VièteCahiers François Vièteis a twice-yearly generalist journal founded in 2019 that is published by Nantes Université. It features original articles in French and Englishon the history of science and technology in any geographical region from ancient times to today. Occasional specially themed art...