Schlagwortindex – Eisenbahn
The Guide schématique de la ligne [1957]. Tracing the infrastructure landscape along the Matadi-Kinshasa railway line (DR Congo) through a living archive [Texte intégral]Paru dans ABE Journal, 14-15 | 2019
Architecture, Expertise, and the German Construction of the Ottoman Railway Network, 1868–1919 [Texte intégral]Doctoral dissertation, Program in Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Urban Planning, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 2014Paru dans ABE Journal, 7 | 2015
Peter H. Christensen, Germany and the Ottoman Railways: Art, Empire, and Infrastructure [Texte intégral]New Haven, CT; London: Yale University Press, 2017Paru dans ABE Journal, 17 | 2020