K. Jakubiak. « The origin and development of military architecture in the province of Parthava in the Arsacid period ». Iranica Antica, XLI, 2006, pp. 127-150.
Texte intégral
1The influence of inherited Achemenian or Greek-Macedonian traditions on building technique in ancient Parthian fortifications is the main subject of this contribution. The study is an attempt to reconstruct partially the main stages of the development of the military architecture in the Arsacid period. Most of the sites from Parthia and Margiana here discussed were built on to square or rectangular layout, following a millenarian tradition in Central Asia. The study of military architecture of Central Asia is still far from advanced (though recently G. Khozhaniyazov has published his monography on Chorasmian fortifications, see n° 52). This article thus represents a useful compendium of the main fortified sites of the region that today corresponds to southern Turkmenistan. However we must point out the lack of references to the works of the last decade in Old Nisa (the foundation of Mithradatkert should be better attributed to the first king with this name), while New Nisa – even though a strongly fortified Parthian settlement – is not included in the catalogue.
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Référence électronique
Carlo Lippolis, « K. Jakubiak. « The origin and development of military architecture in the province of Parthava in the Arsacid period ». Iranica Antica, XLI, 2006, pp. 127-150. », Abstracta Iranica [En ligne], Volume 29 | 2008, document 51, mis en ligne le 15 septembre 2008, consulté le 12 septembre 2024. URL : http://journals.openedition.org/abstractairanica/25332 ; DOI : https://doi.org/10.4000/abstractairanica.25332
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