Code of Ethics
Haut de pageABE Journal has a strong commitment to implementing principles regarding tranparency and best practice in open access scholarly publishing. Our Code of Ethics is inspired by the Code of Conduct and Best-Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors (Committee on Publication Ethics, 2011).
Funding model
ABE Journal receives financial and staff support from the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) through the French National Institute for Humanities Research (INSHS).
ABE Journal is disseminated through the Open Edition Freemium program : « All income generated by the program is reinvested in the development of open access academic publishing. »
ABE Journal does not charge any fee for submission or publication. Author·s do not pay article processing charges to publish open access in ABE Journal.
Authors rights & liabilities
Author·s agree to comply with ABE Journal’s editorial standards.
Author·s are not paid for their contributions to ABE Journal.
Author·s retain the rights to the published material.
Author·s permit the use of their pulished work under the Creative Commons license CC BY to which ABE Journal susbscribes:
Author·s are encouraged to post the publisher's PDF file of their article on academic open-access repositories.
Author·s are free to reuse the published material giving appropriate credit to ABE Journal by always citing the article properly, as indicated by ABE Journal in the Reference section, at the end of each article online at:
Duplicate / Concurrent submission
By submitting their work to ABE Journal, Author·s ensure that they have not submitted the proposed article to another journal or media at the same time.
Author·s guarantee that the article they are submitting is not under review by another journal.
Author·s guarantee that the article they are submitting is original.
Author·s guarantee that the article they are submitting has not already been published and that it is not based in whole or in part on previously published research.
Author·s will bring to the attention of the Editor·s any redundant or overlapping prepublication or publication that may exclude consideration.
Conflict of interest / Integrity
Author·s will inform the Editor·s of the journal of any potential conflict of interest, be it professional, financial, or of any other nature, that could be interpreted as having influenced their work or motivated their submission.
Author·s should not suggest reviewers’ names to the journal, because they will be rejected.
ABE Journal articles are peer-reviewed. The Author·s agree to incorporate revisions as requested by Referee·s/Reviewer·s or Editor·s, and to modify their text accordingly, following the Editorial committee’s recommendations.
Any manuscript which shows obvious signs of plagiarism will be automatically rejected.
If plagiarism is discovered in a paper that has already been published by the journal, it will be retracted.
Acknowledgement of sources
Plagiarism may also involve a violation of copyright law, punishable by legal action.
Author·s guarantee that they have given appropriate credit to all of the publications they cite in the article.
Author·s certify that they have acquired the rights for the publication of any additional material (photographs, drawings, etc.) subject to copyright clearance, that may be incorporated into their manuscript.
Defamatory statements
Author·s guarantee that their proposed article contains no fraudulent, defamatory, or intentionally inaccurate remarks.
Article review
Content published in ABE Journal is peer reviewed.
ABE Journal uses a blind peer-review system for articles published in the themed dossier section and varia. Articles are reviewed by at least two experts (herein the Referee·s/Reviewer·s) who are not informed of either the author’s name or that of the other reviewer.
Other contributions (debates, documents/sources, dissertation abstracts, and book reviews) are reviewed by the journal’s permanent Editors-in-chief, members of the Editorial committee, and/or Guest Editors-in-chief.
Contributions may be subject to a second round review process if the Editor·s in charge of the journal and/or of the themed issues deem it necessary.
Any information that might identify the Author·s is deleted by the Journal Office prior to peer-review.
Any manuscripts received for review is confidential. It must not be disclosed or discussed outside the Editorial committee.
Conflict of interest / Impartiality
Every submission will be considered impartially, and judged on intrinsic merit, regardless of the gender, religion, sexual orientation, nationality, ethnic origin, seniority, or institutional affiliation of the Author·s.
Referee·s/Reviewer·s should not consider manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships or connections with any of the authors, companies, or institutions associated with the article under review.
Reviews should be conducted objectively.
Referee·s/Reviewer·s fill out a standard review form provided by the journal.
Review reports will be written clearly with supporting arguments.
Personnal attacks or criticism of the Author·s are unacceptable.
Prevention of plagiarism
Referee·s/Reviewer·s will notify the Editor·s of any substantial similarity or overlap between the manuscript under revision and any other publication of which they become aware.
Referee·s/Reviewer·s should also identify when observations or arguments inspired by other publications are not properly cited or when relevant references are missing.
Third party reuse of ABE Journal copyrighted material
The use of the ABE Journal articles or content material by any party other than the Author·s is subject to the terms of the license Creative Commons CC BY:
The user must give appropriate credit to ABE Journal and ABE Author by always citing the article properly, as indicated by ABE Journal in the Reference section, at the end of each article online at:
Only the text of the articles published in ABE Journal is concerned by the terms of the re-use license. Permission to publish again images or other copyrighted material incorporated in the articles is vested solely in their right holders.
To cite ABE Journal content, see the Reference (Cite as) section at the end of each article in Journal website: