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AccueilAbstracta IranicaVolume 40-413. Histoire, Art et Archéologie, ...3.1. Est de l’IranJohanna Lhuillier. “A short note ...

3. Histoire, Art et Archéologie, Période pré-Islamique
3.1. Est de l’Iran

Johanna Lhuillier. “A short note on the Iron Age at Tillya-tepe and Naibabad (Afghanistan). Some unpublished image documents from the excavations of Viktor Ivanovich Sarianidi”

Michele Minardi
Référence(s) :

Johanna Lhuillier. “A short note on the Iron Age at Tillya-tepe and Naibabad (Afghanistan). Some unpublished image documents from the excavations of Viktor Ivanovich Sarianidi” in J. Lhuillier and N. Boroffka (eds.). A Millennium of History. The Iron Age in southern Central Asia (2nd and 1st Millennia BC). Proceedings of the conference held in Berlin (June 23-25, 2014). Dedicated to the memory of Viktor Ivanovich Sarianidi. Berlin, 2018, p. 113-122

Texte intégral

1Johanna Lhuillier is co-editor of the volume A Millennium of History, dedicated to the memory of V.I. Sarianidi and containing this richly illustrated short note on some unpublished material gathered by Soviet archaeologists in Bactriana (northern Afghanistan today) at the Iron Age sites of Tillya-tepe and Naibadad during the years 1969 to 1979. Lhuillier emphasises the key importance of Tillya-tepe (which is better known to the public for the royal Saka tombs excavated by Sarianidi) for the complete Yaz material culture sequence that was excavated there. An archive of 136 original photographs was bestowed by the late Sarianidi on Lhuillier’s research team; most of them showed ceramic material from Tillya-tepe of the Yaz I type, and some showed artifacts from Naibadad, the culture of which is similar to that of Tillya-tepe. The author stresses the necessity of reviewing the material uncovered by the Soviets in light of recent developments in scholarship regarding the area and then presents a concise overview of Tillya-tepe and its material culture. A short paragraph is dedicated to Naibadad before she concludes her presentation.

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Michele Minardi, « Johanna Lhuillier. “A short note on the Iron Age at Tillya-tepe and Naibabad (Afghanistan). Some unpublished image documents from the excavations of Viktor Ivanovich Sarianidi” »Abstracta Iranica [En ligne], Volume 40-41 | 2019, document 15, mis en ligne le 30 décembre 2019, consulté le 16 avril 2024. URL : ; DOI :

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