Amir Arsalan Afkhami. « Epidemics and the Emergence of an International Sanitary Policy in Iran ». Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, 19, (1999), pp. 122-36.
Texte intégral
1Following his previous article on cholera in Qajar Iran (cf. Abs. Ir. 20-21, n° 251), the author presents another well-researched essay on epidemic disease in the 19th century. His focus here is on the question of the spread of contagious diseases and Iran’s role in the international efforts to curb its incidence and spread, which came mostly in the form of conferences attended by representatives from countries involved in trade with west and south Asia. The article offers valuable insight into the emergence of an awareness among Iranians of ways to fight epidemics, but falls short of substantiating the author’s claim that, as of the early 19th century, « the growth of an organized sanitary body in Iran progressed in tandem with the country’s flourishing internal stability, strengthening political leadership, and an increased sense of nationhood and patriotic convictions ». In fact, all the evidence points to a slow process in which Western physicians such as Jakob E. Polak, Johan Schlimmer and Joseph Desirée Tholozan played a leading role, and a great deal of resistance on the part of Iranian officials who showed little initiative and took a long time to realize the importance of the issue of public sanitation.
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Référence électronique
Rudi Matthee, « Amir Arsalan Afkhami. « Epidemics and the Emergence of an International Sanitary Policy in Iran ». Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, 19, (1999), pp. 122-36. », Abstracta Iranica [En ligne], Volume 23 | 2002, document 136, mis en ligne le 08 février 2010, consulté le 19 janvier 2025. URL : ; DOI :
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