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“A Future Architect?” pencil on paper drawing by S.M. Pithawalla, and “Women Should Not Become Architects!” remarks by G.B. Kahirasagar to the Sir J.J. College of Art School of Architecture Literary and Debating Society.

“A Future Architect?” pencil on paper drawing by S.M. Pithawalla, and “Women Should Not Become Architects!” remarks by G.B. Kahirasagar to the Sir J.J. College of Art School of Architecture Literary and Debating Society.

These remarks opened a discussion with Perin Mistri, “our only lady student of Architecture.” Mistri became licensed by the Royal Institute of British Architects (riba) and practiced in Bombay for several years, as a principal in an architectural firm and the Secretary of the Indian Institute of Architects. Mistri’s firm apprenticed Minnette de Silva, who moved to Bombay from Ceylon, studied in the College, and later became an Associate of the riba. The migrations of these two architects (to London and back, elsewhere in Asia) shaped their architectural and intellectual careers. From Shilpa Sagar, Sir J.J. College of Architecture Literary & Debating Society journal, 1932.

Photo by Anooradha Iyer Siddiqi, from the archives of the Sir J.J. College of Architecture (Mumbai, India).
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