Parole chiave – pedagogia
Aid, Knowledge, and Power: The Legacy of Imported Expertise at the National College of Arts, Lahore [Texto completo]Publicado en ABE Journal, 22 | 2023
Interrogating Values and Assumptions [Texto completo]A Postmodern View of Cultural Production, Relativism, and the Use of the Canon in the ClassroomPublicado en ABE Journal, 1 | 2012
The Itinerant Red Bauhaus, or the Third Emigration [Texto completo]PhD Thesis in Architectural History and Theory, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, under the supervision of Professors Reinhold Martin, Barry Bergdoll, and Jean-Louis Cohen, Columbia University, New York, NY, 2016Publicado en ABE Journal, 11 | 2017