New journals annoucements

846 results in 85 pages

Colombia Internacional

Colombia InternacionalCreated in 1986, Colombia Internacional aims to spark academic discussions in political science and international relations by analyzing political events past and present through relevant and innovative disciplinary and interdisciplinary study. It is funded by the College of Social Sciences at...

CECIL. Cahiers d’études des cultures ibériques et latino-américaines

CECIL. Cahiers d’études des cultures ibériques et latino-américainesCreated in 2015, Cahiers d’études des cultures ibériques et latino-américaines (CECIL) is a journal dedicated to comparative looks at culture and civilization in the Americas and on the Iberian Peninsula, bringing together specialists across the cultural and linguistic spheres of the Iberian a...

Arrêt sur scène / Scene Focus

Arrêt sur scène / Scene FocusSince 2012, multimedia digital journal Arrêt sur scène/Scene Focus has been published by the Institut de recherche sur la Renaissance, l’âge Classique et les Lumières (IRCL, a CNRS UMR based at the Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3), covering 16th-, 17th-, and 18th-century European theater,...


PRISMIPRISMI is a journal from the Université de Lorraine published in French, English, and Italian by Chemins de tr@verse. In 2020, the interdisciplinary publication introduced a new series focusing on Italian literature, comparative Italianism, history, and current Italian culture from the Middle ...


CataloniaCreated in 2008, Catalonia is an interdisciplinary journal published twice annually by Sorbonne University’s Laboratoire CRIMIC. It focuses on Catalan language, literature, art, and any historical period of interest to Catalan studies, from the Middle Ages to today. Geographical areas covered ...