Indice geografico – Brasile
Migration Currents and Building Practice Exchanges in the Portuguese Diaspora: From the Algarve to South America and Back [Testo integrale]Apparso in ABE Journal, 7 | 2015
Latin America Made in Italy [Testo integrale]The Editorial Construction of a Domesticated ModernismApparso in ABE Journal, 7 | 2015
Questions on space and intersections in the historiography of modern Brazilian architecture [Testo integrale]Apparso in ABE Journal, 7 | 2015
Catherine Seavitt Nordenson, Depositions. Roberto Burle Marx and Public Landscapes under Dictatorship [Testo integrale]Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 2018Apparso in ABE Journal, 18 | 2021
Ana Vaz Milheiro, Nos Trópicos Sem Le Corbusier: Arquitectura Luso-africana no Estado Novo [Testo integrale]Lisbon: Relógio d’Água, 2012Apparso in ABE Journal, 3 | 2013