Auteur – Simon De Nys-Ketels
Myths and Realities of the Belgian Medical Model Colony: A Genealogy [Texte intégral]PhD thesis in Architectural Sciences and Engineering, under the supervision of Prof. Johan Lagae, Luce Beeckmans, and Koenraad Stroeken (UGent), Ghent University, November 2021Paru dans ABE Journal, 21 | 2023
A Hospital Typology Translated: Transnational Flows of Architectural Expertise in the Clinique Reine Elisabeth of Coquilhatville, in the Belgian Congo [Texte intégral]Paru dans ABE Journal, 19 | 2021
Jiat-Hwee Chang, A Geneaology of Tropical Architecture: Colonial Networks, Nature and Technoscience [Texte intégral]Abingdon; New York, NY: Routledge, 2016 (The Architext series)Paru dans ABE Journal, 12 | 2017