Guidelines to Authors
Haut de pageAuthors agree to comply with ABE Journal’s editorial policy. Authors are not paid for their contributions to ABE Journal. ABE Journal does not charge any submission or processing or publishing fees.
ABE Journal articles are blind peer-reviewed.
Authors guarantee that their contribution is original. Unethical behaviour will preclude consideration of the manuscript. Please see ABE Journal Code of Ethics for Author rights and duties.
Manuscript types
ABE Journal accepts the following types of contributions:
Themed & Varia section
Monographic and methodological articles in themed sections and in the Varia section should be approximately 5,000 to 8,000 words (including abstract, footnotes and bibliographical references). No more than 15 illustrations are allowed.
Documents/Sources section
Presentations of relevant historical documents and holdings in the Documents/Sources section of the Journal can have different formats: from a concise discussion of one particular source in a text of approximately 1,500 words to more substantial methodological/reflexive texts of a particular collection or range of sources in which case a more substantial length can be discussed with the Editorial committee. There should be one leading illustration to which up to 4 additional illustrations can be added (in case more images are needed, this needs to be discussed with the Editorial committee beforehand).
Debate section
Contributions to the Debate Section should be texts of about 2,500-4,000 words. No illustrations are included.
PhD section
Contributions to the PhD section should summarize doctoral dissertations that have recently and successfully been completed in approximately 1,500 to 2,500 words (including footnotes and bibliographical references). They can have up to two illustrations.
Reviews of books, symposia and exhibitions can range from a concise review of approximately 1,500 to 2,500 words (including footnotes and bibliographical references) to more in-depth contextualizations that bring in multiple books or events in a comparative manner, in a text of up to 4,500 words. Generally, no illustrations are included.
Languages and Keywords
ABE Journal accepts manuscripts in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.
Regardless of the language of the submission, an abstract in English is required (200 words) for contributions to the themed and Varia sections of the journal. Abstracts in other languages can be added.
Between 5 to 10 keywords in English are required for all manuscripts. Keywords in other languages can be added. As far as possible, prioritize keywords that already exist in ABE Journal index.
Submission guidelines
Submissions should be sent to abe [at] and include:
1. An electronic file (.doc, .docx, .odt, or .rtf) of the text with all illustrations embedded in low resolution at their proposed positions and provided with captions and copyright holder information.
The document should not be protected by password or encrypted, as every file is anonymized by the Journal Office prior to peer-review.
If applicable annex/appendix documents can be submitted in a separate electronic file. No post-conclusion paragraphs should be added to the body of the manuscript.
PDF files are not accepted.
The total file size should be less than 2Mb as larger attachments will be rejected by the journal’s email server.
2. A separate link to a folder containing all illustrations in high resolution (Minimum size: 800 pixels width and 300 dpi).
Authors are responsible for obtaining copyright clearance from rights owners for the publication of any copyrighted material (photographs, drawings, etc.) that may be included in their contribution. Exceptionally, if copyrights entail any costs, authors may be permitted to finalize copyright clearance procedures upon acceptance of their paper. Any related costs will be borne by the authors.
Collages or composite illustrations are not preferred but can be included if the composition uses no more than two images.
3. A numbered list of illustrations with captions, legend (if applicable), and appropriate sources and credits.
Captions must be short accurate descriptions rather than comments.
In case of composite illustrations, authors must legitimate the juxtaposition in the caption of the illustration and credit sources for each of the images.
Stylistic and Bibliographic Requirements
To enhance readability, manuscripts should be written using a serif-font style, for example: Times 12pt. on 18pt. leading (1.5 line spacing), in a single column.
Footnotes (do not use endnotes) may include bibliographic references, links, comments, etc.
To style your bibliography, ABE Journal implemented a Zotero style for each language it publishes, available at:
All citations and bibliographic references are placed in footnotes. Use a note number in the body of the essay and detail the corresponding reference in a footnote as below.
Hans Gebhardt, Dorothée Sack and Ralph Bodenstein (eds.), History, Space and Social Conflict in Beirut. The Quarter of Zokak el-Blat, Beirut: Orient-Institut; Würzburg: Ergon Verlag in Kommission, 2005 (Beiruter Texte und Studien, 97).
Book chapters
André Loeckx and Tom Avermaete, ʽ̔ ʽArchitecture ou Révolution’. Critical Moderns and the Search for a New Urbanity in 1950s Algiers,” in Tom Avermaete, Serhat Karakayali and Marion von Osten (eds.), Colonial modern. Aesthetics of the Past, Rebellions for the Future, London: Blackdog Publishing, 2010, p. 170-187.
Articles (journal)
Alex Bremner, “Out of Africa: G. F. Bodley, William White, and the Anglican Mission Church of St. Philip, Grahamstown, 1857-67,” Architectural History, vol. 51, 2008, p. 185-210.
Exhibition catalogues
Marcel Smets and Centre d’histoire urbaine (Leuven) (eds.), Resurgam. La reconstruction en Belgique après 1914, Exhibition Catalogue (Bruxelles, Crédit Communal, March 27-June 30, 1985), Brussels: Crédit Communal, 1985.
Academic thesis
John Rachman, Theory and Criticism, 20th-century Art and Philosophy, Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University, New York, 1985.
Conference proceedings
Carol C. Mattush (ed.), Rediscovering the ancient world on the Bay of Naples, 1710-1890, Proceedings of the symposium (Washington, Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, National Gallery of Art, January 30-31, 2009), New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2013 (Studies in the history of art, 79).
Proceedings (article)
Madalena Cunha Matos and Tania Beisl Ramos, “Going South: the garden city concept in urban plans made by Portuguese architects in the colonies during the 20th century”, in Binayak Rath and Amit Ray (dirs.), Cross National Transfer of Planning Ideas and Local Identity, 12th International Planning History Society Conference, New Delhi, Indian Institute of Technology, 11 december 2006.
Ola Uduku, School Design Matters! Reviewing design influences on Education Performance and the contemporary school’s existence as a "community asset", or "development hub" in Africa, Research Report, Bristol; London: University of Bristol; Department for International Development, October 2007.
Town (Country), Name of the institution (with archival holdings), Dossier/Folder/Bundle/File/Record, Call number.
Repeated citations
Use the complete reference (ex: Marlene Fisher, The Wisdom of the Heart: A Study of the Works of Mulk Raj Anand, New Delhi: Sterling, 1985, p. 184).
When citing that same document again: either use the abbreviated form of the reference and include op. cit. (ex: Marlene Fisher, The Wisdom of the Heart, op. cit., p. 184.)
Or if the citation immediately follows a citation of the same work simply use Ibid.
First reference:
5. Alex Bremner, “Out of Africa: G. F. Bodley, William White, and the Anglican Mission Church of St. Philip, Grahamstown, 1857-67,” rchitectural History, vol. 51, 2008, p. 185-210.
Subsequent references:
15. Alex Bremner, “Out of Africa”, op. cit. (note 5), p. 208.
16. Ibid. (note 5), p. 204.