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22 | 2023
Architecture in the Foreign Aid-funded Knowledge Economy. 2-Pedagogies

L'architecture dans une économie de la connaissance financée par l'aide internationale. 2-Pédagogies

While the thematic contributions to the previous issue ABE21 questioned the notion of “expertise”, the contributions to the current dossier focus on the role of education and pedagogy to further qualify the specificities of the foreign aid-funded knowledge economy. In doing so, it engages with a topic that has received growing scholarly attention in recent years, and in ABE previously, among others by Kim De Raedt (ABE12) and Ayala Levin (ABE9-10). Education and pedagogy form a powerful lens to investigate particular relationships and interactions between groups and individuals connected by colonial or postwar developmental constellations, and to ask pertinent questions of the postcolonial/decolonial.

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