Graham Williamson. The Turko-Persian War 1821-1823
Graham Williamson. « The Turko-Persian War 1821-1823 », in : Roxane Farmanfarmaian, ed., War and Peace in Qajar Persia. Implications Past and Present. London & New York, Routledge, p. 88-109. (History and Society in the Islamic World)
Texte intégral
1Besides referring to the critical remarks formulated in my review of this book in St. Ir. 39/2, p. 295-299), I would like to insist on a few points. The article is drawn from British archives and published travel accounts (for instance, the Travels of Sir Robert Ker Porter who is cited as “Ker Porter”). Articles from Encyclopædia Iranica are cited without the author’s name. The text abounds in spelling and historical errors. Place names for decisive battles are misspelled or not given: Toprah Kaleh for Toprak Qal‘e on the northern front, nothing for the southern front (See my forthcoming study on the battle of Shahrezur). The name of the governor of Soleymāniye, Maḥmūd Pāšā Bābān, has become “Mahommad Pasha” (p. 93); his replacement was the main pretext for the war against Ottoman Iraq. The “feudal army of Mohammad Ali Mirza” (p. 94), having been equipped and drilled by European officers, severely defeated the Ottomans. To its merit, this article has drawn information from British testimonies; but these are uncritically presented, and Persian as well as and French sources having been neglected.
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Référence électronique
Jean Calmard, « Graham Williamson. The Turko-Persian War 1821-1823 », Abstracta Iranica [En ligne], Volume 32-33 | 2013, document 263, mis en ligne le 01 juillet 2016, consulté le 25 janvier 2025. URL : ; DOI :
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