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Style Guide

All texts and essays should be formatted in Chicago style ( ) in Calibri font size 12 and 1.5 line spacing. Quotations longer than three lines should be indented left in the text. Footnotes should be in Calibri font size 10 and 1.0 line spacing. Abstracts should be up to 1,430 cce. Charts, graphs, figures and photos should be presented on separate files, numbered and titled correctly, indicating their place in the text.

In the case of co-authored articles, the contribution of each of the authors shall be detailed at the end of the text, indicating their dominant type of participation in the elaboration of the piece. For example, one of the authors may have done most of the fieldwork while the other focused more on analyzing the information and writing the text. Or, alternatively, all authors may have participated equally in the construction of the text. In any case, one requests a brief description (up to 4 lines) of how the division of labor among the co-authors was undertaken.

The content of the manuscripts published by the journal is the sole responsibility of the author(s). All material should be sent without the author's identification to the e-mail of the AA and the self-citations and self-references should be replaced simply by the word AUTHOR. In the body of the e-mail, the author must inform her full name, ORCID number and contact e-mail, and the full name, city and country of her institutional affiliation (indicate institution + faculty and department, city, state and country). A mini bio shall also be sent, which should be short and have a maximum of 350 cce. The names of institutions and programs must be presented in full and in the original language of the institution, with a translation into English.

The “Declaration of ethical alignment, originality and exclusivity and assignment of copyright" must also be attached at the time of submission.

Once published in the journal's electronic site and in its full version as a PDF file, the text can be self-archived (in personal electronic sites, institutional repositories, etc.) and reproduced, as long as the reference to Anuário Antropológico is explicit.

Below is a synthetic demonstration of the Chicago citation style.

For books:

Peirano, Mariza. 2006. A Teoria Vivida e Outros Ensaios de Antropologia. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor.

(Peirano 2016, 75)

For collective volumes:

Lobo, Andréa e Juliana Braz Dias (org.) 2016. Mundos em circulação: perspectivas sobre Cabo Verde. Brasília/Praia: Aba Publicações/EdUniCV.

(Lobo & Dias 2016, 20)

For chapter in collective volumes:

Fleischer, Soraya. 2017. “Parteiras, parto domiciliar e reciprocidade numa pequena cidade amazônica”. In: Jurema Brites e Flávia de Mattos Motta. (Org.). Etnografia, o espírito da antropologia: tecendo linhagens homenagem a Claudia Fonseca. Santa Cruz do Sul: EDUNISC, 272-311.

(Fleischer 2017, 300)

For Journals:

Moura, Cristina Patriota de. 2017. “Considerações sobre dinâmicas educacionais em tempos de transnacionalização chinesa”. Horizontes Antropológicos, 23: 89-121.

(Moura 2017, 90)

Thesis and dissertations:

Silva, Rosana Maria Nascimento Castro. 2018. “Precariedades oportunas, terapias insulares: economias políticas da doença e da saúde na experimentação farmacêutica”. Tese de doutorado. Universidade de Brasília.

(Silva 2018, 25)

All material should be sent by e-mail to Anuário Antropológico:

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