Chûô Ajia shi. Tokyo, Dohosha, 1999, 246 p., maps, tab., ill., photos., chronology, index (Ajia no rekishi to bunka [History and Culture of Asia], 8). [History of Central Asia]
Entrées d’index
Rubriques :
4.0. GénéralitésPersonnes citées :
Shôshin Kuwayama, Akio Katayama, Yutaka Yoshida, Nakao Otani, Hiroshi Umemura, Kazuhide Kato, Kazuyuki Kubo, Tôru Horikawa, Masami HamadaTexte intégral
1This is the latest introduction to the history of Central Asia, and it consists of 3 parts and 13 chapters. The contents is as follows: General introduction (Mano, Eiji) ; Part 1 : Central Asia in the pre-Islamic period ; 1. The Development of Archaeological Studies of Central Asia (Kuwayama, Shôshin) ; 2. Nomadic Society and Culture in Central Asia (Katayama, Akio) ; 3. Society and Culture in Central Asian Oasis regions (Yoshida, Yutaka) ; 4. The Kushanids (Otani, Nakao) ; Part 2 : Central Asia in the Turk-Islamic Period ; 1. The Turkification of Central Asia (Umemura, Hiroshi) ; 2. The Islamization of Central Asia (Mano, Eiji) ; 3. Society and Culture during the Turk Period : a. Turk-Islamic Society and Culture (Mano, Eiji) ; b. Society and Culture during the Uighur Period (Umemura, Hiroshi) ; 4. The Mongol Empire and the Chaghatay Khanate (Kato, Kazuhide) ; 5. The Timurids (Kubo, Kazuyuki) ; 6. The Shaybanids and their Successors (Horikawa, Tôru) ; Part 3 : Modern Central Asia ; 1. Central Asia and the Qing Dynasty (Hamada, Masami) ; 2. Russia and Central Asia (Komatsu, Hisao) ; 3. Contemporary Central Asia : a. Central Asia in China (Hamada, Masami) ; b. Central Asia during the Soviet Period (Komatsu, Hisao). As seen in the table this book aims to provide the outline of Central Asian history as well as major topics in it. The authors are Japanese specialists in each subject and the latest research results are reflected in this book. Although this is a reliable introduction to the history of Central Asia, many misprints have been found that should be corrected in the next print.
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Référence électronique
Hisao Komatsu et Hisao Komatsu, « Chûô Ajia shi. Tokyo, Dohosha, 1999, 246 p., maps, tab., ill., photos., chronology, index (Ajia no rekishi to bunka [History and Culture of Asia], 8). [History of Central Asia] », Abstracta Iranica [En ligne], Volume 22 | 2001, document 209, mis en ligne le 15 février 2010, consulté le 18 septembre 2024. URL : ; DOI :
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