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AccueilAbstracta IranicaVolume 40-413. Histoire, Art et Archéologie, ...3.2. Ouest de l’Iran3.2.3. Séleucides, Parthes et Sas...Alireza Khosrowzadeh, Samer Nazar...

3. Histoire, Art et Archéologie, Période pré-Islamique
3.2. Ouest de l’Iran
3.2.3. Séleucides, Parthes et Sassanides

Alireza Khosrowzadeh, Samer Nazari, Naser Nowruz Zadeh Chegini. “Description, classification, and typology of the excavated Parthian pottery from Qaleh-i Yazdigird, Kermanshah province, Iran”

Parsa Ghasemi
Référence(s) :

Alireza Khosrowzadeh, Samer Nazari, Naser Nowruz Zadeh Chegini. “Description, classification, and typology of the excavated Parthian pottery from Qaleh-i Yazdigird, Kermanshah province, Iran”, Parthica 20, 2018, p.111-135

Texte intégral

1One of the most important reasons why the Parthian archaeology remains unknown in the archaeological survey is the lack of recognition of its pottery. In many cases, it is impossible to differentiate the pottery tradition of this period from the Sasanian era. The Qaleh-i Yazdigird site is one of the key Parthian sites in western Iran which has the occupations from the Parthian to the Islamic period. Despite the two different stages of excavation at this site, there is still no accurate chronology for this site and of its pottery tradition. This article presents a classification and typology of a number of potteries from the recent archaeological researches of this site which has been dated to the late Parthian period based on other finds such as coins. However, it is important to note here that no Radiocarbon dating or other similar laboratory dating methods have yet been provided. It is worth mentioning that previously Edward Keall, the first excavator of the site had studied the pottery tradition of Qaleh-i Yazdigird site in detail (Keall, E. J., and M. J. Keall. Iran XIX 1981, p. 33–80).

2In the present paper, Khosrowzadeh and his colleagues introduce three types of pottery on the basis of technical characteristics: Glazed Ware, Clinky Ware, and Common Ware (p.111), with several forms, include bowls, jars, pithoi, plates, and basins. Among the potteries of this collection, some forms are only seen in this site, such as the bowls with a groove on the rim and necked jars with a groove on the rim, both have a projection below the rim. Furthermore, the influence of pottery traditions of other parts of the Parthian empire such as Mesopotamia, north-western, south-western, especially from western Iran, are visible in this collection.

3Although the article provides important information about the pottery of Qaleh-i Yazdigird site, in the future establishing a laboratory dating on finds recovered from this site can lead to a better understanding of the chrono-cultural sequences of the site, and its pottery tradition.

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Parsa Ghasemi, « Alireza Khosrowzadeh, Samer Nazari, Naser Nowruz Zadeh Chegini. “Description, classification, and typology of the excavated Parthian pottery from Qaleh-i Yazdigird, Kermanshah province, Iran” »Abstracta Iranica [En ligne], Volume 40-41 | 2019, document 54, mis en ligne le 30 décembre 2019, consulté le 14 février 2025. URL : ; DOI :

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Parsa Ghasemi

Doctorant Archéologie, Université Paris-Nanterre

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