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ABE Journal está dedicada a la historia de la arquitectura y del urbanismo fuera de Europa. Se interesa por los aspectos coloniales y postcoloniales del mundo construido desde el siglo XIX, asi como a las redes profesionales, a los medios de comunicacion, a las doctrinas y a los modelos que circulan desde y hacia Europa. Editada por el laboratorio InVisu (CNRS/INHA), esta revista promueve la diversidad de puntos de vista y de métodos, en particular las perspectivas interculturales y transnacionales.

Último número en línea
23 | 2024
Material Constraints

Contraintes matérielles

“Human beings swim in an ocean of materials.” With this sentence, anthropologist Tim Ingold announced his crusade against the abstract concept of “materiality” that had taken the academic world by storm. In his text Materials against Materiality, Ingold argues how the discrepancy between mind and matter has clouded thinking in social sciences and humanities, necessitating the concept of agency—that “magic mind-dust”—to set things into motion. However, if we think of the world only as matter, “bringing things to life is a matter not of adding a sprinkling of agency, but of restoring the generative fluxes of the world of materials in which they came into being and continue to subsist.” This thematic dossier aims to do exactly that: to “restore the generative fluxes of the world of materials” in which buildings came into being, focusing on the very real constraints these materials posed in their production, processing, and distribution.

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