Autore – Robby Fivez
Swimming in an ocean of materials [Testo integrale]Apparso in ABE Journal, 23 | 2024
“Addiction to cement.” Narratives and Strategies for Tackling the Lack of Cement in Sub-Saharan Africa (1920s-1980s) [Testo integrale]Apparso in ABE Journal, 23 | 2024
A Concrete State: Constructing Materials and Building Ambitions in the (Belgian) Congo [Testo integrale]PhD thesis in Architectural Sciences and Engineering, under the supervision of Prof. Johan Lagae (UGent), Prof. Rika Devos (Université Libre de Bruxelles), and Prof. Luc Taerwe (UGent), Ghent University, January 2023Apparso in ABE Journal, 22 | 2023
The Guide schématique de la ligne [1957]. Tracing the infrastructure landscape along the Matadi-Kinshasa railway line (DR Congo) through a living archive [Testo integrale]Apparso in ABE Journal, 14-15 | 2019
Apparso in ABE Journal, 9-10 | 2016