- 22 | 2023
Architecture in the Foreign Aid-funded Knowledge Economy. 2-PedagogiesL'architecture dans une économie de la connaissance financée par l'aide internationale. 2-PédagogiesWhile the thematic contributions to the previous issue ABE21 questioned the notion of “expertise”, the contributions to the current dossier focus on the role of education and pedagogy to further qualify the specificities of the foreign aid-funded knowledge economy. In doing so, it engages with a topic that has received growing scholarly attention in recent years, and in ABE previously, among others by Kim De Raedt (ABE12) and Ayala Levin (ABE9-10). Education and pedagogy f(...)
- 21 | 2023
Architecture in the Foreign Aid-funded Knowledge Economy. 1-ExpertiseL'architecture dans une économie de la connaissance financée par l'aide internationale. 1- ExpertiseOne of the endeavours of ABE Journal-Architecture Beyond Europe has been to unravel the relations between colonial pasts, twentieth-century building cultures, and the “global” present, not only in terms of the materiality of built environments but also epistemically. One dimension of the latter entails interrogating the particular relationships and interactions between groups and individuals connected by colonial or postwar developmental constellations. Ten years after the(...)
- 20 | 2022
Small-scale Building Enterprise and Global Home OwnershipBeyond the Welfare StateConstructions de petite échelle et accession mondiale à la propriété. Au-delà de l'État providenceABE Journal – Architecture Beyond Europe has always been keenly interested in what lies beyond architecture and urbanism as both conventionally defined disciplines and autonomous producers of built environment artifacts. The journal has a long-standing record as a platform welcoming high-quality, historical-based research on the myriad actors whose actions determine built environment production: much of the work published here cuts across professional lines and questions a(...)
- 19 | 2021
VariaVariaIn the interest of capturing a broad range of topics across a wide geographical area―and which we cannot always do sufficient justice to through journal issues formed mainly around specific themes―we are publishing ABE 19 as an all-Varia or “open” issue. This is a natural extension of the open-access principle of the ABE Journal as such. Read more...
- 18 | 2021
Entanglements of Architecture and Comfort beyond the Temperate Zone - 2Architecture et confort au-delà de la zone tempérée - 2When we put out our call for papers on Entanglements of Architecture and Comfort beyond the Temperate Zone, we were not expecting such a response as to require a double issue. Yet clearly this is an issue that a wide range of scholars are working on at the moment.
- 17 | 2020
Entanglements of Architecture and Comfort beyond the Temperate Zone - 1Architecture et confort au-delà de la zone tempérée - 1This thematic section of ABE Journal explores the wide-ranging socio-environmental implications of comfort for architectural history. The contributions over this and the next issue complicate and expand upon our understanding of comfort. Each essay unpacks how comfort was situated and assembled in the built environment of different temporalities and geographies, beyond the taken-for-granted immediacy of the present and the discursive familiarity of temperate European and N(...)
- 16 | 2019
On Margins: Feminist Architectural Histories of MigrationEn marge d'une histoire féministe d'architecture et de migration“On Margins: Feminist Architectural Histories of Migration,” builds on the following two premises: that the dynamic of a situated and re-situated perspective is foundational to feminist histories of architecture, and that feminist historiographical approaches destabilize presumptions of fixity that have propelled the writing of architectural histories. Through histories of architectures that emerged from individual or collective acts and experiences of migration, the texts(...)
- 14-15 | 2019
Building the Scottish DiasporaScots and the Colonial Built EnvironmentLa diaspora écossaise dans la construction de l'espace colonialThis thematic section of ABE Journal considers the contribution of Scotland and “Scottishness” to the built environment in the wider British empire from the late eighteenth through to the early twentieth century. It focuses in particular on how a better understanding of Scottish diasporic networks (familial, professional, entrepreneurial, religious, educational etc.), and their material presences through cultures of architecture and building, complicates how we interpret o(...)
- 13 | 2018
Fabriques de la traditionConstruction of traditionDans le sillage de la révolution industrielle à la fin du XVIIIe siècle et des bouleversements induits par la circulation accélérée des biens et des hommes qui en résultent, les villes d'Europe et des empires coloniaux connaissent un profond renouvellement urbain. Destructions et patrimonialisation vont de pair. Ces transformations urbaines s'accompagnent donc d'un important mouvement pour l'étude, la documentation et la protection d'un patrimoine menacé par cette modernis(...)
- 12 | 2017
The space of diplomacyDesign and beyondL’espace diplomatique. Design et au-delàThis thematic section of ABE features contributions on the role and meanings of embassies and other structures designed for diplomacy, in urban fabrics situated east and south of the Mediterranean.
- 11 | 2017
Paradoxical Southeast AsiaAu-delà des paradoxes de l'Asie du Sud-EstIn Southeast Asia, a space characterized by intense regional and global traffic networks since the sixteenth century, the architectural landscape is often seen as a palimpsest of styles. The hybrid and syncretic nature of Southeast Asian architectural forms is seen as the result of the successive waves of contacts that marked the history of this part of the world called by some the “Asian Mediterranean” (F. Gipoloux). In this genealogy of architectural types, the colonial (...)
- 9-10 | 2016
Dynamic VernacularDynamiques vernaculairesThis issue takes as its subject the relationship between modernism and vernacular architecture in the colonial and postcolonial world. It explores this relationship as a dynamic between modernism and the vernacular, rather than in the more familiar and uni-directional form of modernism’s appropriation of vernacular forms. That this coming together had as much consequence for the vernacular side of the equation as it did for the modernist side, is often recognised but rare(...)
- 8 | 2015
Revêtements céramiquesOrnemental tilesLe champ des arts appliqués, dont l'étude est en plein essor, est un domaine très vaste qui peut être considéré dans son entier, les différents arts appliqués concourant à l'oeuvre d'art totale que deviennent parfois les intérieurs, mais aussi approchés selon les différents métiers. Ce numéro entend mettre en lumière l'étude du carreau céramique et du carreau ciment, comme revêtement de sol et de mur. Les travaux pionniers de Robert Saliba, Beyrouth architectures. Aux sour(...)
- 7 | 2015
South AmericaTransnational Studies and Cultural TransfersAmérique du Sud : études transnationales et transferts culturelsThis section of ABE is devoted to new models of exploring transnational architectural practice, and collects papers given at the Conference "Crossing Boundaries: Rethinking European architecture beyond Europe", held in Palermo (Italy), on 13-16 April 2014. Although European architects have worked beyond Europe since the time of the Crusades, the attention of historians of modern architecture has focused upon either colonial architecture or the work of exiles from fascism. (...)
- 6 | 2014
Socialist NetworksRéseaux socialistesThis issue of ABE focuses on the internationalization of building culture after WWII and the contributions of architects, planners, and engineers from socialist countries to these processes. Complementing the studies of colonial and postcolonial links, international organizations such as the UN, and economic globalization as conduits of the world-wide spread of architecture, this issue discusses the intersection of these networks with flows of labor power, materials, techn(...)
- 5 | 2014
Ingénieries innovantes ?Innovative engineering?L’objectif de ce numéro est double. Il entend d’une part mettre en lumière la richesse des ressources offertes par les archives d’entreprises conservées en Europe pour l’étude des architectures européennes « hors les murs », dans la lignée d’une première exploration de fonds d’archives engagée à l’occasion du projet européen Building beyond the Mediterranean: Studying the archives of European businesses, 1860-1970 (Claudine Piaton, Ezio Godoli, David Peyceré, 2012). Il vis(...)
- 4 | 2013
Global experts “off radar”Des experts mondiaux « hors des radars »Recent scholarship in architectural history testifies of an interest in a new type of professional which emerged in the postwar era, at a time when new international agencies emerged and a development discourse focusing on the Global South was on the rise. Travelling architects and planners turned into consultants consciously marketing their expertise in a worldwide arena and becoming what some have described as “global” or even “nomadic” experts. While well-known names su(...)
- 3 | 2013
Colonial todayL'architecture coloniale aujourd'huiAcross the world, colonialism produced a substantial built legacy that in many cases continues to mark post-colonial urban landscapes. This theme issue addresses the ambivalences surrounding the position of colonial architecture as heritage in the present day, questioning the common assumption that architecture produced under colonial rule constitutes, by definition, a “dissonant heritage”. Presenting cases that highlight the myriad ways in which colonial architecture is r(...)
- 2 | 2012
Corporate patronageMécénat d'entrepriseThis volume of Architecture Beyond Europe examines the term “corporate” and its possible relationships to empire and architecture. In so doing, it considers not only the common usage/conception of corporate as a descriptor—i.e., the commercial dimension—but also its wider and more basic definition, particularly as it applies to organised groups or “bodies” of agents acting for reasons of common purpose. In some cases this went beyond the motivation of purpose to include th(...)
- 1 | 2012
VariaVaria - 18 | 2021