Carlo Lippolis. “Old Nisa. Excavations in the south-western Area. Second preliminary report (2008-2012”
Carlo Lippolis. “Old Nisa. Excavations in the south-western Area. Second preliminary report (2008-2012”, Parthica, 15, 2013 [2014], p. 89-116
Texte intégral
1Lippolis’ contribution is the first entirely dedicated to the new area the Italian archaeological mission at Nisa has begun to investigate in the last years: the south-western sector of the Old City. There the excavations brought to light a series of structure belonging to two different buildings. A large quadrangular building (Western Building) presents one or two rows of rooms built around a central court. In the structure food and goods were stored (oil, wine, flour) and productive activity took place. At least three different phases have been individuated: from the early to the late Parthian period. The building was later reoccupied in the Islamic period. The eastern building, not completely excavated probably had a representative or residential function.
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Référence électronique
Leonardo Gregoratti, « Carlo Lippolis. “Old Nisa. Excavations in the south-western Area. Second preliminary report (2008-2012” », Abstracta Iranica [En ligne], Volume 37-38-39 | 2018, document 54, mis en ligne le 30 décembre 2018, consulté le 15 février 2025. URL : ; DOI :
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