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Bert G. Fragner, Ralph Kauz, Roderich Ptok, Angela Schottenhammel (eds). Pferde in Asien: Geschichte, Handel und Kultur / Horses in Asia: History, Trade and Culture

Rüdiger Schmitt
Référence(s) :

Bert G. Fragner, Ralph Kauz, Roderich Ptok, Angela Schottenhammel (eds). Pferde in Asien: Geschichte, Handel und Kultur / Horses in Asia: History, Trade and Culture. Wien, Verlag der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2009, X + 301 p. (Veroffentlichungen zur Iranistik, Nr. 46).

Texte intégral

1This big volume contains the 22 papers presented at a Vienna conference on horses in the economic and cultural history of premodem Asia. It is astonishing to notice that this topic has, till now, been secondary in economic and historical studies of Iran and central Asia. Only those papers relevant to Iranian studies are listed here with titles. B.G. Fragner’s introductory essay presents to readers the problems related to the trans-Asiatic horse trade: “Asiens Pferdeökonomie aus der Sicht der historischen Forschung über den Vorderen Orient” [“Asiatic horse-economy in historical research on the Middle East”], p. 3-7. N. Rastegar’s “Mythos und Reittier: Pferd und Pferdewirtschaft in der Uberlieferung des Schahname” [“Myth and mount: Horses and horse-trade in the tradition of the Shah-nama”] (p. 19-26), focuses on several illuminated manuscripts. A. Panaino’s “Some considerations apropos of a proto-Iranian myth about horses and its significance for ancient Iranian socio-cultural history” (p. 27-32) deals with the epic story of Tištrya’s fight against Apaoša, disapproving of Swennen’s treatment of the text. G. Rota, “The horses of the Shah: Some remarks on the organization of the Safavid royal stables, mainly based on three Persian handbooks of administrative practice” (p. 33-42), uses three administration handbooks, written ca. 1720, as sources of information about the Safavid cavalry. In “Some remarks on horses on the ancient silk roads depicted on monuments of art between Gandhara and the Tarim Basin (3rd-8th century)” (p. 75-82), U. Jager illustrates the development of horse-breeding in central Asia with the help of works of art, in particular drawings and reliefs. Y. Yokkaichi takes both overland and sea routes under consideration in “Horses in the East-West Trade between China and Iran under Mongol rule” (p. 87-97). R. Kauz, “Horse exports from the Persian Gulf until the arrival of the Portuguese” (p. 129-135), examines Chinese sources for answers to questions about why horses were exported from the Persian Gulf to India and even China. V. Sadovski, “On horses and chariots in ancient Indian and Iranian personal names” (p. 111-127), studies the role of horses in Indo-Iranian poetry (especially in anthroponomastics) and thus extends the chronological frame farther back into prehistory. These contributions, some of them pioneering papers, will inspire future research.

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Rüdiger Schmitt, « Bert G. Fragner, Ralph Kauz, Roderich Ptok, Angela Schottenhammel (eds). Pferde in Asien: Geschichte, Handel und Kultur / Horses in Asia: History, Trade and Culture »Abstracta Iranica [En ligne], Volume 32-33 | 2013, document 5, mis en ligne le 01 juillet 2016, consulté le 11 février 2025. URL : ; DOI :

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