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AccueilAbstracta IranicaVolume 2910. Histoire des Sciences et des ...Moḥammad Bāqerī. « Barresī va taḥ...

10. Histoire des Sciences et des Techniques

Moḥammad Bāqerī. « Barresī va taḥlīl-e moqaddamātī-ye tarjome-ye fārsī-ye Zīj-i Šustaka » (A survey and preliminary analysis of [the Persian translation of] the “Zīj-i Shustakah”). Tārīḫ-e ‘Elm (Journal of the Institute for the History of Science in Tehran), 2, 2004, pp. 93-118.

Benno Van Dalen

Texte intégral

1The Šustaka Zīj by Ḥusayn ibn Mūsā al-Hurmūzī, which, judging from a number of sample calculations, was compiled in the early 11th century, is of a very different nature from the Arabic and Persian astronomical handbooks with tables that are usually called “zīj”. In fact, the Šustaka Zīj (possibly meaning “Sexagesimal Zīj” or “Pocket Zīj”) consists of only fourteen brief chapters, explaining for each of the seven planets, how to calculate its position from that of a certain period of time ago. Thus the Šustaka Zīj can particularly conveniently be used in combination with ephemerides for a number of previous years. al-Hurmūzī’s work is extant in more than ten Arabic manuscripts, both of a longer and of a shorter version, and one late Persian manuscript. It is the latter which is edited and studied in this article. As an appendix, a facsimile reproduction of one of the oldest Arabic manuscripts (Meshhed, Holy Shrine Library, MS 5335) is included.

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Benno Van Dalen, « Moḥammad Bāqerī. « Barresī va taḥlīl-e moqaddamātī-ye tarjome-ye fārsī-ye Zīj-i Šustaka » (A survey and preliminary analysis of [the Persian translation of] the “Zīj-i Shustakah”). Tārīḫ-e ‘Elm (Journal of the Institute for the History of Science in Tehran), 2, 2004, pp. 93-118. »Abstracta Iranica [En ligne], Volume 29 | 2008, document 303, mis en ligne le 15 septembre 2008, consulté le 16 avril 2024. URL : ; DOI :

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