Index by keyword – expert
The Case for Self-Education. The Self-Help Manuals of the Communication Centre of Scientific Knowledge for Self-Reliance [Texte intégral]Paru dans ABE Journal, 21 | 2023
Interactions between Turkish Building Professionals and French Advisors in the Reconstruction of Historical Cities in Western Anatolia [Texte intégral]Paru dans ABE Journal, 21 | 2023
Shadow Work: Architecting While Black in British Guiana [Texte intégral]Paru dans ABE Journal, 21 | 2023
Shifting conditions, frameworks and approaches: The work of KPDV in postcolonial Africa [Texte intégral]Paru dans ABE Journal, 4 | 2013
Unlocking the archive of a transnational expert [Texte intégral]Traces of Henri-Jean Calsat’s activities as a who -consultantParu dans ABE Journal, 4 | 2013
Policies, people, projects. School building as development aid in postcolonial Sub-Saharan Africa [Texte intégral]PhD Thesis in Architectural History, under the supervision of Johan Lagae and Maarten Van Den Driessche, Ghent University, October 2017Paru dans ABE Journal, 12 | 2017
The Itinerant Red Bauhaus, or the Third Emigration [Texte intégral]PhD Thesis in Architectural History and Theory, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, under the supervision of Professors Reinhold Martin, Barry Bergdoll, and Jean-Louis Cohen, Columbia University, New York, NY, 2016Paru dans ABE Journal, 11 | 2017
A Contribution to Anonymous History [Texte intégral]A Review of Jaqueline Tyrwhitt: A transnational life in urban planning and design by Ellen ShoshkesParu dans ABE Journal, 4 | 2013