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What is ABE – Architecture Beyond Europe

ABE – Architecture Beyond Europe is a scholarly, blind peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the study of nineteenth and twentieth-century architecture and urbanism outside of Europe. It focuses primarily on the transfers, adaptations and appropriations of forms, technologies, models and doctrines in colonial and postcolonial situations.

The project was initiated as part of an international research network entitled European Architecture Beyond Europe that demonstrated the need to bring together otherwise disparate research and scholars concerned with the deployment of architecture from and to Europe through both formal and informal modes of imperial expansion, postcolonial nation-building, international organizations, the migration and exile of building and construction experts, and the transnational flux of ideas and concepts.

ABE welcomes monographic and methodological essays; reviews of books, symposiums, and exhibitions; presentations of relevant historical documents and holdings, as well as recent dissertation abstracts. The journal’s editors also encourage proposals for guest-edited thematic sections to the volumes.

Conceived as a place of exchange in an emerging and dynamic field of research, ABE aims to provide a specialist scholarly forum for the discussion and dissemination of ideas relating to architecture in the colonial and postcolonial realms, as well as local forms of modernism.

The journal is supported by the Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences (CNRS, National Center for Scientific Research, France).

ISSN: 2275-6639


The journal has the following sections:
Thematic section (e.g.: “leisure architecture”): 3 to 5 papers on a theme, to be guest-edited and peer reviewed,
Varia: monographic articles on topics that are relevant to the journal's remit, to be peer reviewed,
Proceedings: group of papers given at a symposium, round-table, or conference panel
Works in Progress: papers that provide an opportunity to present in a concise format new lines of enquiry, working hypothesis and reports from the field,
Debate: This section offers space for reflection, gaining perspective and fomenting debate on the issues that animate ABE Journal. It is not an editorial and does not necessarily represent the views of the editorial board.
Documents / Sources: critical presentations of primary material relevant to the journal's remit (single document or holding),
Dissertation abstracts,
Book reviews.

Frequency of issues

Two per year.


ABE comprises:

An advisory board which meets once a year. The committee advises the editorial board on editorial strategy and policy, validates the theme of future issues and suggests topics for consideration.

An editorial board proposes the themes of the journal, contacts authors, approves the proposed contributions and appoints the referees.

An international multilingual group of referees covering the fields of architectural history, heritage of the built environment, colonial and postcolonial history, in all geographical areas, in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

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