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AccueilAbstracta IranicaVolume 224. Histoire, Période Musulmane4.6. Histoire de l’Asie centrale ...Shin’ichiro Ôishi. « Nushiruvan Y...

4. Histoire, Période Musulmane
4.6. Histoire de l’Asie centrale et Caucase (à partir de 1917)

Shin’ichiro Ôishi. « Nushiruvan Yaushehu no Torukisutan shûyû ni tsuite ». Kôbe Daigaku Shigaku Nenpû [Kobe University Annals of Historical Studies], 13 (1998), pp. 20-36 (bibliography pp. 32-36). [Nûširwân Yâ’ušef’s Trips to Turkistan]

Hisao Komatsu

Texte intégral

1Nûširwân Yâ’ušef (mid. 1880’s-1917) has been one of the forgotten reformist-Jadidist Tatar intellectuals. However in the pre-revolutionary period his name was very popular among Turkistan Muslims by his number of articles and travel accounts on contemporary affairs in Turkistan, especially in Eastern Turkistan. Under the influence of Abdürreşid Ibrahim, who had accomplished a great travel through Eurasia, Yâ’ušef decided to travel extensively in the still unknown Eastern Turkistan, and contributed many articles to famous Muslim periodicals such as the Waqt, Šûrâ, Âyîna and others. Although in his writings he criticized severely the decadence and ignorance prevailing among the Muslim populations of Turkistan, as a Jadid journalist he intended to enlighten the people for cultural and social reform. He himself engaged in teachings in ‘New Method’ schools opened in Eastern Turkistanian cities. The A. succeeds in reconstructing Yâ’ušef’s life, activities and legacy in Eastern Turkistan. In the attached bibliography we find the comprehensive lists of Yâ’ušef’s writings and related articles. Unfortunately the titles are shown only in Japanese translation.

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Hisao Komatsu, « Shin’ichiro Ôishi. « Nushiruvan Yaushehu no Torukisutan shûyû ni tsuite ». Kôbe Daigaku Shigaku Nenpû [Kobe University Annals of Historical Studies], 13 (1998), pp. 20-36 (bibliography pp. 32-36). [Nûširwân Yâ’ušef’s Trips to Turkistan] »Abstracta Iranica [En ligne], Volume 22 | 2001, document 289, mis en ligne le 15 février 2010, consulté le 15 septembre 2024. URL : ; DOI :

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