Masayuki Yamauchi. Natto shinakatta otoko. Enveru Pasha Chûtô kara Chûô Ajia he. Tokyo, Iwanami Shôten, 1999, xvı-614-24 p., ill. in bl., maps, index, biblio. [Enver Paşa, the Unsatisfied Man: From the Middle East to Central Asia]
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1After the First World War, that destroyed the imperial regimes in the Middle East and Russia, there emerged new regimes through violent struggles. Enver Paşa (1881-1922) is found among the outstanding figures in those revolutionary years. Despite the loss of the war Enver Paşa, the ex-minister of war of the Ottoman Empire, never abandoned his idea of the liberation of the Muslim world, among others of his homeland Turkey. This work provides us the detailed activities of Enver Paşa from the end of the war to his legendary death in Eastern Bukhara. As seen in his previous publications such as Hoşnut Olamamış Adam Enver Paşa : Türkiye’den Türkistan’a (Istanbul : BaǧlamYayıncılık, 1995), the author has worked on the Enver Paşa archives and relating other historical sources for many years. In fact in this work there are a number of citations from the private letters of Enver Paşa addressed to his wife, family, and colleagues. However, writing the biography of Enver Paşa, the author preferred colorful and literary style to solid and academic one. As a result he succeeds in describing Enver’s ambitious idea and dramatic life on the background of the changing international relations and revolutionary strategies in the Middle East, Russia, and Central Asia. We have got the most readable biography of Enver Paşa since the publication of Şevket Süreyya Aydemir’s famous work, Makedonya’dan Ortaasya’ya Enver Paşa (vols. 1-3, Istanbul, 1970-72).
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Référence électronique
Hisao Komatsu, « Masayuki Yamauchi. Natto shinakatta otoko. Enveru Pasha Chûtô kara Chûô Ajia he. Tokyo, Iwanami Shôten, 1999, xvı-614-24 p., ill. in bl., maps, index, biblio. [Enver Paşa, the Unsatisfied Man: From the Middle East to Central Asia] », Abstracta Iranica [En ligne], Volume 22 | 2001, document 294, mis en ligne le 15 février 2010, consulté le 14 septembre 2024. URL : ; DOI :
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